Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1582: Dragon Tomb Guardian and Spell Tunnel

Because there were no too much needed skills to improve, Du You finally chose a lot of skills as he wanted. First of all, Du You chose the skill of Dragon Tomb Guardian.

   This skill was originally used in conjunction with the skill of the King of Bone. It is basically not very helpful to the strong at this level. The best ability is actually used to deploy and increase the strength of the troops.

   Of course, this is not completely useless. If in the hands of other seventh-order powerhouses, this ability is very good. Drag the enemy's strong one by oneself, and then use these low-level troops to occupy or destroy. It can be said to be very useful for completing tasks and increasing your own coins.

   is just this kind of skill, which has little effect on Du You. After the Dragon Tomb Guardian was promoted, Du You discovered that this skill had changed a lot. It was originally just a short introduction, but now it has become very long.

  Dragon Tomb Guardian: Sacrifice 50,000 dead or undead, summon a 45-level dragon tomb guardian, sacrifice 100,000 dead or undead, and summon a 51-level dragon tomb guardian. There is no time limit. The guardian of the dragon tomb has dragon power and death breath. It has the ability to suppress undead creatures and dragon creatures. Attached skill Death Dragon Beast, Dragon Tomb Guardian can summon Death Dragon Beast to fight, quantity level × 1, strength level -10, duration 24 hours, cooling time 12 hours. (star)

   The previous fifty thousand sacrifices remained the same, and the summoned dragon tomb guardian changed from level 40 to level 45. A few small levels, from the fourth-tier peak to the fifth-tier mid-term, this increase in strength is a leap-forward.

   And sacrifice the dead, as long as this is a corpse, it does not need to be resurrected, and the undead does not have to be their own. This skill itself is a powerful supplement to the King of Bone.

   offered one hundred thousand sacrifices and summoned the guardian of the dragon tomb in the early stage of the sixth stage.

   If you do the calculations carefully, it is much more cost-effective for the guardian of the dragon tomb to make a strong man than the devil flame bone dragon. The only problem is that the Demon Flame Bone Dragon can be taken to other worlds, and there is no limit to the number. The guardians of these dragon tombs can only be carried by scrolls, which are very limited in number, and there is no advantage in fighting across the world.

   Now the guardian of the dragon tomb is no longer the kind of stupid man who can only fight melee before.

   The restricted dragon tomb guardian has the ability of Dragon Power. This is originally the ability that only the Dragon Clan and only the Dragon Clan with pure blood can possess. The Dragon Clan’s suppression of low-level creatures is too strong.

   also comes with the death dragon's breath, which is the real dragon's breath. Opening his mouth, a breath of dragon spurted out, full of power. This dragon's breath was originally one of the main methods of dragon fighting.

   It's just that this dragon's breath contains the power of death, nothing more.

  Because it was summoned by the seventh-order powerhouse, it can also faintly drive the effect of the law of death. In other words, this kind of attack also has an effect on the seventh-order strong, although this effect is very weak.

   But this kind of attack is a very huge advantage for creatures below the seventh rank.

   The next step is the suppression of undead and dragon creatures, which was absolutely absent before.

   Although this effect is relatively simple, it is also very good to use it well.

   The last skill allows these dragon tomb guardians to become an army by themselves. This is a summoning type skill. Those death dragon beasts, Du You found are some undead type sub-dragon.

   The level is a large stratum lower than its own, and the number is not very large. But there are more guardians of the Dragon Tomb, and with these things, it suddenly becomes a huge army. In many cases, the effect is good.

   As for the maintenance time and cooling time, it doesn't make much sense.

   "In general, this skill has been greatly improved, but it still doesn't fit my fighting style. It is equivalent to a tasteless to me. Unless I use this skill to make use of it when I develop a territory."

   Du You can't be said to be disappointed, but after all, he still doesn't have much expectations for this skill.

   Next, the second skill Du You chose was the Spell Tunnel, which Du You used to value very much. With this skill, it is basically difficult for enemies of their own skills to dodge the past.

   Unless you use space or other special types of skills, you can only resist your own attacks.

   Spell Tunnel: Establish a dark spell tunnel between the target and the caster, increasing the spell flight speed level × 2%, increasing the spell power by 30%, increasing the divine power consumption by 20%, and increasing the casting distance level × 3%. This skill is only effective for single spells, group spells cannot be used, semi-passive skills. (star)

  The changes in the magic tunnel after the advanced level are not very big, at least the introduction on the surface is not very big. Of course, this estimate can be based on one's own abilities, so the improvement effect can't just look at the surface.

   After experimenting with Du You, he discovered that with a spell tunnel, he did not know how far his casting range was increased, and his speed was also faster. And the spell tunnel is more free, you can let the spell draw in the The magic tunnel is not only the effect of the dark divine power itself, as a skill that can increase the power of the spell, this improvement also adds a rule Increased destructive power. It was not clearly written literally, but Du You still found it. This improvement may not be great, but it does have an effect.

   Of course, the most important thing about this skill is to lock the enemy so that the enemy cannot escape.

   Du You discovered that once the enemy is locked, even if the enemy has the ability to hide himself, he can discover the opponent's location. Even if you can't feel it, the magic tunnel can lock it firmly.

   This spell tunnel is very obscure, it is difficult for the enemy to detect it, let alone destroy it.

   The previous spell tunnel can only be used once. After the skill is released once, the enemy must be locked again, which is cumbersome to use. But now, as long as the enemy is locked, it can be used until the tunnel is destroyed or the enemy moves away from itself, then the tunnel will automatically dissipate.

   It is a pity that the spell tunnel can only lock one enemy, and if you want to change the target, you must re-lock it.

   It would be great if multiple targets could be locked, Du You was a little greedy. Don't even think about it, this kind of lock-in type of high-end skills, I am afraid that few people besides myself have it.

   Du You, a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder, did not know how much he had improved his skills. The overall situation was a little unbelievable. If other people know about Du You's skills, they really don't know what they are feeling.

  :. :

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