Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1176: New goals and temptations

The two teams dispersed without contact, and Du You quickly forgot about the things he had encountered before. After all, meeting people is not a weird thing. In this behemoth wasteland, there are not few professionals.

  Perhaps this place is very dangerous for most people, but there will always be people coming in teams, because the materials here are very special and can be used to build a lot of very valuable equipment.

   But Du You himself didn't plan to team up with other people, so he didn't see it.

   flew all the way towards that huge blue natural disaster cloud group, this kind of large behemoth tribe, generally few people would come to provoke. Both natives and professionals do not like to compete with this kind of ethnic group.

   But this kind of group is exactly what Du You is looking for. "It's the front, the master, look at it, there is one in the front, do we want to test it first." Lin Yucha said to Du You.

   put it down, it was already a swamp, and a huge blue-gray figure was lying on the ground, and had not noticed the arrival of Du You and others. This thing looks like a huge catfish, but its body is relatively flat. There are six legs underneath that can breathe on land. There were only two long beards on his mouth, which he flicked back and forth like two whips.

   "Looking at it, the natural disasters of this kind of strange fish should be floods and the like, which have no direct impact on us."

   Du You changed analysis and said that if it weren't for this kind of natural disaster, it would be impossible to transform the neighborhood into this situation. However, this kind of environment has no ability to restrain them except to increase the hexapod's own strength.

   "In addition to hand-to-hand combat, this kind of strange fish should be good at water spells, right?" Lin Yucha also said.

   "I feel that although most of this group of giant beasts are Tier 4, there are many that reach Tier 5, and there should be hundreds of them. Let's experiment, and if we can deal with it, we will deal with it."

They are only level 46, yes, but their talent stars are too high, they also have a high-level pedigree, plus a variety of powerful skills, even if there are hundreds of behemoths that are very dangerous to others, they dare to go. Try it out.

   "I'll come, I'll come." Lin Yushi jumped out first, jumped out, spread his wings, and flew over in the air.

  The monster fish that was lowered didn't find the enemy, and Lin Yushi didn't use his own weapon, just a flick of his finger, and a bolt of thunder and lightning flew out. After reaching the fifth rank, various skills are more free to use.

   The lightning speed was very fast, and it instantly hit the strange fish below and made a hole in the opponent. This hole does not look small, but for the size of the strange fish, it is not too serious. It's just that kind of pain that made the strange fish berageous.

   The strange fish raised his head and looked at Lin Yushi in the air, then opened his mouth, and water cannons spurted out with great power. Then the strange fish jumped up and actually started swimming in the air. Yes, it is not flying, but similar to swimming in the water.

   The six legs are like six oars, sliding gently, the posture is comfortable, but the speed is very fast and very flexible.

   is just this speed, which is not worth mentioning in front of Lin Yushi. After all, this is not water, it is real air, and Lin Yushi can fly easily in the air. Then a series of arrows flew out of the hand, various skills were used in turn, and various experiments were continuously carried out.

   And the skills of the strange fish have basically been tested out, except for the collision attack, which is to extend the two tentacles around the mouth for entanglement and whipping. The power is full, but the method is too simple.

  The most powerful attack is actually the melee method. When approaching a certain distance, blue water blades will appear on the strange fish, which are extremely sharp. Without paying attention before, Lin Yushi's wings were almost cut off.

   Fortunately, this is just the wings of the skill structure, and it takes a little mana to recover. On the contrary, the strange fish was wounded by the burrs on the wings and almost rolled in the air in pain. Even the behemoth couldn't bear that kind of severe pain.

   After knowing this trick, it is impossible to attack Lin Yushi.

While watching, Du You said: "Although this strange fish’s attack is very sharp, it’s fine as long as you don’t get close. The defense is very balanced, and the resistance to physical attacks and spell attacks has no obvious strengths and weaknesses. Can kill forcibly."

   Lin Yucha also nodded and said: "Now it's enough to find the fatal point, look at it, Yushi has already begun to experiment."

   Lin Yushi launched various attacks on the whole body of the strange fish. Of course, the attacks were very slight. Evil-breaking scattering was suppressed to the strength that had just reached the fifth-order attack, but the strange fish was being attacked all over the body.

   Lin Yushi is not to kill this strange fish, but to test out the weakness of the strange fish. This can actually be seen from the reaction of the strange fish when it is attacked. The fatal point being attacked and other places being attacked are completely two reactions.

  "I found it, three more special places, two on the head, and one under the Lin Yushi said to two people through the panel.

   Du You immediately commanded: "Choose any point to attack, and then we will study it."

   Lin Yushi nodded, and suddenly released a blood-red lightning bolt with all his strength, which instantly pierced a spot under the strange fish’s neck. After this point was penetrated, the strange fish stopped attacking.

   After struggling in place for a while, he finally died. The blue clouds in the sky also weakened slightly.

   But Lin Yucha and Du You landed, and began to study the body of this strange fish.

"This point on the neck should be the energy connection point of the giant beast's body. There are no important organs here, but after breaking this point, the monster fish's own energy will be confused, and it will seriously kill itself. And the two on the head This point is completely a physical weakness. There is a gap between the two parts of the skull. From this angle, the brain can be directly injured."

   Although the behemoth is Tier 5, it has not yet reached the point where it can survive with brain damage. If other important organs are destroyed, maybe this strange fish can survive for a long time, but the brain will not work.

   Even the professionals like Du You are the same. The heart is penetrated, and they can live for a while, and can even heal themselves, but if the head is shattered, then it is really dead.

  The masters of their level are usually destroyed by the power of the skill instantly, which will lead to death. It seems that there is only one wound, but in fact it is impossible for everyone to attack just one point.

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