Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1276: A gathering of higher undead

"When we get here, let's separate ourselves and see what we need." Du You said, and the other party thought that too, so they parted ways with Du You. It didn't take long for this guy to find other undead and start arguing.

Du You breathed a sigh of relief, and finally got rid of the words. Although he got a lot of things he wanted to know from the undead, but this guy only knew these things back and forth. He didn't know more, but he just wanted to say over and over again, let alone Du You, both sisters were annoying.

Du You winked at the two sisters, and the three of them walked around quietly.

To find out more information, you need to be more careful. With the breath of undead enveloping him, plus the long cloaks on the three people, and the masks on their faces, no one can tell whether they are human or something.

After all, this is the world of undead, no one thinks that there will be creatures here. Even if I see them, at most I feel that this is a special zombie. In the huge world of undead, there are too many kinds of undead.

"Is this a gathering of high-level undead? It feels like nothing special."

Hearing Lin Yushi’s mutter, Lin Yucha whispered: “You can expect these undead to have something, they don’t produce, and there are not many capable of making things. As for the secret method, I’m afraid no one will say it casually.”

Just like what Lin Yucha said, although there are a lot of people here, in fact, everyone has nothing good to offer. There are quite a few stalls around, but what are they all here?

Some materials for casting various undead spells, as well as some bones and corpses, basically do not appear here with real special abilities. Because other undead can be used, the undead creatures generally found can also be used by themselves.

There are also unknown leathers that record various spells or special potion formulas, and the records are also common knowledge. The universal currency here is the fire of the soul. However, this thing is generally available to the undead, so it is more often traded by bartering. Du You still has some of these things in his hands.

I killed a lot of undead while fleeing, and got a lot of things that I didn't use from the **** that I opened out, but they could be used in exchange. In the end, Du You only exchanged some paper products.

There is even a simple map. This map is not small in scope, but unfortunately it is too simple and needs to be sorted out before it can be used. More undead creatures here are discussing with each other here.

For example, what you have seen, what kind of enemies you have encountered, or what strange phenomena you have seen, will be discussed here. And just like what Lin Yucha said, those secret cultivation methods are impossible to appear here. In other words, most of the undead here don't even know what cultivation is.

One day later, the conference finally began. Several seemingly powerful undead walked to the middle, and went up to talk one by one. However, this is relatively powerful, and it is only relatively speaking. Among Du You's perception, they are at most Tier 5.

And the things explained are some basic cultivation methods. But the surrounding undead creatures did hear mesmerizing. Although the cultivation method may not be very powerful, there is a big difference between having it and not having it.

Du You originally thought that he would not encounter anything that interests him this time, but at the end of hearing it, these undead began to tell the surrounding people about the surrounding environment.

"Today we saw a lot of new faces. They are all new undeads just born near us. Maybe you don’t understand the surrounding environment. Ours is pretty good here, and other places are very dangerous. Now, I’ll give it to you. Tell me about the common sense here." That's right, there will be people explaining common sense at every gathering.

This is not just to explain to these new undead. Because there are also some changes in the surrounding environment, they will also speak out. In their hearts, there are too few undead who are born with thinking, and they must be protected.

Du You narrowed his eyes slightly, this was what he wanted to know.

This melee undead world is called the underworld in their mouths. Of course, many undead worlds will call their world the underworld, which is a very common phenomenon.

In the underworld, the seventh-order powerful undead known to them are called death gods, and there are more death gods in this world than Du You knew before, and there are actually a full 136 .

The number of demon kings on the opposite side reached seventy-nine, instead of the fifty or so that the undead told him. The news that guy got, I don't know how long ago, after all, his strength is not strong.

Although the devil's strength is relatively weak, at least the devil's interests in this world are the same, so they don't have too many fights with each other. The gods of death are different, as undead creatures, the same kind of the same level are the best nourishment. So they are both cooperating with each other, and they are on guard against each other, and even attack each other.

There is no way for the undead to unite completely, which is why they have been weak.

However, these high-level undead creatures are more recognized for their lower-level undead creatures. On the one hand, the forces of their subordinates need to be born from these undead, on the other hand they also need the forces of the undead.

Because of this power, it can help them increase their power faster, and I don't know what method to use.

It's just that the undead are the undead. Although they don't allow their subordinates to cause too much change, within a certain range, they encourage their subordinates to attack each other, so the underworld is not very safe.

The safest places are those chaotic areas, at least those places are not controlled.

The nearest Reaper area is the area managed by Franka. Said it is management, it is actually the territory divided by the gods of death, and the scope of this territory will easily not change much.

Listening to the common sense around him, Du You finally chose Franke's range to join him, starting from the bottom, and building his own territory step by step. Although these places are more dangerous, they are very stable for the undead who can build a territory. If the chaotic area wants to establish a territory, it will become the enemy of everyone.

Du You and the two sisters listened quietly, and quietly recorded what they were interested in. The duration of this conference was not very long, and only five days later, these high-level undead left here.

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