Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1022: It's good time

Du You pondered for a moment. Now they are in the wild, and they don't know the situation in this world. Du You simply closed his eyes and carefully felt the remaining breath in the air.

   "Go over there, the breath over there is more messy, not so single, I think if there are humans inhabited, it should be over there." After a long time, Du You finally made a judgment.

   Both sisters followed Du You, and they had no opinion. After spending most of the day, Du You kept adjusting his route, and finally found a human city without a map. That's right, this is a big city, you can see the huge outline area and the tall city walls around it.

   It was very easy to enter the city. The other party saw the three Du You and didn't even check, so they let them in.

   "Why is it so easy?" Du You said in surprise.

At this time, Lin Yucha suddenly thought of something as if: "By the way, I remember the information said that the dark demon seems to be slightly different from humans, so this is the case. And the dark demon is not at all Good at disguising yourself."

   Du You can only understand this way. After entering the city with the two sisters, Du You is ready to find a professional association. In this world where a large number of professionals enter, there must be a place such as a professional association. Only the professionals know what the professionals need, and if you find the professional association, there is no need to smear in this world.

   Just before Du You was looking for it, he saw a large number of people gathered in one direction.

   "What's going on, what happened. Hey, brother, where are you guys going?"

The person who was stopped looked back at Du You, and then said: "You don't know yet, hurry over. We natural people have united with outsiders and the light and dark demon, ready to crusade against the dark demon on both sides. If you can win this time, even if you can't wipe out those nasty dark demons in one fell swoop, it will save you from trouble for many years."

   After finishing speaking, the man continued to run forward, very fast, for fear of lateness.

Du You looked around, and then said to the two sisters: "Natural people should be talking about normal humans in this world, and outsiders should be professionals like us, so the bright and dark demons are of light attributes. "

   Lin Yushi was excited when he saw the excitement: "Master, let's go over and take a look, maybe there is something to gain."

   Du You thought for a while, anyway, there is no specific plan now, so he simply agreed. The three people walked all the way to the place where the crowd gathered, and the more they walked over there, the more people there were.

   Finally, Du You saw the crowded square in front of him, and there was a high platform in the distance, and a guy with golden eyes was speaking loudly.

"Those evil dark demons, we have broken free from the hands of demons for so many years, but they are still walking on the dark road, so that they will become demons sooner or later. We absolutely don't allow this kind of thing to happen. All Human beings yearn for the light, and only light can bring us a bright future..."

   Du You watched that guy publicize his remarks loudly on the high platform, and it turned out that many people were attracted. Judging by what they look like now, maybe there will be a big battle.

   "Look, the professional association is over there. Let's go over and find out what's going on."

   Suddenly, Lin Yucha pointed in one direction and said, Du You nodded slightly, and then walked towards that side with the two sisters. When some people were too dense, Du You could only use teleport with the two sisters.

   Fortunately, there are too many people here, and there are also a lot of people using various small spells, so no one notices their actions.

   finally squeezed through the crowd, and three people came to the professional association. At this time, the association was also full of people, and everyone was signing up to participate in the war. After Du You stepped forward to learn about it, he decided that he would also join the war.

   "This is really, it's a good time." Du You's eyes lighted up, he didn't expect that it was time for him to come. That's right, just like the publicity outside, the war is really about to begin.

   The tripartite alliance was originally intended to defeat the Dark Demon of the dark attribute, but because of the relationship between the lips and the teeth, the group of people who used the light golden power, the attributes were only aimed at the demons, and the demons were restrained, now also came to participate.

   But they support the Dark Demon, and they think that the Dark Demon is also a human. This kind of war is unjust war. For their own survival, they can only join the opposite side. So the two sides are now confronting each other on the border, and a large-scale war is coming soon. And this opportunity happened to be met by Du You.

   If you miss this opportunity, it will not be easy to make trouble in this world.

   "This kind of large-scale battle, the front line will definitely attract all Tier 6 masters and most Tier 5 masters. The next scene is much easier for us. But we still have to experiment."

"Experiment what?" Lin Yucha asked Du You Du You did not evade, and said directly: "We also need to test how different your strength is from the strength of others. If you can restrain yourself Their power is the best. Their power does not seem to be that pure."

   After arriving in this world, Du You discovered that something was not right. He found that the power of the Dark Demon still carried some devilish breath, even if it was the light route.

   On the contrary, the two sisters had the power to sacrifice the devil from the beginning, and there was no devil's breath at all. Even if it is born out of demon power, but the two are completely different. This is why the spirits of the two sisters have never been affected, but the dark demons of this world have been affected in some ways.

  Of course, the dark demons with bright attributes will definitely not admit these, they think they are very pure.

   After signing up, Du You got the order to go to the front line in four days, and a badge to prove his identity.

   The level of this world is too high, Du You himself dare not be as arrogant as in previous worlds. Especially in this kind of war, integrating yourself into the collective is the best way to develop yourself.

   To make a fortune in a muffled voice is much better than to stand up on his own initiative. "It just makes me wonder, why did it cause such a large-scale battle, and what good is it for them?" Du You said to himself.

   "Perhaps, the benefit lies in this place." Suddenly, Lin Yucha pointed to a document and said.

  :. :

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