Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1501: Sky Oath and Advanced Skills

| | |  -> ->   "No, there is no prompt to complete the task, the **** of the sky is not dead yet."

   Suddenly, Du You found something wrong. If the task was not completed, it proved that he did not kill the guy. If suicide is not counted, then the task should also indicate a failure.

   But now, the task is obviously not completed, but this guy has already died, the task is still reserved, there is a problem. "It turns out that you are the most insidious one."

   Du You sneered in his heart. If there were no panel prompts, he had really been deceived by this guy.

   Let go of his mental power, Du You carefully feels everything around him, carefully investigating it inch by inch.

   Next to the Flame Giant King, seeing Du You standing still, he didn't say anything, he just kept guarding. In the past two hours or so, Du You finally opened his eyes and looked towards a corner.

   "It turned out to be a good method here." Du You looked at a wall. There were pictures on the wall, maybe they were all carved by the **** of the sky.

  Some are painted, and some are embossed. Long before Du You arrived here, the **** of the sky divided his soul and put part of it in this relief. The reason why I didn't put it on the idol was because I was worried that I would destroy the idol. The idol is the most important thing in a temple, and it is also the best place to possess.

   But this relief is essentially a kind of statue.

   No wonder that guy would die so simply, and let himself keep the lizard people behind.

   Lizardmen are his own race, and are born believers in the **** of the sky. And this guy divided the soul, I'm afraid the body can't hold it for long. Once you do it, you will definitely be exposed, and it is better to commit suicide.

   In this way, most people really have no way to detect it. As long as there are believers, the energy will continue to provide the power of faith. In this case, one day, the **** of the sky can still be resurrected.

   "It's a good calculation, but it's a pity." Du You shook his head, and pointed his finger at the relief.

   A shadow aura hits directly, the faint light on the relief flashes, and then Du You seems to hear the unwilling roar of the other party, and then everything disappears. Look at the panel again, the task is complete.

After    opened, Du You smiled: "This time the harvest is not bad."

   Sky Oath: Special contract, the maximum number of contract signing is 10 people. After signing the contract, the contractor can ignore any world barriers and ignore most of the special isolation means to make remote calls. (10/10)

   This thing is very special, and Du You himself didn't expect to get this kind of thing.

   With this oath of the sky, I will be able to talk to other people even in different worlds in the future. Even if something is delayed to go back, you can still command remotely.

   In the past, Du You could only use very troublesome methods to transfer items to each other on the earth, and then communicate with the deputy lords of other worlds. It is not very convenient because it is troublesome and expensive, but it is different with this.

   Then Du You thought of Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao, the two of them can also communicate with themselves through this.

"Lin Yucha and Lin Yushi are no longer necessary. I will add Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao, and Saria. I have to contact Li Minglu in matters of the territory. Well, five people are enough for the time being. As for Ke On Kess's side, that is Saria's younger sister, and the world will open up in the future, so that Saria and Corgis can communicate."

   All of a sudden, five places were assigned by Du You.

   Solved the **** of the sky, Du You didn't give the lizard people anything. After all, the guy in the sky wanted to deceive himself, why should he keep his promise and simply continue to follow Saria's plan.

   And Du You himself, is beginning to comprehend new skills. The godhead left by the desert death **** matches his two skills too well. One is the Death Scorpion, the two are originally from the same race, and the other is the Death Eye.

  The Eye of Death was originally a skill formed after fusing the curse of the Desert Death. Now that it has the Godhead left by the Desert Death, it is very easy to upgrade. Believe that after consuming this godhead, his two skills may be promoted to the seventh rank, and his methods will also increase.

   But before condensing his skills, Du You has one more thing to do, and that is to control the world.

   With the three gods being cleaned up by Du You, now his territory has finally reached its extreme influence on the entire world, and then he can control the world.

   Speaking of it, if it hadn't been because the world had too few Tier 6 and the world itself had problems, with Du You controlling such a large area, he would have been able to control the world a long time ago, without waiting until now.

   After communicating the will of the earth, a huge ball of light appeared over his own territory.

   This is my main domain, not the false domain created later to cover people's That domain will be used as a place for communicating with the outside world in the future, and it is not a position with my own domain.

   This control will take a while, Du You summoned the death scorpion and began to condense his skills.

   Before the world is controlled, Du You's first skill has been condensed and completed.

  The Eye of Death: The eyes of death are watching you, and the eyes of death are condensed to stare at the enemy. Under the gaze of death, if the enemy cannot be judged by the will and the law, it will cause an instant death effect. After passing the judgment, it receives specific damage, with soul damage and law damage, and it has strong lethality to divine creatures. Passive effect. When encountering a curse attack, the Eye of Death will automatically break the curse. There is a great chance that the curse will be counteracted and the resistance to the law of death will be enhanced. Active use consumes 10% of dark energy each time, and the cooling time is 6 hours. The passive effect does not need to be consumed. (Level 61, 10 stars)

   The Eye of Death became the Eye of Death, completely different from the original. What used to be the power to communicate with the **** of death has now become the power of the law of death. The gaze of death is more direct and does not need to be controlled by others.

The additional damage near    is not only the soul damage, but also the law damage, which also has a strong effect on the gods.

   Du You believes that even a Tier 7 god, if he can't determine his skills, he will probably die directly, and there is no room for resistance at all. After all, this was originally the most direct confrontation in the law, and it was still a very dangerous law of death.

   At the same time, the ability of skills to passively resist curses is also greatly improved, far from what it was before.

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