Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1540: We're back

The next attached shadow ability can dodge the enemy's physical attack to a certain extent.

Du You hadn't used this skill much before, because he didn't want to be attacked by the enemy, it was a tasteless one for Du You. Therefore, although this skill is powerful, Du You still doesn't value it much.

If you are a fighter, this skill is very scary, but you are a legal professional.

Of course, it is also very useful to add a layer of possibility to avoid attacks.

The next two skills are the essence. These are the two skills added after the advancement of his bloodline. An absorption can absorb various attacks and use it to recover itself. Not only to restore his own injury, but also to restore his own vitality.

Du You could easily see the true use of this ability. This ability can actually be used by blending into the dark absorption of one's own skills. When one's own darkness absorbs and advances, the power will be even more terrifying.

The original defensive ability was not as good as the Yuanli Shield, but with this new ability in the future, Du You believed that his own dark absorption might be comparable to the Yuanli Shield in terms of defensive power, but the defense method was different.

The last ability is that the new law is excluded. If before, Du You had no idea what this skill was for, but now Du You has a deep understanding. Even Du You wondered whether it was because of his injury this time that such a skill was added. Bloodline advancement is also a process of bloodline self-stimulation.

If you have this skill before, then the previous injury can't even be regarded as an injury to yourself.

With that little power of law, you can directly be rejected by yourself. Will not have the slightest impact on itself.

And then there is another ability, which is to increase the influence of one's own law on others, which promotes one's attack in a disguised form. Although it is not a direct attack ability, it can cause the enemy to be injured for a longer time.

This ability is very useful in many places, and Du You can naturally feel it.

At this point, Du You's understanding of the advancement of his own bloodline was almost complete.

If I want to know more in the future, I can only get used to it slowly in the battle. He clenched his fist, and sure enough, his strength increased too much, which made him a little uncomfortable. The swelling feeling that hadn't been seen for a long time reappeared.

But Du You didn't care. He knew that after a few battles, especially fierce battles, this feeling of discomfort would disappear. Of course, first of all, we still have to get used to it for two days.

"We stay here for two days, and then go back. I'm afraid many people are thinking about the materials in my hands."

Du You showed a smile. Of course he knew what the five corpses of the seventh-order dragons meant.

The two sisters nodded slightly, and then accompanied Du You to rest here for three days. That's right, it wasn't two days but three days. After recovering, Du You felt that the desire in his heart increased greatly, and finally he didn't hold it back.

As a result, I stayed here with the two sisters for another day, until the two sisters couldn't stand it. On the second day, Lin Yucha, with all his laziness, condensed the floating clouds on the platform, and they flew back slowly.

In the starry sky of the universe, such a cloud is indeed very abrupt, but no one will pay attention. The few people who converged and did not spread, even if there were seventh-order powerhouses passing by, no one would realize that someone was hiding in it.

Without your own power, to a large extent, it will also reduce the possibility of exposing yourself.

After flying for a day, the two sisters recovered. Du You couldn't stand the slow speed. They finally speeded up and flew back all the way. When Du You appeared, it caused a huge sensation.

"Oh my God, is that Master Du You? He is so young. I can feel that Master Du You is not yet a hundred years old."

"What a hundred years old, you really don't know enough about Master Du You. They haven't graduated from Capital University this year, which means that he is less than thirty years old this year."

At this time, many people were even more shocked. When they were less than thirty, what they were doing when they were less than thirty, seemed to be taking risks everywhere with other people. Even many people don't even dare to take risks.

Every time I come back from an adventure, I will spend a lot of time to rest and adjust, thinking about how bad I was at the beginning.

Du You watched the discussion of those around him, and a slight curve formed at the corner of his mouth. He was also a big man now. Only when he is with so many people can Du You have this clear feeling.

But Du You didn't mean to talk to these people. After landing, Du You waved his hand and directly released the bodies of the five giant dragons. After the smoke was filled, everyone gasped at the sight of these five huge corpses.

Du You was very satisfied with this. Long before he came back, Du You had heard that many people were questioning him.

Not an ordinary person. In fact, this type of questioning Du You didn't know where he came from, but he was sure that someone behind him was looking for trouble.

As for whether it was the Shadow Council or someone else that was causing trouble for him, Du You really didn't know. All in all, there are a lot of right and wrong of popular red, and Du You is not a red issue now, but has reached the top of power.

But all the doubts, when they saw the five giant dragon corpses, were completely subdued.

Even after the death of the five dragons, they still exude a powerful Just feel it and know that this is definitely a powerful existence of the seventh order, it is absolutely impossible to deceive others.

The surrounding area was amazed, and Du You also sighed in his heart, this force pretence was really good, although Du You didn't want to pretend to be forceful.

"Does anyone deal with this thing, and report the points to me after processing it. I want to exchange some equipment. These corpses are useless to me. It doesn't matter how the alliance wants to use it."

Du You's voice faintly sounded, and everyone finally recovered.

"Some, yes, please come here, adults. We have specially prepared rooms. We can provide all the services you want. Don't worry about the corpses. We are the most professional. No one dares to lie. ."

Du You came with power, even if some seventh-order powerhouses who couldn't understand Du You, they just watched indifferently at this time, and didn't jump out at this time. After all, Du You is now a hero of the alliance anyway.

And there are three people there, even if you want to trouble Du You, at least you have to find three people who are together. It's just that they can be with them, none of them, and they don't want to.

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