Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1352: The birth of the 6th level of technology

"In the distance of the starry sky, the series of explosions continue. Du You opened the panel and looked at his own territory. Although this influence has not spread out yet, the experience value is sufficient just by relying on the explosion of the Interstellar Fortress.

Du You contacted Corgis for the first time and began to upgrade the territory.

Without your own lord, you can also upgrade if you have a deputy lord, but you must get the authorization of your own lord. As for the others, they do not have this qualification to upgrade.

"Master, do we need to catch those guys?" Lin Yushi said, pointing to the distant starry sky.

Du You shook his head: "No, let them go, so that our influence will continue to expand."

Du You knew that some of these people must have known that they appeared in the interstellar fortress. But they definitely don't know how they got in, although they will strengthen their defenses in the future, there is almost no chance to do this kind of thing.

But as long as one does not die for one day, it is a huge threat to them. When he is fine, I am afraid that no one will dare to attack his leader in the future.

Even the high-level members of the Starlink Alliance would definitely not dare. It is true that he does not have an Interstellar Fortress, but he has the ability to deal with an Interstellar Fortress. In the eyes of any high-level executive, Du You's value and threat will continue to increase.

If Du You were a native of this world, such an approach would make his life completely chaotic, and the gain would not be worth the loss. But Du You is not a person in this world, so he can do it casually. Being able to deter those high-levels is very good for your own development and security. In front of me, there was nothing I needed to do.

Du You, who had basically recovered his magic power, said to the two sisters: "Let's go back too, there is no need to stay here anymore."

To return to his territory, this distance was far enough, even with Du You's strength, his magic power was consumed at once. With the black light flickering, Du You and the three others left completely.

However, Du You will not show up in the territory for a short time, otherwise he will have a lot of guesses if he is known.

And his ability to teleport on a large scale may also be known to many people.

After returning to the territory, Du You saw that the territory had entered an upgrade state. The black dragons of the Black Dragon Tower were also secretly hidden by Corgis. This was Du You's consistent style.

When the black dragon was upgraded, it was found to be pretty good. With this approach, although some people doubted the changes in Du You's territory, there is no evidence, and it will be impossible for a while. When they have the evidence, do they need to worry about it?

Three days later, the territory steadily upgraded and entered the state of Tier 6.

Since then, Du You's first external Tier 6 territory was born, and the first Tier 6 territory of technological type also appeared. In this kind of territory, there will be more various technological items that can be manufactured, and the output will also be greater.

Such a huge output of scientific and technological goods is of great benefit to the development of the entire company and the expansion of its influence. And some things collected from this world will become easier and easier.

"Let's start now, the new building is upgraded." Du You said. TV debut

I didn't get a Tier 6 building blueprint this time, but I got a Tier 5 building upgrade blueprint and a Tier 6 battleship blueprint, which happened to be able to upgrade his space port.

Du You looked at another drawing in his hand, which he had obtained from the treasure chest. Participated in a seventh-tier mission, although it was successful because of luck, but success is success.

Interstellar fortress design (3/3): planets can be transformed into interstellar fortresses.

That's right, what Du You got was a manufacturing design drawing of the interstellar fortress, which could only be used three times, which meant that he could create three interstellar fortresses, which was evaluated as a powerful existence of Tier 7.

If it weren't for the other party's loopholes to enter the Star Fortress directly. According to the news that Du You got, even if the seventh-order strong attacked outside, it was impossible to break the defense of the interstellar fortress in a short time. In terms of the magnitude of energy, the seventh-order interstellar fortress far exceeds the general seventh-order strong. TV update is the fastest //

It's just a pity that there is no way to build this interstellar fortress. Because to build an interstellar fortress, you must be within the envelope of your own territory. In the territory of Tier 6, even the asteroid he was on could not completely cover it.

Even if he finds suitable planets around, Du You can't help it.

Besides, this is a special fort of the seventh-tier evaluation, and it needs the help of the seventh-tier territory and a higher-level craftsman. This drawing is not available at all for the time being, and can only wait for it to be upgraded to Tier 7.

However, at that time, he directly owns three interstellar fortresses. Although this power is far less than the Scarlet Empire, it is not impossible if you want to build a country of your own within the Starring Alliance.

After collecting the map, Du You began to wait for the upgrade of the space port. The sky port is a special building, and the upgrade is not so fast, because the entire port needs to be expanded several times. So the whole process took five days.

During this period, the explosion of the Interstellar Fortress finally broke out, alarming all forces.

The senior officials of the Scarlet Alliance gathered together, looking at the reports and pictures sent back at the end, their faces were very ugly.

"When does personal strength have such strength. You must know that we are the strongest country in the study of As a result, the opponent's supernaturalists surpassed us first and can do this. This It's our shame."

"Boss, please rest assured, we must step up speed research and strive to create powerful abilities."

"What I want is not a superpower, but a powerful biological weapon that can be mass-produced. You let me rest assured, how can I rest assured, you haven't done this for how long. Look at the supernatural power that appears on the opposite side. , Has been able to destroy our interstellar fortress. Continue to wait, do you want a living interstellar fortress level monster to appear on the opposite side."

The surrounding people bowed their heads. The Scarlet Empire was not a country of the people and the lord, but a dictatorship. If the leader is dissatisfied, kill them all at will, and no one will say anything.

After scolding for a long time, the leader finally got tired of scolding. "Give you one more chance. I must see the results within one year or less. If you don't get the results, then you want to go for the consequences."

The person below opened his mouth, wanting to say that one year is not enough. But now that the leader is angry, they dare not say anything. Scientific experiments often depend on luck. Who knows how long it will take, the leader himself can figure it out.

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