Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1219: This assist is really good

"Damn fox people, they dare to forcefully build a nation, I want to kill them." A lion-man executive went mad.

"As far as your current strength is, will you die in the past?" Another lion-man senior said with disdain.

"Enough, let me calm down, and don't move the messengers of the fox people. We are not ready now. When we are ready, we must make them look good." The Lion King was also very angry.

They weren't human beings who were good at acting in the first place. They were so angry that they were surrounded by their own people, and the Lion King did not hide it. As the strongest member of the orc family on the bright side, the orc king has always believed that he is a powerful king who can make the country stronger. Who knows the occurrence of various accidents one after another, the mood of the orc king can be imagined.

If not supported by the arrogance in his heart, he would want to go to the orc empire for help.

"How are things going, haven't those guys agreed yet."

A lion-man executive stepped up and said: "Not yet, but we can continue to exert pressure. These guys think that they can fight us now with good strength. That's really wrong."

The Orc King nodded: "Very well, go on, as soon as possible. I want to let people see that if you dare to betray the lion clan bastards, they will never end well." The lion seniors roared loudly.

In addition, the races oppressed by the Lions also met in secret to discuss.

"The **** lion man actually wants us to be cannon fodder. If we attack the fox, not only the benefits will be lost, but the fox clan will be offended, and many masters will be lost. The fox clan now has a lot of Tier 5 masters. I heard This time the establishment of the kingdom, the white fox clan has used thousands of Tier 5 combat power, which is really terrifying."

"I don't know what they are hiding. Just say that the monsters are sold to us. I think they must hide more. The hateful lion must want us to be cannon fodder, and draw out the rest. The strong."

"This kind of thing is absolutely unacceptable, I don't want our race to decline. There is no benefit if we win, and we lose a lot if we lose. Besides, there are humans and sand people who are eyeing, are these lion people so short-sighted."

At this moment, a bear man elder suddenly said, "Don’t you think that the fox people have done a good job? The fox people have always been the target of bullying. They are the weakest among the nobles. Now that they are independent, there is no one. Excuses continue to oppress them. A country naturally has the tolerance of a country and cannot be targeted casually."

"But that's because their strength suddenly became a lot stronger, we..."

Everyone's eyes lit up, yes, their own strength is also very strong, it seems that they are not weak anymore. At least on the face of it, they are only a little weaker than the Lions, and the result of the fight is really hard to say.

Lions are powerful, but in terms of physical talent, they are still stronger than bears, who are they afraid of than strength.

"Then elder, what do you mean..."

"Just as the patriarch thought, we can also be independent, the fox can build a nation, why can't we. As long as there is a Tier 5 master, we can build a kingdom, and our conditions have long been reached. Stay in the orc kingdom, just because of tradition That's it. But now the Lions obviously want us to die, why should we listen to them."

Everyone's eyes lit up, yes. Orcs have always respected the strong, but in fact, between different races, it is like an alliance relationship, and they are the first to take care of themselves when encountering things.

If the royal family does well, they will obey themselves. If the royal family harms their interests, they will also choose to only listen to some parts, or simply not listen. This is true not only for them, but also for the entire continent.

If this is the case, now that the Lions have done too much, can they definitely go out independently? "Very well, we tomorrow, no, we will form the Bear Kingdom today. Send envoys to inform others."

These bear people were even more anxious, and they did not inform until the kingdom was established. However, this is a bit too hasty to establish, it can be said that nothing is prepared. In other words, they didn't even think about what to prepare.

But the consequences are not everyone can think of. As the bears become independent, one after another groups oppressed by the Lions choose to be independent. Everyone is an independent kingdom, and there is no reason to obey the Lion. When he received this news, Du You also had a face full of confusion, this assist was great.

"What do you think?" Du You looked at this piece of information, dubiously. After the bear kingdom, there was the wild boar kingdom, the tauren kingdom, and even the humble northernmost, and the leopard kingdom became independent.

At this moment, four kingdoms appeared within the orc kingdom, and the territory of the orc kingdom was messed up.

"This is just chaos, but it is of great benefit to us." Lin Yucha said.

"They have not undergone any preparation at all. They are still in the form of a tribe and cannot be united. Moreover, the country is different from the fox, not on the border, but in the hinterland of the orc kingdom. Therefore, to establish the kingdom, it is necessary to divide a large area. However, they are still in the form of nomadic tribes, so this requires a larger scope."

"It's just that their land is within the orc kingdom. Once they are allowed to exist, the orc kingdom will be torn apart. Therefore, the lion will definitely crusade Lin Yucha analyzed it.

Aisha also said: "Because of the relationship between them, their strength cannot be united. They are definitely not the opponents of the Lion Clan. When they are forced to be helpless, they will definitely unite, but they will still be wiped out by the Lions."

"But even if it is annihilated, it will take a long time. At that time, our plan has been completed, so there is no need to worry about any small actions by the Lion."

Lin Yucha said again: "Not only that, we can also receive the defeated when the time is right, we can take the banner of revenge and annex the orc kingdom. The orc kingdom is also the kingdom of the east of the continent, and we must completely unify the east of the continent. The orc kingdom must not be let go." I didn't expect that there was still such a consideration.

Du You had never thought that it would be okay to let him consider the improvement of combat, and let him consider strategies in this area, he was really not very good at it. But looking at a few women, you have perfected the plan in a word, and it seems that you have nothing to do with yourself.

"Then, after the internal chaos of the orc empire, we find the right time to complete the plan." Aisha waved her small fist, excited as if she had found some fun toy. The latest chapter of the Earth Crossing Era is here:

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