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Special changes in human bodies have also occurred. The most incredible thing is that the human body can be fused with the genes of one other creature.

Bai Ou once killed a golden praying mantis, and the juice of the golden mantis penetrated into his body, fused with the genes of his body, and generated the twenty -fourth pair of chromosomes.

Although the human body can be fused with the genes of other species, whether the power of this gene can be activated, there may not be one among ten people.

This world calls this activation gene to obtain extraordinary strength as “molten”.

Chen Weidang said: “There are ten levels and ten kinds of changes. We call it” Ten Ten Characters ‘. Our human body is like a treasure trove. Unfortunately, this treasure house has been locked, “Ten changes in the dealers’,” It is a transformation process that constantly stimulates the power in this gene treasure house. ”

“Our human ancestors used to have very powerful power. Unfortunately, our humans mainly developed intelligence in the process of evolution. Instead, we have forgotten these physical power. The process of awakening the power of the ancestors has the strength. In a sense, we hope to get degenerate through hard work. ”

Bai Ou silently listened to Chen Weidong’s explanation, feeling that his point of view was a novel point of view that he had never heard of himself.

For a long time, he only knows evolution. Unexpectedly, the original species can be degraded, and even a strong force can be obtained through some degeneration.

“The genetic forces that can activate the fusion have the power, speed, response and physical healing ability of ordinary people. This is the” molten all change ‘. Now you have successfully stimulated the genetic power of the golden praying mantis in the body. The first change of Yanfan. ”

“Don’t underestimate this step. The probability of success is only one -tenth. Those who can ‘succeed in the change of all changes” can easily graduate from’ Nan’an College ‘and obtain a college graduation certificate. ”

“As for the second change, it is even more difficult. Those university professors of the” Nan’an College “can only reach the” Two Change “.”

Bai Ou heard Chen Weidong’s words and was curious in his heart, saying: “Uncle Chen,” Ten Ten Characters’ changes in a total of ten changes, the second change is so difficult, how difficult it is to change the tenth change? Is it a change of ten? ”

Chen Weidong shook his head and said, “The ten changes of the Fanfan, that exists in the legend, and the entire Chinese country did not hear who said that it has reached the realm of” Ten Fanzhi “. It exists, but it is not something we can imagine and contact. ”

Bai Ou nodded, thinking that those existences are indeed too far away from themselves. Now thinking about these is not realistic, saying: “What about our Nan’an City? How many changes have reached the most powerful changes in Nan’an?”

Chen Weidang said: “The most powerful people in Nan’an should have reached the third change, including the Zheng and Deputy Dean of our” Nan’an College “, whether there is a stronger one, I don’t even know.”

When Bai Ou heard of this, he understood this “Ten Ten Changes”. The gap between each change was extremely large. It can be said that it was crushed. Now he has reached “the change of a change”, which can easily defeat ordinary people, and ” “Two changes” can be easily crushed.

Chen Weidong is a master of “Two Variations”. Even if he played with the snake girl transformed by Dr. Cole, he would not fall down.

In the next day, Bai Ou lived in Chen Weidong temporarily and conducted various training under the guidance of Chen Weidong.

These training has training for physical fitness, as well as training of various practical skills.

Chen Weidong taught very seriously. He taught him basic skills, including basic skills such as shoulder skills, waist skills, leg skills and pile skills.

He also taught him a step type such as bow, horse steps, servant steps, virtual steps, and Xiebu, as well as various leg methods, such as how to kick, kick on the side, side, plans, bounce legs, kick and legs.

It seems simple. Although it is all basic skills, only the basic skills are done, and then practicing practical skills can do more with less.

White Europe has several times more than ordinary people’s physical fitness. Both strength and speed and response are far beyond ordinary people. Now they have been trained and learned from professional systems.

Professor Chen Weidong’s “Sanda Eight Type” was quickly practiced by him. He was beaten down with a set of scattered routines.

Soon Bai Ou lived in Chen Weidong for more than half a month.

This half of his time is doing various training for most of his time. He watched various books hungry and thirsty, adding to hearing.

Occasionally, he would also think of the devil -like Korr, the snake girl, and the magic fluid in his stomach.

He quietly thought that all kinds of methods wanted to discharge the thin tube in that stomach. Unfortunately, he did not work hard. Although Chen Weidong was good to him, Bai Europe did not dare to talk about him.

Looking at Dr. Kohl and the mysterious organization, he knew that this magic fluid was bound to be precious and rare. Bai Ou did not dare to tell anyone to anyone at all. In this strange and weird world, he left a heart to anyone.

On this day, Chen Weidong personally tried the results of the training of Bai Europe for half a month. The two played against each other. Chen Weidong only defended and allowed Bai Europe to attack.

Bai Europe shot in a row, the offensive, Chen Weidong also had to seriously defend the block.

“Yes, basically I have taught you all the way home.”

Chen Weidong tried Bai Ou’s skills, and his face showed a satisfied look. He said: “What you lack now is actual training. After two days of time, I take you on a holiday. I will take you into the forest and conduct practical training. You are ready in the past two days. ”

Bai Ou had to go deep into the forest for practical training after two days, which means that it is necessary to really fight with the beast. It is a little nervous, more excited, and busy nodded.

After that, Chen Weidong taught him some common sense issues that need to pay attention to in the field of field combat.

In the evening, Bai Ou read the book for a while, suddenly smelling a sweetheart, his mind became drowsy and then fell asleep.

I don’t know how long, he suddenly trembled and woke up suddenly.

Opening your eyes, the sweetness in the air has become extremely thin, and it will almost dissipate.

Bai Ou’s heart jumped, thinking that he just smelled the sweetness and suddenly fell asleep. Is this a kind of fragrance mentioned in the book?

Ordinary people will fall asleep when they are fragrant, and they will wake up at least seven or eight hours.

But how can there be fragrance in this room? Is there an enemy? Will Chen Weidong be fascinated by Mixiang?

Bai Ou was promoted to alert, secretly anxious, and quietly got out of bed. He felt that his coma was very short, which may be related to the power of the magic fluid that merged in the body.

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