Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1152: Aisha shot

Du You just waited for a while, and Aisha flew over in a Griffon.

   "Brother, Aisha is here, where are the foxes?"

   Du You smiled: "I miss the fox if I don't want it."

   Aisha pouted: "Of course I thought, but I can see you big brother every day, and those foxes are just this time." Aisha jumped onto Xiao Zi's body and hugged Du You's arm.

   is really a distressing little fox, Du You pointed down: "Look, it's in that col, what are you going to do?"

There are trees everywhere around the    Col. The trees are shaded, so I can’t see clearly. Du You’s current position is also to prevent the other party from discovering himself. Otherwise, these foxes would not stay so peacefully.

Aisha took a closer look, and finally saw the foxes clearly: "It's really a white fox. If you take it back, you will definitely be regarded as a holy fox. I found that most of these white foxes were worshipped by priests. Bring it back to the temple to raise it. It’s just that the number decreased later, so it was no longer raised. Unfortunately, it can only be killed today."

   Aisha is terribly mature in this respect, more mature than Du You herself. It won't affect your own development just because of your own preferences, on the contrary, you will give up all the things you like for the future.

   This is not something ordinary children can do. It seems that there is a reason why Aisha was able to become a candidate for the saint woman and attracted other candidates to chase after her.

   "Two King Kong griffins will do." Aisha said, Du You nodded slightly and directly agreed.

  You can't do it yourself, otherwise it will have too much influence on Aisha's evaluation. Soldiers can be used, but these soldiers belong to the main domain, not Aisha, the Saint Fox City, so the evaluation will be lowered even more.

   In order to eliminate the impact as much as possible, Aisha only chose two King Kong Griffins. The King Kong Griffin is powerful in combat, but its own level is relatively low, so this evaluation will offset some, and the rest will depend on Aisha herself.

   The two King Kong worlds rushed down from the air and directly pressed the two big foxes to the ground. The big fox immediately resisted when frightened, but the white fox's spells were basically not for direct attacks, but for assistance.

   On the contrary, the King Kong Griffin is strong in close combat, and its own defense and magic resistance are also quite high. So the two big foxes were directly suppressed. If Du You hadn't let the griffin kill the fox, it wouldn't take long for the two big foxes to die in this place.

   Aisha had been hiding beside her a long time ago, and when she saw the two big foxes being suppressed, she suddenly jumped out. When the foxes saw Aisha, there was a flash of joy in their eyes. The fox family and this kind of fox beast are naturally close. It's a pity that Aisha didn't come to rescue them, this time she was going to kill these foxes.

   A touch of unbearable flashed in Aisha's eyes, but she gritted her teeth and continued to attack. The body shape flashed, and the speed was strangely fast. Under Du You's incredible eyes, every time Aisha took a step, her figure would get bigger.

   Finally, the large clothes were supported, and Aisha changed from a little girl to a mature woman. That figure is almost about to explode his clothes. The face is youthful and feminine and soft, exuding a strange charm.

   "Is this a Saint Fox form." Du You remembered a new skill on the Aisha panel.

   After using this skill, Aisha's own power became very powerful, several times stronger than before, and the strong sacred beast elemental power on her body was released, almost forming a layer of armor on Aisha.

   Regardless of it, Aisha rushed directly in front of a Tier 4 fox, and gently pressed her palm on the fox's head. The penetrating force and power spurted out, and the fox's brain suddenly turned into a paste.

   hasn't reacted yet, why would my own people attack my own people. The foxes were a little stunned. When they reacted, the Tier 4 foxes in the group were dead and clean. Aisha did not hesitate to continue slaughtering the remaining foxes.

   The two big foxes let out a mournful cry, desperately trying to get rid of the entanglement of the griffon. However, the griffon was as good at air combat as land combat, and it took the opportunity to leave deeper scratches on the two foxes.

   Aisha let out a sigh, and saw a fox that had been caught, she turned over without hesitation. Griffon just grabbed his opponent, not letting the fox have the slightest chance to attack Aisha. And the fox's desperate struggle and attack only caused the King Kong Griffin to drop some hair, and it was too difficult to injure the King Kong Griffin.

   "It looks a bit miserable. Next time you encounter this kind of fox, it is better to catch it." Du You saw the tears in Aisha's eyes. This girl is really distressing.

   For territorial development, I can endure to this level. Obviously knowing that the territory has its own help will not be a problem, but it is still necessary to do this step, this kind of persistence, Du You himself is moved by it.

   Regardless of her tears, Aisha slaughtered the foxes and put her final goal on the two big foxes.

   A series of attacks hit the big fox's back The force penetrated in, and soon the big fox died. The dignified Tier 5 monster was killed by a Tier 4 fox, which is really embarrassing to say.

   Aisha rushed towards the last fox without hesitation. Seeing Aisha coming, the hatred in the fox's eyes was almost burning. With a "click", the big fox actually bit one of his own legs, and desperately freed himself from the entanglement of the King Kong Griffin, and faced Aisha.

   "It's not good, it's dangerous." Du You's expression changed, but because it was too far away, it was too late to help.

   Aisha saw the big fox rushing over, gritted her teeth, two lights flashed on her body, and then two unknown equipment exploded. A layer of defense appeared on her body, and Aisha just turned sideways, avoiding the most powerful attack of the fox.

   Seizing the opportunity, Aisha made several attacks on the fox's body, and was finally knocked out by the fox's tail.

   The fox wailed, and a mouthful of blood flowed out, and he was dying. Aisha was also lying in the distance. Before Du You passed, he heard Aisha's voice: "Don't come here, I'm fine."

   After finishing speaking, Aisha slowly got up. Du You could see that Aisha's damaged clothes were all bruised, and the corners of his mouth were blood flowing, and he was about to lose his feet. This is also a professional, and the injury is not far from death when replaced by another person.

   With that kind of injury, Du You can even be sure that Aisha is definitely not so okay on the surface, and the internal organs are probably broken. It's just that Aisha still persists, walking forward step by step, and her figure will become smaller every time she takes a step.

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