Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 174: Mummy in the valley

I don't know if the monster is too resistant to psychedelic drugs, or because of other reasons, the speed of the pheasant's sudden eruption made Du You a little surprised.

Seeing that the pheasant pecked towards him, Du You instinctively released the shield curse.

The sharp yellow light collided with the purple light of the shield, instantly exciting a large number of energy spots.

"No, this is fine." Du You discovered that his almost invincible shield had collapsed under the pheasant's mouth. Fortunately, a shield blocked it, giving Du You enough time to escape.

The pheasant's beak pecked on the ground, leaving a deep hole, not bottoming out.

"No, this is not something that can be done by simply attacking power. It is the yellow light. This pheasant's attack has a special ability. Is it armor-breaking or magic-breaking?" Du You thought quickly in his heart.

Sure enough, no skill is truly invincible, and there will always be some self-restraint situations.

According to the truth, the defense of his own shield curse is almost invincible. Even a level 10 behemoth shouldn't be broken open so easily, only special abilities can do this.

It's just that Du You has no time to think about this, this pheasant is chasing after him. Every time, Du You had to release a shield curse to buy himself time to dodge. The speed difference is too far.

Fortunately, Xiao Zi responded in time, and another series of thunderballs came and staggered the giant pheasant. Du You took the opportunity to retreat.

At the same time, seven consecutive slime swamps were released, wrapping the whole body of the giant pheasant. It's just that the opponent is too big. Although this kind of slime is also an obstacle to the pheasant monster, the obstacle is not so thrilling.

"Damn it, there is no powerful curse against giant beasts." Du You regretted a little, and he was still not sufficiently prepared.

The toxicity of the slime is poor on the giant beast, the magic resistance is so high, and the ignition effect is not great, it is better to block the action of the giant pheasant. At least, it can be reduced slightly.

Worried that the lightning ball would ignite the mucus, Du You told Xiao Zi to stop using lightning attacks.

With the help of the curse of the Crow King, Du You broke down the curse one after another and continued to attack, basically the location of the attack was the leg of the giant pheasant. While attacking, Du You took the giant pheasant beast around here in a circle.

I don't know how many attacks, even when Du You was a little tired, one of the pheasant beasts' legs finally broke.

With one leg missing, the giant pheasant was constantly flapping its wings in place, and the effect of the psychedelic potion became stronger and stronger, the giant pheasant struggled a few times and couldn't continue to catch up.

Du You was far away from the giant pheasant before sitting down to rest.

"These behemoths grow so big, their physical strength and energy are really good, I'm exhausted."

Du You was panting, his magic consumption was not so exaggerated, but his physical consumption was quite a lot. Regardless of the superposition of the two professions, you have a physical strength that far surpasses that of ordinary law professionals, but it is still too far behind. Without the skill bonus of melee careers, you can only escape at your own speed, which wastes a lot of physical strength.

Fortunately, at this time, the Pheasant Giant Beast finally had no chance to attack, and it was constantly struggling, and its blood flowed faster and faster. I have to say that the effect of that monster hunter is really terrifying.

This kind of bleeding speed, if it hits a person, it may take less than ten seconds to drain a person's whole body blood.

Of course, if this thing really hits a person, it will either be invalid or directly penetrate the past, and there will be no chance to exert its effect. The monster hunter is only suitable for hunting monsters after all.

There was no way to stop the bleeding from the wound, and it was constantly being drawn. Finally, when the blood was almost drawn, the giant pheasant also lost its sound. "It's a pity, there is no benefit at all."

Having been busy for a long time, after killing this behemoth, perhaps this pile of meat would be of no use anymore.

Du You, who was almost resting, stepped forward and drew out the Javelin of the Giant Beast Hunter. Just as soon as he held it in his hand, Du You realized that this giant beast hunter was no longer available.

In other words, it can be used as a javelin, but the sharpness effect and blood draw effect blessed above are gone. The above special effects are one-time use and cannot be used a second time at all.

Although I thought about it a long time ago, I was still a little disappointed. There are four javelins in his hand, I hope it will be enough.

On the contrary, there are a lot of psychedelic potions in his hand. "Did you rest well? Continue to set off when you are done." Du You looked back at Xiao Zi, Xiao Zi said that there is no problem at all.

Du You smiled and moved on with Xiao Zi. It's impossible to gain anyway, so let's go.

After crossing the hill Du You found a canyon. In front of the canyon, there is a huge water hole. If it was normal, Du You would definitely go to drink some water and wash his body.

But this is a dangerous behemoth world, and he is still performing a very dangerous task, so he dare not take it lightly. As soon as he arrived here, Du You asked Xiao Zi to observe in the air.

"Strange, why there is no giant beast. There are no traces of other animals around, there should be a very powerful giant beast in the pool. But why not? Is it impossible to hide it."

Du You found that there were no traces in the pool. If there were giant beasts, it would be impossible.

Let Xiao Zi continue to observe the surroundings, Du You felt that the environment here was very strange.

He didn't dare to move forward rashly. If you want to enter the valley, you must bypass this waterhole. "Hey, what is that, corpse?" Suddenly, Du You saw a lot of humanoid objects near the water pool. No, this is a human being.

It's just that these people, one by one, are dry, as if skin and bones. Is this obviously a corpse? I don't know when they stayed here, but depending on the degree of decay of their clothes, it should have been a long time.

But these dry corpses did not rot, and it was a very humid environment here. Could it be that it failed for some other reason. Du You was a little strange in his heart, so he didn't dare to go deep into it casually.

You know, in this place of Zhenshicheng, generally only after reaching level 10 can they be qualified to become a formal soldier or a member of a formal adventure group. Those who dared to go so far were at least level 10 in existence.

But they are all dead here, if Du You still rushes forward recklessly, then he is really looking for death. This pool is really getting more and more weird. "Xiao Zi, try to attack them."

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