Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1190: New skills and finishing tasks

While the two sisters were out to play, Du You sorted out the things in his hands. Some unused things are sorted out, and someone will come and take them away when the time comes.

   Now that he has his own company, Du You doesn't need to sell his own things on the market.

   And Du You also realized that it is basically impossible to find really good things in the market. Really valuable things rarely appear in that place, and most of them are internal digestion of major organizations or transactions between organizations. And now, the company and the college have also established a set of the same mechanism.

   The investment issue decided last time has basically been completed, and now the company is supporting the two newly established territories. They accounted for 30% and 40% of the two new territories respectively.

   These ordinary people’s joint-stock companies are very similar, but they do different things.

   When the two sisters came back in the evening, Du You took out the newly acquired skills. "Yu Shi, come here quickly, this is your skill, see how it goes, my skills have been integrated."

   In the afternoon, Du You successfully integrated his skills in the basement.

   Spell Mark: Use mental power to apply a spell mark to the target, and the released spell will automatically adjust its orbit to increase the accuracy of the spell hitting the target. After hitting the target, the power of the spell will at least play out the stars)

   "I really don't know what is the use of this skill, is it a waste of skill position." Lin Yushi pouted and said.

   "How can it be a waste? This spell marker matches my spell tunnel. Basically, no one will escape my spell attack in the future. Even those who are good at speed or even space won't work."

   Du You this skill is mainly aimed at these professionals who can dodge their own attacks. As long as he can hit the opponent, his own magical power can definitely make the opponent unable to eat.

   Use mental power to impose a spell mark. Du You has experimented with it. In fact, it doesn't really release any skills, but is similar to a half passive skill. As long as one's own spirit locks on a certain target, this skill will be automatically released without any consumption. But his own magic will automatically find the target, and even make a big turn.

   This is very similar to the Phantom Locking skill just created by Lin Yucha, and even the trajectory changes more widely. Not because of the skills, but because the scope of the spell itself is very large.

   As for that after hitting the target, the power will be at least 20% of the effect, Du You doesn't know what's going on for the time being.

   Because the spell hits the target, isn't it all the power has exploded.

   may be for some special defense or ignoring magic skills, Du You can only think so. Because I have never encountered such a situation, it is unnecessary to think too much.

   "Okay, then I will try too." Lin Yushi picked up her own skill, and then started to improve.

   A large number of coins have been added. This kind of creation of new skills is very easy. It didn't take long for the new skills to be created. Seeing the new skills, Du You knew that Lin Yushi's shortcomings could now be compensated for.

   For a long time, Lin Yushi's attack was far worse than Lin Yucha's, and his promotion has always been a large-scale attack. When facing a powerful enemy alone, the strength he exerted was somewhat unsatisfactory.

   This is also the development route that Du You set for two people at the beginning, a group attack, enhanced combat, a single kill, enhanced assassination and hiding. But after developing to this step, it is not appropriate to leave those shortcomings. No one who is truly strong will have obvious weaknesses. This is Du You's own thinking.

   Plus, he is a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder. When he finds any shortcomings, he always wants to make up for them as much as possible.

   It is the same this time. With the locking skills, no matter how powerful the dodge ability is, don't even try to avoid their attacks.

   Especially this skill, which also comes with Sunder Armor, can greatly enhance Lin Yushi's damage power. This is what Du You really valued. Even if it is a single kill in the future, Lin Yushi will not be too far behind the others.

   Sunder Armor Locking: The shooter's passive skill, lock a target point, greatly increase the shooter's hit accuracy, and greatly adjust the arrow's flight trajectory. When attacking the same target, each attack will weaken the defense of the target point. Greatly enhance the armor sunder effect. (Level 46, 9 stars)

   "It's really good, it's a good skill. It enhances armor-breaking, and points kills to weaken defenses. Now Yushi is also able to kill strong enemies. You don't have to worry that the enemy's defense is too high to break through.

   Last time in the battle, Du You and Lin Yucha were able to kill the enemy instantly, but Lin Yushi's attack was not enough. When dealing with those disaster conch shells, they could only watch, but Lin Yushi was very depressed. If you had this skill at the beginning, it would be able to cooperate with the continuous shooting skill, and it would be able to kill the enemy in a very short time.

   After constructing the skill, Lin Yushi is not uncomfortable. This skill is really suitable for him. Excited Lin Yushi kissed Du You's suddenly the fire in Du You's heart was ignited.

   Until the next day, the two sisters lay in Du You's arms, tender and weak.

   "Master, have you figured out where we are going next?" Lin Yucha asked in a low voice. The opposite sister hasn't woken up yet, her face is full of fatigue.

   Du You smiled and said, "I have thought it over. When I was sorting things the other day, I found that we had left a task that has not been completed. This time it happened to be completed."

   Du You opened the panel and took out something to show Lin Yucha.

   Xue Langfang: World coordinates, can reach the crystal ice field. (2/2)

   "Isn't this the world in which Xi Qianxue was trapped? We went to rescue. By the way, we were given a mission to go to the north. The Snow Emperor seemed to have left something behind."

"Yes, at that time, the Snow Emperor said that he could not go before he reached the fifth rank. Now we are close to invincibility in the fifth rank. I believe that no indigenous people can do what we can do. We have just completed this thing. Let us see if he leaves us. What good stuff is there."

   Lin Yucha nodded lightly, anyway, the danger is not big, that world is the upper limit of the fifth order, and basically there will be no existence of the sixth order. Now I’m going to make a clean up. It’s weird not to do this kind of thing because of the OCD situation of my owner. Crystal coins are enough, and the equipment is not so urgently needed, so just go for fun.

   While thinking, the exhausted Lin Yucha slowly fell asleep.

  :. :

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