Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1547: Change from the root

In the void, the two forces are constantly oscillating, and this kind of fluctuation can only be felt by the seventh-order people. People below Tier 7 didn't even know what was going on, but found that the originally hostile parties suddenly stopped.

Especially the natives of this world are even more stunned and can only communicate with each other secretly.

"You said what the **** is going on, why the dragons and those outsiders don't fight anymore."

Outsiders are what they call earth professionals, because all earth professionals are humans, and they are born with a certain sense of intimacy. But because the other person is not good, that's why it's called this name.

"You don't know how I might know, but I guess whether they have reached an agreement. For example, to jointly develop our world."

The voices of the people around were suddenly lowered, and they jointly developed their own world, then wouldn't they become slaves of the two worlds? This kind of thing, even if it was said, also caused countless people's glares. The person who had just spoken seemed to have discovered the problem, and quickly lowered his head and closed his mouth, reducing his sense of existence.

At this moment, a person next to him spoke: "I don't think it should be. The relationship between the giant dragon and the human professional is obviously hostile, and the previous battles are so fierce, that kind of hatred will definitely not be able to be resolved."

"Yes, right, right, there are already so many god-level existences that have died, and they certainly can't resolve this hatred. I'm sure they are holding back their big moves and waiting for the final battle."

This is not bad, and it has been directly recognized by everyone. When people are in danger, they always like to think about what is beneficial to them, even if their own considerations have no practical significance at all.

Otherwise, is it possible for them to stay pessimistic here and wait for the final demise.

But at this moment, a person suddenly exclaimed. "Oh my god, what's going on, my strength has become stronger."

A flame burst out of a person's palm, but the temperature of the flame was distorting the surrounding air. Some people who knew him were even more shocked, because it was incredible.

"Impossible, you didn't just break through to Tier 4, why did you rise to Tier 5 all at once."

The man also looked incredible: "No, no, I haven't changed myself. I can feel that I am still Tier 4 and haven't broken through to Tier 5, but why is my strength reaching Tier 5?"

At this moment, another person shouted in shock: "No, how did my strength weaken?"

That's right, some people's power began to weaken. Then everyone began to experiment. Although most people did not change much, some people experienced special changes. Some people have increased their strength, while others have weakened. But these people themselves have not changed much, because they can feel their own changes.

Some people even lost their powers and became ordinary people with only physical fitness.

"Damn it, this must be a conspiracy between the dragon and outsiders. We have to find out who is secretly attacking us."

All the people were angry, even feared. As the favored ones, their most powerful ability is their own abilities. If there is a problem with their own abilities, what will they do in the future.

Although those who have increased their strength are happy in their hearts, they are also worried, worrying that one day their strength will also disappear. So these people started frantically looking for people around them who would attack them.

But what they didn't know was that this kind of thing happened not only in this place, but also in the whole world.

This is true for all planets and all inhabited places. Only those with seventh-order abilities can discover the root of the matter. This is caused by the changes in the nature of the entire world.

The laws of the world are constantly fluctuating and oscillating between each other, resulting in more and more intense fluctuations in the rules. And how can those with abilities who used the rule authority to fight without being affected.

Even they themselves are also affected. It's just these people who can't explain it now.

Because they have now become firefighters. Those who have reached the seventh rank are bound to the whole world and cannot escape at all. There is a problem with the laws of the world, and they can only try their best to help.

Only by keeping the world stable can they survive. But they found that this situation is getting more and more serious, but they are bound, and they don't even have a chance to seek revenge from the enemy.

Because the will of the world will urge or even force them to sort out themselves, and will not take care of other things at all. The will of the world, suppressed by the will of the earth and the secret law of the dragon, has begun to lose its head.

This situation lasted for three days from the beginning to now, and on the third day, the change happened again.

First of all, the powerful dragon found the problem, and the dragon opened his eyes and his face was inconceivable. "No, the law line is broken, is the earth will crazy?"

The other dragons also opened their eyes one after another, their eyes full of incredible, because they knew what was happening at this level.

In their eyes, the will of the earth is just like a lunatic, and the law attacked the law, and the law of the world broke several lines directly. Even if the earth is a higher-level this will damage itself.

For any world, it is instinct to swallow other people to supplement oneself and advance oneself.

But this kind of thing that hurts the enemy one thousand and oneself hurts eight, no world will can do it, and their Dragon Island is the same. But this kind of thing was done by a world that was equal to Longdao's level, which was really terrifying.

A strong enemy can be dealt with, but a strong enemy is still a lunatic at the same time. Such a situation cannot be dealt with casually. The dragons looked at each other, and they didn't know what to do about it.

"Go ahead, things have reached this point, we can only continue to hold on. Otherwise, none of us caught by the will of the earth will want to go back." Now it is the dragons' turn to sit on the wax.

I couldn't give up this to the world before, this world was too important to the dragons.

But now it's different, even if it's for their own survival, they must stick to it. It's a pity that they can only help now. In essence, it is no longer their turn to intervene in the battle. Even the dragon secret methods they control can only operate automatically now, they are just chargers one by one.

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