Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1221: Invasion of the Shenyan Empire

The turmoil in the orc kingdom was unexpected by Du You. Speaking of which, he really overestimated the orc's IQ, or overestimated the decision-making ability and vision of the orc high-level, otherwise nothing would happen.

Fortunately, although the opponent is an idiot, he unexpectedly helped himself and made the situation better.

The most important thing is that the offensive of the Shenyan Empire is still coming. After the work of the intelligence department, Du You discovered that the reason why the Shenyan Empire quickly attacked this time was because the Lion Clan provided intelligence.

And externally, the banner of the Shenyan Empire was also very simple, it was to help the Lion people eliminate the rebellion. That's right, the rebellion mentioned by the Shenyan Empire is not the other orc race, but the fox race.

"Those greedy people, we must make them look good this time." Aisha looked at the intelligence with a cold face.

"Greed is indeed the original sin. None of the people who came here this time were innocent." Du You also saw the intelligence.

According to intelligence, at this time, a large number of troops have gathered in the north of the Shenyan Empire. This strength is simply more than when the Quicksand Empire attacked them last time, and the strength of the troops was not visible at a glance.

The most important thing is that only a small part of these forces are from the Northern Army of the Shenyan Empire, and most of them come from nobles and civil organizations. Needless to say, those nobles are all for military merit and other benefits. Many of those non-governmental organizations are members of major slave organizations. They either pretend to be mercenary groups or merchant groups.

Behind these people, many of them are supported by the nobles, otherwise their armies would not be so coordinated.

"Fox people are very good slaves, as well as your cat people and bunny people. Since the fox people were unified by you, those slave merchants and nobles have rarely been able to plunder these kinds of slaves."

Lin Yucha spoke out the psychology of those nobles very naturally. "They want orc slaves, and they want to use slaves to make money, so they are so anxious, but this is good, they are showing the strength of the fox. At the same time, with these people, the Shenyan Empire will not invest too much for the time being. A large force is safe for us, and it can delay time."

For those of them who have special territories, the more time they delay, the greater the advantage. Every month, their strength will increase by a large margin, and they are all high-end and high-quality troops.

As for ordinary soldiers, to be honest, with the obedience of the orders and prohibitions of the civilians, they were given weapons training for a period of time. I am afraid that in the Shenyan Empire, they can all be regarded as the best kind of ordinary troops.

The army composed of some trained civilians is definitely stronger than the elites of the Shenyan Empire. If Du You didn't like to damage his civilians too much, this method was the best way to open up the world.

It was just a few days in a flash, Aisha did not stay in Saint Fox City, but led the troops to the southern fortress position.

At the same time, Du You and the two sisters also hid their identities and followed secretly. Such a big battle can't be missed.

In the distance, a flag flutters, and there is a huge crowd of people, which really seems to give people tremendous pressure. It's a pity that they are in a narrow section of road. A fortress lies across this place and it is impossible to deploy a large-scale army.

There are only four intersections that can pass a large number of troops here, one of which is far away and unsuitable, and only three can be used normally. This one is the biggest right now. At this time, above the fortress, ordinary foxmen had gathered.

Except for those directly trained by the White Fox tribe, there are other branches of the Fox tribe. But these people are basically here to play soy sauce, they are here to wait and see, normal battles will not let them play. But even so, seeing the huge army on the opposite side, these people shivered one by one, after all, the fox had never faced this level of battle alone.

Compared with them, the people of the white fox clan performed very well. Looking at the huge number of troops, the soldiers of the white fox clan were calm and calm, as if there were clouds in front of them.

They didn't know that the members of the white fox clan were all created leaders. Seeing this scene, all the foxes sighed in their hearts. There really is a reason why the white fox family can become a royal family, and this mentality can be seen a lot.

"They have determined that they will launch an offensive at noon tomorrow. After this battle, the Shenyan Empire will continue to launch large-scale offensive forces. I am afraid it will take two months or even longer."

After all, it is a war at the national level, and it cannot be over in a month or two. This level of war, even if it lasts for a few years, is not a strange thing. Du You nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

"Next, you and Yu Shi followed the assassination of the troops. After the battle began, we secretly assassinated the enemy. We also have to earn a little. But you are careful not to be discovered. If you encounter danger, teleport away directly."

"Don't worry, we have all arranged. This army does not even have a Tier 5 late stage, so it can't stop us at all."

The two of them are not ordinary people, they are 9-star 49-level masters, and there are a lot of skills, and they have completed condensing. Assassinating this kind of thing, leaving them with no problem at all. The Fox Clan didn't have a team suitable for assassination, so this kind of thing was handed over to the Shadow Assassins, and this was Du You's only force supporting the Fox.

As for the Griffins that were handed to them before, because they were worried about being recognized, they didn't play at all. Even if a griffon appeared on the battlefield, it would definitely be an ordinary griffon trained.

It can be said that in terms of the air force, the Saint Fox City is now far weaker than the Shenyan Empire. Of course, if you want to come to the Shenyan Empire, it is impossible to dispatch too many air forces. The value of the air force is too high. None of these people here are from the Air Force.

At noon the next day, the army on the opposite side finally moved and moved forward shouting slogans.

"Huh, the action is quite normal. It's okay to encircle a city, but ours is a fortress, and the back is not a place they can encircle." Aisha said coldly, and then issued a battle order.

Like Du You, Aisha likes to entrust specific people to specific things, so she doesn't mean to seize command power at all. Under the command of their own commanders, the troops under them stood in their established positions. The bow and arrow in his hand has been wound, and he is waiting for the opponent to come over. The bows and arrows in their hands are all fine goods, not ordinary orcs.

Behind, a group of people with greater strength simply held spears, ready to throw them at any time.

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