Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 333: Primitive war

Time, another long 50,000 years, the development of the three major civilizations was slow but stable, and slowly, the crystal skulls left by the five elders began to be discovered in excavations around the world. At first, the leaders of primitive tribes everywhere We are only attracted by its hard texture, transparent shape, and weird shape.

Therefore, the crystal skull became the totem worship of those primitive tribes, placed in the tomb of the pharaoh, and placed on the high temple.

With the passage of time, more and more observations of the skull of the well have been made. By chance, some people have obtained the method of accessing the internal information of the skull and obtained wonderful knowledge from it.

As a result, some prophets, witch doctors, and high priests began to claim that they had mastered miracles and received hints from the heavens. Some people even gained the worship and fear of the people through these advanced technologies, and became the leaders of the tribes, even Power in the world.

The war started in a small area, like a spark falling on the carpet, it spread into a large black hole in an instant.

First, there was a fight between a dozen people’s villages and the neighboring villages for water sources, then several surrounding villages, and then ethnic groups and ethnic groups. When the power expanded again, it developed into tribes and tribes.

When large tribes swallowed enough small tribes, the country was born. The feudal servitude country was made up of countless people’s flesh and blood. The empire’s capital was built on the enemy’s corpse, and the city-state alliance gradually expanded. The king of the kingdom ascended to the top of the throne, and began to cast his eyes to the distance beyond his sight.

The ancient Egyptian King Saqqara unified the entire Egypt after several generations of battles by the emperors. Wearing a red and white crown, he commanded a 150,000 army to sweep down the remaining tribes in Asia Minor, and then swung his sword to the east. After passing through the barren desert, over the snow-capped mountains, finally arrived at a place where aquatic plants are abundant and the sky is blue.

There are luxuriant pastures and herds of livestock. The abundance makes Saqqara feel dizzy. He thinks he has finally reached the end of the world and found heaven.

Therefore, he commanded his sturdy army to smash several small local countries, but he didn't know that those small countries were all Fanbangs that belonged to the civilization empire behind them.

Many of the captured prisoners of war were put on wooden sticks and roasted and became the army's supply.

Saqqara felt unprecedented satisfaction, making him yearn for the east even more, and once again started the army to the end of the vast grassland.

On the thirtieth day, the army of King Saqqara was stationed in a mountain col. At dawn, thunder suddenly thundered in the sky.

This shocked Saqqara, but the thing that shocked him even more was yet to come, because he discovered to his horror that it was not a thunder at all, but the sound of the enemy's killing.

In all directions of the valley, the misty figures pouring down like tides could not be seen clearly in the morning light, and he could not understand what the other party was calling. It was a civilization completely different from theirs. They were not tall. Light yellow skin, black hair and black eyebrows, but abnormal agility

More importantly, the weapons they held in their hands turned out to be precious metals.

Compared with the tribes of ancient Egyptian sandstone civilization whose smelting technology is still very backward, bronze is already the hardest weapon in the world. Almost half of the soldiers of Saqqara use only wooden sticks and stone axes. hammer

And the hundreds of thousands of the opposing army are all holding bright machete, which are sharp wrought iron and stainless steel that have been carefully forged.

Saqqara escaped. Under the desperate protection of dozens of guards, taking advantage of the morning haze, he fled to the west in a hurry, leaving 150,000 people of the sun god, becoming a target for the opponent to practice hacking.

The king of the Mu empire ordered the massacre of all the 150,000 warriors. Using a human head on a hillside facing west, he spelled out a huge character: war

King Saqqara returned to Egypt in horror. A month later, he died in depression. The successor Saqqara XVI was only fourteen years old. Unlike his father, Saqqara XVI was keen and humble. Ten times the spies went to the east to inquire about the news of that unknown country, but the information they brought back shocked him.

He thought that Egypt was already the center of the world, but discovered that this civilization in the East had an area of ​​more than ten times that of himself, which was vast and rich.

What's more important is that they have much more advanced scientific knowledge than themselves, including iron smelting, farming, machinery, and cultural development that are much higher than those of themselves who are still at the end of slavery and rely on two rivers for irrigation, animal husbandry and hunting.

Therefore, Saqqara XVI, who understood the gap with the other party, began to learn techniques from the East with humility, sending people to disguise, and constantly learning new technologies and methods from Asia, and digging canals. Build houses, stabilize the floating population, and develop agriculture and animal husbandry.

Within fifteen years, this branch of civilization has grown rapidly, gaining national power almost equivalent to that of Mu civilization.

Feeling that the time was ripe for Saqqara XVI to avenge his father, he led a 500,000 army to the east, and fought another battle with the army of the Mu Empire on the grasslands that year.

But what awaits him is another fiasco

More than half of the 500,000 army was lost because the army of the Mu Empire developed a new type of weapon, bow and arrow.

In a world where bows and arrows have not yet been born, there is naturally no such thing as a shield. The 500,000 army is exposed to the enemy's arrow rain, and without even touching the enemy’s side, it flees in a ~Leave a dead body.

"This guy, I have lost so hard." Hao Zhiben thought that the Saqqara King would have a chance to turn over, but he didn't expect to get such a result. "This King is so modest and cautious, working hard, and still defeated so miserably. It is really fate. The tease"

"Actually, this is an asymmetric war"

"Asymmetrical War" Hao Zhi is new to this term.

"It means that if the two sides of the battle are at different levels of civilization, then it is an asymmetric war. The weaker side cannot win the war anyway. It can only be a unilateral killing game and how strong you are. His fighting spirit and hard work are irrelevant."

Hao Zhi nodded. Indeed, the war between the blood moon and the people on earth should also be an asymmetric war. If they come in a hundred years later, it will not matter whether we are good or evil, whether we fight to the death or persist to the end. , It doesn’t matter to powerful enemies, they don’t care

Is there a way to break the asymmetric warfare Hao Zhi asked a question that he was very concerned about.


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