Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1024: The beginning of the sneaky

An atmosphere of solemnity permeated the entire battlefield. When he approached the battlefield, Du You himself was infected by this atmosphere.

   It's not that Du You has never seen this kind of scene, but there are too many masters here. Feeling the depression in the air, the people here lowered their voice a lot without consciously speaking.

   "What's the matter? After the war, Tier 6 masters won't do it easily. Also, once these people make a move, it means that the battle has entered the decisive battle stage." Du You looked at the public information.

  The front line attracted almost all the fifth tiers, and the remaining fifth tiers were almost guarded in the old nest. So as long as it is not too unlucky, then in the next battle, he will not encounter a Tier 5 master.

   But even so, for most people, some tasks are very dangerous, especially those that sneak into the back of the opponent. Most people are unwilling to perform it. Although this is a preliminary task, it is also dangerous.

   There were also some people who took the risk and gathered a lot of people to form a large team, ready to sneak in. This method of attacking each other deep behind enemy lines is equally prevalent even in this world.

   Even Du You discovered that some organizations had secretly formed spies to help them detect the target situation.

   "Let's accept the task, too, there is nothing more suitable for us than this." Du You pointed to a task and said.

   On the panel, there are a few missions that no one accepts. They are going deep behind the enemy lines, and they are dealing with the dark demon missions of the demon nemesis. Dealing with them, the benefits are too few, it is not easy to find a team.

"This kind of task is also the safest for us. These dark demons are focusing on the opponents of the light and dark elements. We are doing the opposite now, and it is even more difficult to encounter Tier 5 opponents. enemy."

   Lin Yucha also agreed, so Du You stepped forward without hesitation and accepted the task. In the puzzled and contemptuous eyes of the task publisher, Du You took the task and left with the two sisters.

   While walking, Du You looked at the panel. Although the level did not improve during this period, the skills they can advance to reach level 36. Having stayed in the territory for so long before, the biggest gain was his advanced skills.

Advanced skills: advanced dark magic (level 34), advanced mental perception (level 35), stable magic (level 34), mysterious recovery (level 35), spiritual shield (level 35), dark element affinity (level 36) , Body of the Night (level 35), Magic Nebula (level 34), Skilled Hand (level 34)

   Du You saw that he had fully entered the advanced skills of Tier 4, and he was very satisfied with it. Only these advanced skills have brought me a lot of improvement, but there are too many skills, and it is not easy to improve.

   Then, Du You looked at the skill panels of the two sisters, and made great progress just like himself.

Advanced skills: Intermediate Demon Power (Level 36), Concentration (Level 34), Rapid Fire (Level 34), Mystic Recovery (Level 35), Magic Nebula (Level 34), Advanced Mental Perception (Level 35) , Spirit Shield (Level 35), Hunting (Level 33), Stable Magic (Level 35), Skillful Hand (Level 35)

   Not only the various skills have been improved, but the locking skills that have not been advanced before have finally broken through the full level state and become a new skill hunting. During this time, this skill has also advanced to level 33.

   Hunting: Advanced skills, pre-requisite basic archery level 9 and spirit lock level 7. Significantly increase the shooter's hit rate, increase the range, resist adverse environmental influences, and increase the success rate of weak points. Increase the speed of the body and improve the tracking ability. (Level 33)

   The introduction is still very simple, but the improvement in personal skills is very significant.

   After reading it, Du You closed the panel. At this time, he had left the barracks and came to the high mountains. There are many other people who came here at the same time, but everyone is hiding very well.

   The first battle started with this kind of sneaky. With the two sisters, everyone did not speak, but moved forward quietly. In the mountains and forests, few people made any movement, and battle fluctuations were even rarer.

   In the air, a hidden ghostly patterned crow secretly observed its surroundings and sent a message to Du You.

   "So, as long as these guys don't do anything, they are basically professionals. Those who take the initiative to attack are basically indigenous. Very interesting, really interesting."

  Professionals are trying to reduce their own casualties, it is all kinds of tricks emerging in an endless stream. Although professionals are members of different forces in this world, everyone is earthly after all. There is no direct contradiction between the people who come to this world. Everyone is here for good.

   Du You has never encountered aboriginals along the way, but only encountered two groups of professionals who are the same as himself. After these people saw themselves, they made the agreed gestures, and after confirming their identities, everyone bypassed the other party and moved on without a word.

   Just like this, he moved forward cautiously in the forest, crossing the opponent's line of defense. After spending two days, Du You and others finally came to the back of the part of the Dark Demon of Demon Most of them are ordinary people with weak strength, let them go, let’s go find more Good goal. "

   Just arrived here, Du You saw many villages and gathering places. Because the strong have left, the rest are old and weak women and children. Du You was here to make a profit, and he was not a murderer.

   To slaughter civilians, Du You was unwilling to do it, and it was of no use. Although these people look a little abnormal. Yes, the biggest abnormality is their hands, which are all blood red.

  The stronger the person, the more serious the redness of his hands. But for those who are not strong and those children, the palms of them are slightly rosy, and they look no different from ordinary humans.

   Even if the war will kill people and accidentally hurt many innocent people, Du You will never take the initiative to attack these innocent people. This is the bottom line that Du You insists on. Since the world of the Three Kingdoms melee, Du You has set the bottom line for himself.

   Ordinary people who were accidentally injured by the aftermath of his own battle, Du You would not sympathize, but he took the initiative to attack, that would never be allowed.

   bypassing these people, a group of three people continue to go deep. Going deep to this point, no one is with him anymore, Du You is also happy to be so, cooperating with other people, it would waste a lot of his own income.

   After two days of in-depth investigation, Du You finally found a goal. "Yes, a military fortress, or an improved city, I am afraid there will be things we need."


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