Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1311: Ghost knight castle

The reason for staying here for a while was because Du You needed to upgrade the units and units of his territory. The environment in this world is really great, especially for the undead.

As long as you go out to fight for a while and kill some undead creatures, you will soon get a lot of drawings related to the undead. Unfortunately, most of the materials and equipment here are also related to the undead.

If it is a profession like Necromancer, it is still very suitable here, but it is not very good for them. There are also some architectural drawings and equipment related to demons, and this is even more unsuitable for them.

During this time, Scalo was familiar with the various functions and plans of the territory, and he still needs to learn a lot.

In addition, Scalo also needs to deal with things on the side of Chaos. There is not his own territory, and according to the characteristics of the undead, there is not much need for construction, but Du You still wants to tidy up there. An absolutely orderly trading market can play a much better role than those chaotic places.

Three days later, the construction of the new arms building was successful.

Ghost Knight's Castle (Tier Six):

Ghost Guardian Level 50: 500 per month, full price of 300 Kyanite Coins per month

Ghost Dragon Knight Level 57: 100 groups/month, full price of 2000 Sombra Coins/group

"The output is a lot, the price is not high, and this ghost dragon knight can actually reach the height of 57. If the undead of this level participated in the last battle, we would not lose that much."

Lin Yushi looked at the panel information and said that such a high-level undead, relying on their current strength, are really not opponents. This is the case for the sixth rank, and for the seventh rank, the difference in strength will only be greater.

Lin Yucha also nodded and said: "It's very good, and the price is not very high. With this type of unit in the future, even if we leave here, it will be safe. I have counted this time. The melee battlefield here has reached There are not many demons in the late stage of the sixth stage. And the demons in the middle stage of the sixth stage are definitely not the opponents of these ghost dragon knights."

With their current level, there is almost no need to look at the specific battles, as long as they look at the level, they can tell the strength of their strength. Although there is only one level difference between level 56 and 57, the difference in strength is huge.

Unless the personal strength is relatively special, there are special skills, or attribute restraint. But even so, it is very difficult to bridge such a level gap.

Didn't you see Du You's current situation? With Du You's current strength, he might not be able to win a battle with a 54-level opponent under normal circumstances. You know, at the time of Tier 5, just breaking through, I can fight the people of the late Tier 5 stage.

"Summon it to see your strength." Du You suggested.

The two sisters also nodded in agreement. Behind them, the Lich Emperor watched quietly without saying a word.

Soon, a ghost guard came out. The whole body of this ghost guard is white and translucent, like a piece of frosted glass, or most ghost creatures are like this.

He has a shield and a sword on his body, and his combat effectiveness is also good.

But what Du You didn't expect was that the real combat power of this kind of ghost guard was not fighting on the body, but possessing. Attach yourself to a set of armor to exert a powerful combat effectiveness.

In other words, if you want to use the power of these guys, you need to prepare armor for them. The 50th-level ghost guard must prepare the fifth-level peak-level armor. Du You put together a set from what he had exploded, and then discovered that the strength of the Ghost Guardian was equivalent to the superposition of two Tier 5s.

This kind of strength, although not comparable to the combat effectiveness of the two sisters at the peak of Tier 5, is not much worse.

"The combat effectiveness is very strong, and the arms of the same level are almost invincible. It's just a pity that this kind of arms also requires a lot of logistics, and I'm afraid we won't be able to supply it."

My own territory does not want to be exposed, so it is impossible for the company to help prepare, so in the end, I am afraid that there is no good way to develop. This is Du You's biggest headache.

Lin Yucha suddenly said, “Don’t bother for the time being. Let’s make do with the armor made of bones. Don’t we have a bone forging room? With the help of the bone forging room’s capabilities, it’s enough to develop suitable armor.

"It can only be so." Du You nodded helplessly.

What the bone forging room forged is only some basic equipment, the kind that has no level and nothing else. Not to mention the additional abilities, even the attributes have just reached the standard.

The only advantage is that it can be mass-produced. After all, there are a lot of undead. The weapons produced here can be equipped with hundreds of thousands and millions of undead. Can it be done if the production speed is not fast?

Just as Du You was thinking about it, the first ghost dragon knight was also completed.

A ghost dragon is similar to its own ghost dragon, not even the methods are different, but the level is higher. And that knight is more powerful, all kinds of skills are very mature.

Although it looks like a soul, the power it releases is similar to that of a real dragon knight. In addition, there are some spirit-type auxiliary spells, which can greatly improve their own strength. Du You experimented, and as expected, with his own strength, he was not an opponent at all.

Of course, Du You is not but he has just reached level 51, and even those skills on him have not been fully condensed. After reaching the sixth rank, it takes more time to condense the skills.

After the construction of the new building was completed, Du You then began to preside over the upgrade of other building units.

There are a lot of undead here. If you want a certain situation, you just need to go out and catch it, and there will be soon. Not to mention that he has such a large territory, so many Tier 6 powerhouses, no one dares to say anything even if they cross the territory to arrest them elsewhere.

Soon, batches of undead and materials were sent to Du You. Du You and the two sisters were cultivating their own skills while cleaning up and studying these undead, raising the level of the undead.

This process is still very fast. It doesn't matter if you are not professional, as long as you improve your strength.

It can be said that when the undead is pleasing to the eye, they will create what they choose. This is the way they choose. In order to show his abilities, Scalo sometimes made some small comments.

This guy is very good at life, even Du You will feel very happy to see this guy's behavior style.

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