Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1549: Crystallization of the laws of the world

Is the will of the earth venting its anger? It actually shattered the core of the world's origin.

All of them looked dumbfounded, wondering what the earth's will was going crazy. Generally, in this situation, only those who are evil and strong will do it. Destroy a world, extract the source of the world to improve yourself.

But the Earth Will obviously doesn't have to be so troublesome, because it will also consume a lot of its own power. It's the same even if you don't hurt yourself. Of course, the will of the earth and the existence of powerful evil are still different.

If someone else destroys this world directly, it will cause the entire world to collapse. As a result, all creatures in this world will perish, and the seventh rank may survive, and that's all.

But the earth’s destruction of the world’s original power is very ingenious. Only the original space is destroyed and the world will disappear. But the world structure has not been destroyed, it has become stronger.

In other words, in the future, the 7th-order powerhouses will struggle in this world to cause essential harm to this world. But the problem is that in a world that doesn't even have a source, how can a seventh-order powerhouse come.

But the next moment, everyone went crazy.

"Oh my God, look, those, those are the crystallization of laws, there will be so many laws of crystallization."

"No wonder there are always people who like to destroy the world to improve themselves. This kind of improvement is so fast."

"No, even if the world is destroyed, there will not be so many, I am afraid that there will not be even one percent. The reason why there are so many is because the will of the earth has taken action, otherwise these laws will not be condensed."

Because the world's origin space was destroyed, the world's origin and the power of the law had nowhere to depend, so it was exposed. Then the will of the earth didn't know what method was used, and directly condensed these laws into the crystal of laws.

Cracks appeared in the sky, and crystals of the law began to fly out in all directions.

If someone can observe the whole world, then they will be able to discover a peculiar phenomenon, because the laws of the earth professionals are more crystallized. It seems that the will of the earth wants to use this opportunity to cultivate the power of the earth.

Although his own strength was damaged, the loss was not large. After all, the level difference between the two worlds was here.

Moreover, the ability of earth professionals to improve a large part of their strength at one time will be of greater benefit to the future development of the earth. It can be recovered by swallowing a few worlds, and this deal now seems very cost-effective.

It's just that the earth will have such a mind? Isn't this thing that there has never been any thinking?

Forget it, now is not the time to consider these things, Du You and the two sisters flew directly. Then, Du You released all his summoned beasts, as did Lin Yucha and Lin Yushi.

Lin Yucha's bloodthirsty demon wolf itself is a seventh-order. Although Lin Yushi's large-scale demon-killing spirit is not level enough, it is essentially the seventh-order, and can also catch some law crystals.

Du You casually took a red crystal of the law into his hand, which was of blood type.

"No, these law crystals are dissipating, quickly seal them up." Du You found that although these law crystals were condensed by the will of the earth, they did not have a stable structure themselves. The moment they were born, they began to quickly dissipate.

Every time a point is lost, one point is reduced to their benefit. Du You didn't care about the distress, because at this time there were too many crystals of the law falling out of the crack. Du You waved his hand, and then sealed his dark power.

Regardless of what type it is, or whether it is useful to you, put it away first.

If it doesn't work, then the deal will be done with other people, anyway, Du You is sure that the other people will also be in the same situation.

After all, when the earth's will went crazy and smashed this world's origin space, everyone was watching, and everyone who reached the seventh level knew what had happened, but everyone didn't have time to care about other things for the time being.

These 7th-tier powerhouses can collect, but those who can't reach the 7th-tier can't do it. Ordinary people can only see colorful raindrops appearing in the sky, but they can't touch them anyway.

Even if it touches it, it seems like an illusory one, directly penetrating the past, it has no effect on itself.

These things are food for the seventh-order to continue to grow. Du You was sure that after this wave, he would definitely be able to advance many skills, and even his level would be raised by one level.

If you don't suppress yourself, maybe both levels can be improved.

A rain of light came and went quickly, and in just a few minutes, the rain of light formed by the crystallization of the law dissipated. The law crystallized by them has filled a corner of personal space.

All people have gained a lot. Looking at other places, the crystallization of those laws has completely dissipated. Not being integrated into this world, but truly dissipated. From then on, the world has only rules but no rules.

Although the world's strength is still seventh-order, its upper limit is below fourth-order.

The crystallization of these laws is not only good for professionals, but also great for dragons.

As long as they get enough crystals of laws that are useful to them, they can increase their level by absorbing the power of the laws. After this time, not only them, but the strength of these giant dragons will also be greatly improved.

Scully was relieved, although it was a huge mistake to lose the world this but his own gains were not small. When he digests it, his strength will become stronger.

Only one taint and one fault are nothing compared to strength. The dragon clan also worships the strong inside. As long as one is strong enough, what will happen after a failure, or who dares to behave like himself.

"Let's go, let's go now." Scully said as soon as the rain stopped.

This world is no longer useful, and the will of the earth is still in this place. Once you continue to stay, who knows what the result will be. Even if there is no original space for the power of the earth's will to play, the earth's will is still an absolute powerhouse.

Staying here, an accidental or even annihilation of the whole army is possible.

The dragons moved very fast, but the professionals started to celebrate. When they were almost celebrating, they suddenly found that the dragon had disappeared. At this time, some people began to feel annoyed.

But after the upset, most people disagree. For Tier 7, the gain this time has been great. And for those below the seventh rank, the previous gains were not small, enough to return home.

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