Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1120: New 5-story building

The Sand Snake Cave was already on the right track, and Du You didn't need to watch the rest. But Du You had nowhere to go during this time, so he returned to his territory and continued to condense his advanced skills.

Only after returning to the territory, Du You found that among the things he had purchased from the Shenyan Empire, he had found the last advanced material corresponding to his skills, which was an unknown statue. Because the time is too long, and the quality of the material itself is not good, it has been blurred. But it is certain that the owner of this statue must be a famous Tier 5 master.

Du You put it in the skill hall for the first time, evolving his last un-advanced skill.

Moon God Blessing: Increase the basic attributes of all summoned beasts by 2% for each level, and an additional 10% in the moonlight. All summons have increased resilience and toughness, and have a certain chance to see through the enemy's weaknesses. (Level 43, 10 stars)

Three days later, the evolution of the new skill is completed, the Moon God Blessing, which is a passive skill. Nowadays, in addition to the introduction of basic improvement, a lot of capabilities have been added in the future.

Generally speaking, his summoned beast is stronger. If you fight the quicksand sacrifice again, you don't need your own bubbles to initiate a blessing. With the improvement of this skill, your summoned beast can crush the opponent.

A few days after coming back, thanks to the crystal diamond, his unit building was finally upgraded to Tier 5.

The first to be promoted was the giant rock fort, his first unit building.

Giant Rock Fort (Fifth Tier):

Giant Rock Heavy Samurai Level 10: 3000 people/month, full price of 100 white crystal coins/person

Giant Rock Reloaded Warrior Level 18: 1000 people/month, full price of 100 Hongjing Coins/person

Giant Rock Reloaded Warrior Level 27: 600 people/month, full price of 100 green crystal coins/person

Giant Rock Reloaded Warrior Level 33: 200 people/month, full price 40 topaz/person

Hussar Level 8: 3000 people/month, full price of 80 white crystal coins/person

Heavy Armored Knight Level 19: 1000 people/month, full price of 200 red crystal coins/person

Silver Knight Level 28: 800 people/month, full price of 300 green crystal coins/person

Shadow Shooter Level 20: 1000 people/month, full price of 500 red crystal coins/person

Insinuate Level 30: 500 people/month, full price of 550 green crystal coins/person

Insinuation shooter level 35: 200 people/month, full price of 60 topaz/person

Dark Warrior Level 47: 50 people/month, full price of 900 Kyanite Coins/person

Shadow Assassin Level 45: 50 people/month, full price 800 Kyanite coins/person

After the Giant Rock Fort was upgraded to Tier 5, the number of arms increased in all directions, and the number of soldiers that could be recruited every month increased qualitatively. Du You was a little strange just seeing the dark warrior and shadow assassin below.

"These are all units you made with real people, right? Where did you get them?" Du You is very strange. This is a Tier 5 master. A master at this level is a big man anywhere and will be affected. Human courtesy.

Saria pursed her mouth and smiled: "Speaking of which, our luck is really good. It was not easy for Tier 5 humans to capture it. But some time ago, an underground organization colluded with local nobles and sold their own information. It was given to the people of the Quicksand Empire. As a result, the senior officials of the Shenyan Empire were furious and wiped out the nobleman and the underground organization."

"We have something to do with the Shenyan Empire, so we can buy a batch of abandoned Tier 5 masters from the Shenyan Empire."

Also, they won't give themselves intact, maybe they will be enemies. "Huh, if all the masters were not eliminated, our arms strength would definitely rise."

"Don't look like a bitter and deep hatred. This is already very good. It adds a thousand Tier 5 masters every month." Those who complain about it like this will be condemned by the gods.

A few days later, a new fifth-story building appeared.

Frogman Wharf (Fifth Stage):

Frogman Warrior Level 23: 5000 people/month, full price of 100 green crystal coins/person

Frogman warrior level 34: 2000 people/month, full price of 120 topaz/person

Frogman King Level 42: 300 people/month, full price of 500 Kyanite coins/person

That's right, this time it was the Frogman Wharf, and the arms were not captured, but the existing arms were cultivated by themselves. I have to say that the frogman is really a weak unit.

Although there are 300 Tier 5 arms in this Frogman Wharf every month, the strength is really terrible. Enemies of the same level can even collapse them with a few tricks. That is, they will have good combat effectiveness when they are underwater.

This combat power is almost comparable to murlocs of the same level. Fortunately, the price is also cheap, at least it can make your coastal areas safer. Du You didn't intend to let them appear for these so-called fifth-orders.

Then, his Dragon Knight Camp was also promoted to Tier 5.

Dragon Knight Camp (Fifth Tier):

Land Travel Dragoon Level 28: 500 groups/month, full price of 200 green crystal coins/group

Earth Dragoon Level 35: 200 groups/month, full price of 150 topaz/group

The number of the two dragoons in the Dragon Cavalry camp has increased a lot, but because Du You did not find a Tier 5 Dragoon type unit, there is no way to create a new unit, and Tier 5 buildings can only produce Tier 4 troops.

The other buildings were left alone because there was no way to improve them in a short time. But what Du You didn't expect was that his own residential buildings had been researched and improved, and it would not be easy for this civil building to break through the fourth-order.

Folk house (fourth floor):

Each residential house can accommodate 50 people. In the residential house, technicians, scholars, commanders, etc. can be produced. Employing a full price of 1 white crystal coin/person, there is a great chance of producing special occupations. The civilians produced in Tier 4 houses have extremely high learning ability and talent for cultivation, which are of great value for cultivation.

After the civil building broke through to Tier 4, the effect that it produced was qualitatively changed. Du You built a residential This is simply a big villa. Of course, if you can live with fifty people, you actually have to stuff it inside. Two hundred people will do.

Moreover, there are no civilians produced in the dwellings, that is to say, there are no mediocre people produced in it, and each of them has at least one skill, and there is a great chance that special professionals will be born. This is the value of dwellings.

And the extremely high talent and learning ability make civilians have a high degree of plasticity. In the future, even if it is not a unit, it is possible to cultivate by itself to have the same power as those special units. This is a combat power that does not account for the number of units. The most important thing is that this kind of civilian-trained arms has a great chance of increasing the level of arms and giving them new skills.

Folk dwellings are indeed the basic construction of a territory, and good dwellings are essential to the development of a territory.

Of course, for these fourth-tier residential buildings, Du You kept the blueprints tightly hidden, and he would never let others get it. It takes unimaginable time and resources for civil buildings to break through Tier 4.

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