Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1832: The beast king

The counterattack began, and a smile flashed in Du You's eyes. The large number of hellfire spiders arranged around him were all placed around by Du You before the opponent was not paying attention. In the beginning, these things were useless to the Beastmaster.

But now it's different. If you hit yourself, even if the Beastmaster was born as a giant beast, he would be injured.

And these hellfire spiders on the periphery were all approaching towards the middle.

With a wave of Du You, a large number of black arrows flew past with countless flames, and countless soul attacks that were invisible to the naked eye were mixed in between. Just Du You's sudden eruption caused the Beastmaster to be in a hurry.

If it were before, in the face of this kind of attack, he would just rush over and would not be able to break through his defense at all.

But now the two sides are of the same level, without the external blessing, the Beastmaster doesn't have that strong defense against Du You's attack. If you really hit it, not to mention how badly you were injured, even your own strength will be consumed a lot. In terms of power recovery, the Beastmaster couldn't compare with Du You this monster.

The three monsters in front of them all have the ability to restore their origins. After five days of high-intensity battles, they didn't even mean to be exhausted. But Du You also shared his power from time to time for his summoned beasts to use.

This point, the Beastmaster has also seen it, and the essence of that skill can be seen at a glance.

After the counterattack began, Du You immediately released the summoned beast that had died but had recovered after a wave of attacks. Before, Du You was only deliberately showing weakness, letting the other party relax his vigilance, and this would keep pressing himself to fight.

Although this is more dangerous, even breaking through his own dark shield twice, he still relied on the help of the two sisters to keep him safe. But what is certain is that the Beastmaster was dragged here by himself.

If the Beastmaster had given up on himself and attacked his territory directly, Du You really might not be able to stop him.

It was to take advantage of the disparity reported by both parties, Du You made the Beast King desperately want to get rid of himself as soon as possible. When the domain is successfully upgraded, the Beastmaster wants to attack but it will not be so easy.

Although the guardian has not been promoted to the ninth rank, the attack of the mage tower has already reached the ninth rank. If the Beastmaster really dared to approach there, Du You would dare to cooperate with the Mage Tower that had not yet been fully advanced to kill him.

Suddenly, Lin Yucha approached her with many more figures, and the bloodthirsty wolves that had died before appeared again.

This bloodthirsty demon wolf's attack is not useless, taking a bite directly, not only shed hair, but also the Beastmaster himself will be injured. Although the injury was not very serious, after all, these guys were able to reach the ninth rank with the help of Lin Yucha's power, which is also a pseudo-ninth rank, and far worse than Du You's summoned beast.

But it is no problem to make a small wound, and it is no problem to make a little obstruction. As long as it is blocked at a critical time, then the next attack can make the Beastmaster unable to eat.

Under such continuous attacks, the situation of the Beastmaster became more and more precarious.

After only half an hour of fighting, the Beastmaster was completely red.

"It turns out that the blood of the orcs was still red when they were at rank ninth." When Du You first saw the blood of the beast king, this thought flashed in Du You's heart, which was the same as his own blood now turning red again.

This can be regarded as a return to the basics, but Du You will not sympathize with this guy, the strength of this guy is not simple.

Cooperating with Bubble and Xiao Zi, the attack of the three people became more sharp. The Beastmaster was surrounded and beaten at this time, and he didn't know how long he could hold on. It happened that he was locked in this world now, and that kind of blockade was not just for outsiders, but also for themselves. Even if you want to escape, you can't escape, now the Beastmaster is sitting on the wax.

On the other side, the offensive was exceptionally smooth, and the earth will eventually surpassed this world in level.

So when invading this world, even the ninth-order world will that is close to the peak, there is absolutely no way to resist. The will of the earth continues to deepen, defeating the will of the world itself.

In fact, it was precisely because of such an experience before that Du You affirmed that the earth's will is the tenth order instead of the ninth order. Today's relaxed performance this time further proves this conjecture.

Because even in the world of the ninth-tier pinnacle, this kind of invasion can't be so easy. Even the world will of the ninth peak, under the home court of the orc world, may not be able to fight in.

As the will of the world continued to weaken, Du You suddenly discovered that a special force had been blessed on him. The power of his skills suddenly magnified a bit, although it was not very obvious.

Du You smiled: "Return the way to the other body, now it's up to you to experience it."

Of course, the Beastmaster felt the change of Du You right away, isn't this the ability he used before. The world will bless and enhance one's own strength, and now, the object has been replaced by one's own enemy.

Du You received the blessing of the earth's will. Since the earth can bless itself, it means that the earth's invasion of this world has reached a certain level, and he can find time to do this kind of thing.

In terms of strength, the Beastmaster, who was originally inferior to Du You and the others, was even more precarious now. With this change, Du You's fight became more and more relaxed, and he finally knew what kind of state the Beastmaster was like before.

Finally, Du You seized an opportunity, broke the Beastmaster's defense, and a soul piercing hit the opponent.

Although there are no weaknesses in reaching the ninth rank, the Beastmaster still resists very difficultly in the face of this kind of skill that directly attacks the soul's origin. There was a pain in the head, and the movement began to change.

But the Beastmaster's actions were out of The attacks of other people directly broke through the defense and fell on the Beastmaster, making his injuries more serious. But the Beastmaster still resisted at this time, he didn't want to die, and he didn't want the world to be occupied.

As the patron saint of the orcs, the beast king also has his own persistence.

Du You also admired the performance of the Beastmaster very much. He was able to give up his fighting instincts for his own world, and even persisted in this situation. He was really a good king.

"It's a pity, we are enemies, we have to be born and die after all."

"Hahahaha, it is my honor to be able to sacrifice for my world. I don't need to be the Beastmaster. I am now a warrior fighting to protect my world." The Beastmaster has completely let go.

For many years, I haven't had such a hearty battle, and I haven't been crushed and beaten so much.

Fighting the bleeding Beastmaster, I feel as if I have returned to my youth.


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