Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1846: The expansion of the conflict and the completion of the origin

"Never thought that expanding power is such a simple thing. If you had this ability before, it would be great."

The worlds of Tier 7 were born in their hands, very fast. After each world is born, it will be occupied by Li Minglu's personnel for the first time, and then help General Du You to build his territory.

These worlds were originally masters, so it was very simple to control them, and they soon became special resource producing areas. As time goes by, there will be more and more resources in these worlds.

After all, it is a newly born world, and all aspects of evolution will be very fast, and it is far from reaching its limit.

Lin Yucha smiled slightly: "If we had this kind of power at the beginning, would we still need the company? With these world origins, we can reach Tier 7 in the shortest time."

"It's also said that it is impossible to do this without strength, no matter what strength it is, it is not easy to improve yourself quickly." Speaking of which, they can improve so fast, already It's incredible.

"It's just a pity, our creative power seems to be insufficient." Lin Yushi pouted a little depressed.

Du You nodded slightly, he himself did not expect that the demand for creative power was more than he thought. In fact, because I need more, I am still a little different from others.

In order to supply the creative power you need, other people's creative power is not enough, so this is the case.

"But it's not too bad anymore, we just continue to clean up a few worlds."

"But in this case, it will cause the demons to counterattack."

"Fight back, let's fight back, anyway, it will take some time for them to come over. Taking advantage of this time, we can improve as soon as possible.

Du You didn't conceal anything about this. What they are playing now is a time gap. They are not much behind. As long as they are promoted, their strength will far exceed their previous self.

The two sisters glanced at each other, and then nodded one after another.

Then, the three people shot again, this time they first found the target, and then quickly smashed the target world. Because the movements were too fast, the demons hadn't noticed that several worlds had disappeared silently.

It will take some time to wait until they find out and then investigate. But what Du You did this time was indeed too much. Even the high-level devil would definitely not just let it go. If they didn't fight back, it would not be a devil. It was originally a chaotic creature, in this case, how could he not do it.

As soon as the demons discovered the problem and determined the goal, Du You and the two sisters quickly refined the origin of these worlds.

Then, in the void, the three people added Xiao Zi and Bubbles, and began to create a new world at the same time. There are only summoned beasts around to protect their safety, and there are traces of summoned beasts everywhere in the void.

And because they opened up new worlds at the same time, the surrounding void and turbulence became more and more serious. If not for everyone's strength, the chaotic power alone would be enough to destroy their new world on the spot.

The few people who supported them gradually came to completion, and the power of creativity finally made up for this flaw.

First of all, Du You started to advance, because if he didn't advance, it would be impossible for others to succeed.

Du You finally felt the power of creation and destruction at this time. In the sea of ​​consciousness and around his origin, two forces have completely wrapped up his origin.

I couldn't feel it no matter how I felt it before, but it's different now.

The two powers are like yin and yang fish, chasing each other, constantly using their power to transform and improve their origin.

Where the power of creation passes, everything is being compensated and growing, and its own origin tends to be perfect. Then the force of destruction swept through, directly tempering one's origin to be more precise, and at the same time being beaten from the state of perfection.

Although the origin has shrunk, Du You can feel that his strength is improving.

Then the force of creation swept through, and the two forces continued to wash away from their origins, continuously affecting each other. It is precisely because of this that Du You's creative power will be consumed more.

I don't know when, Du You's origin has been polished to the extreme, without the slightest flaw, and this has finally begun the next step of advancement. At the ninth level, each level is completely different and another world.

The advanced power rose in Du You's body. Upon seeing this, the two sisters looked at each other and closed their eyes at the same time. In fact, they reached the extreme faster than Du You, but they had been waiting.

Du You progressed more slowly and needed more resources, which meant that his foundation was more stable.

Du You hadn't waited for the advancement to be completed, the two sisters, Bubble and Xiao Zi, also entered the advanced state.

At the same time, Du You's stationing place was in a mess. "What to do, what to do, there are no more worlds, this kind of technique, it must be the one who can do this step."

"But what can we do? The demons have already started a full-scale attack. They must be investigating with the help of this attack. We will wait until we are sure that we did it. No, we don't need to be sure, just doubt. At that time, the powerful demons must be Will rush over, and we will be affected by that time."

Not only them, the powerhouses of Tier 9 fight, even the world of Tier 8 will be affected. If a world is too close to their combat location, it is easy to be hit hard and even destroyed.

"Can you contact the Dark Lord? The next attack from the only this one can stop it."

"It's because I can't get in touch, that's why I'm so anxious. Besides, the devil has been staring at this one all the time."

Many things are known about their level. A new Tier 9 professional on Earth is already very eye-catching. With Du You's legendary experience, the speed of improvement is so fast, how could the devil not pay attention.

They were still observing before, so they didn't have time to take action. But now Du You had already directly provoked, how could a creature like a demon be able to withstand the provocation.

Even the two people around Du You were born as demon hunters and shooters. I'm afraid these demons already knew about it. There is no need for them to investigate themselves. Many people who have a bad relationship with the earth will also take the initiative to provide information.

Just as they thought, the devil had already known it, and the reason why he hadn't done it was for other reasons.



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