Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1109: Breaking the balance bubble

To be honest, Du You had never seen him like this in summoning. Even those powerful professionals, none of them can compare with themselves in this respect.

Of course, Du You didn't think he was the most powerful among summoners, but he hadn't encountered it yet. But Du You was certain that even if he was a summoner of the same level, there were probably few that could compare with him.

Among his own summoned beasts, except for a ghostly patterned crow, which had no effect, there was only one photon elf that basically had no combat effectiveness. Now, the ghostly patterned crow was sent out by Du You to help on the battlefield. The large-scale weakening halo unfolded, which could reduce the strength of the fifth-order sand people by one level.

As for Kaya's attack, Du You didn't care. That kind of attack is not afraid of passive defense with his own shield spell.

Seeming to find that his attack was ineffective, Kaya finally gave up the ordinary attack and began to brew big moves.

It's just that Du You has a dark flame arrow array or soul piercing at hand, which can make Kaya give up continuing to cast spells and turn to full defense. In terms of direct spell attack defense, the sacrifice is far worse than himself.

"It seems that you don't have any other means." Du You said after fighting for a while.

"But I still have it. I don't know if you can stop it." Du You's heart moved as a bubble appeared.

This timid unicorn sensed the presence of a large number of Tier 5 around it, released the clone for the first time, and then carefully observed the surroundings. Du You glared at this guy with an angry look, but Bubbles didn't care at all.

"Release the blessing, don't be idle." Du You had to remind him.

Kaya also saw the new unicorn. Although he wanted to attack the unicorn, he was stopped by Du You and had no chance at all. And when the bubble heard that he didn't have to go directly to the battlefield, he was relieved a lot.

A wide range of blessing spells were released and spread on the battlefield. With the passive skill of Concentric Light and Darkness, Du You's summons completely accepted the blessing of this skill, and their strength was improved again.

The Dark Spirit Battle Armor on his body did not repel this light force in the slightest. This is the power of Light and Dark Concentric.

On the contrary, Du You found that the other party's summoned beast was a little uncomfortable. Under the action of the light attribute power, except for the death scorpion, the strength of the other summoned beasts has been reduced a lot, and the body has suffered damage to varying degrees. Even the red light blessed by that layer faintly dissipated a little.

Du You's eyes lit up: "Sure enough, things like these mummies are dead."

Du You hadn't dared to be completely sure before, but now he was sure that the only things that could hurt the blessing of bubbles were extremely evil creatures and undead. Things like these mummies are indeed undead.

Between one plus one minus, the balance between the two sides is completely broken. At first they were evenly matched, but later they became crushed and beaten. Only the two-headed Blood Demon Dog and the Quicksand Warrior have a special battlefield, but the two-headed Blood Demon Dog finally has the upper hand. After the bubble appeared, the entire battlefield changed.

Du You kept attacking and suppressing Kaya, but the defensive power of the sand wrapped in red light around Kaya was too strong. Du You would find that he could not kill the opponent for a while.

The Eye of Death should be able to do it, but Du You dare not use it. Because his own eyes of the **** of death were condensed after absorbing the curse of the **** of death, but the other party was a sacrifice to the **** of death.

If it caught the attention of that desert **** of death, he would be in danger. Faced with the existence of Tier 7, it is best to remain in awe. But it didn't take long for him to kill it himself.

I don't know why, my own energy-concentrating magic cannon can't lock the opponent, and will always be avoided in advance, otherwise Du You would have eliminated the opponent long ago. And the decomposing spell is of no use here, as it decomposes a layer of sand at most.

Bubbles release their blessings tirelessly over and over again, and a lightning chain comes up from time to time. Lightning carrying a strong holy light power circulated on the battlefield, creating a large number of scars on the bodies of several mummies.

Finally, Kaya was completely desperate when he couldn't feel hope. He drew out a black knife and cut off one of his arms. The arm turned into fly ash in the air, and then a special force gathered.

"Is the evil sacrifice that the ritual is best at?" Du You narrowed his eyes and released three energy-gathering rings at the same time, and the energy-gathering magic cannon began to condense. Sacrificing sacrifices through self-harming bodies is not an ordinary skill.

Kaya roared, and a cloud of red sand suddenly condensed in mid-air, turning into a head that didn't know what it was, and rushed in the direction of Du You. The horrible smell of blood makes people nauseous after a long distance.

Du You didn't hesitate, and directly released the shaped energy magic cannon. If you can't hit such a big target, it's your own problem. Sure enough, the energy-concentrating magic cannon directly hit the head made of sand, and under the burst of red light, it was penetrated all at once. The black beam of light pierced into the void, but Kaya hid it.

But the head made of sand shattered instantly, and the power was completely penetrated. Kaya was backlashed, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his expression wilted. And the force that interfered with oneself finally began to dissipate.

"Hmph, your death date is here." Du You's eyes lit up, and a large range of dark flame arrows enveloped them, and then released a series of energy-charging magic cannons. This time the opponent has no way to escape the lock, and can only resist in place.

That layer of red sand, every time it faces an attack from the shaped cannon, it will be blown up by more than half, and this degree is getting deeper and deeper. Kaya's face became more and more ugly, and a layer of dead gray gradually emerged.

But at this time it was the summoned objects that collapsed first. The red light blessed by the death puppet was finally dissolved by the unremitting efforts of the bubble. In an instant, the strength of all the mummies dropped by a large margin.

The situation that was originally pressed and beaten has become one-sided. The natural disaster giant dog slapped his opponent to the ground, and then bit the giant bear's head. With great power, the giant bear's skull was bitten to pieces.

In the air, the dark dragon grabbed its opponent and tore it forcefully. At the same time, his mouth was close to the opponent's wound, and a dragon breath spit out. The enemy who was evenly matched before was instantly slumped, and then burned.

After having a breakthrough, the next step is simple. With the assistance of the Dark Dragon and the Scourge Dog, several other mummies were killed one after another. And every time he dies, Kaya spit out a mouthful of blood, the color of the blood getting darker and deeper, and the last mouthful turned black.


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