Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 201 The Battle of the Imperial Guards

The frozen leaves were crushed by the mercenaries of the Warriors and sunk into the moist soil. The worms crawled in the deep mud and bit the roots of the vegetables planted by the villagers.

The painful howls of women echoed in the wooden houses in the distance. The desperate husband was tied to a tree stump, his two eyeballs rolled in the blood pool under the stump, for mosquitoes to bite, and his mouth was mumbling with blood bubbles, obviously his tongue was cut.

Amory Lorch's striking goat face came over and said to the mercenaries of the Warriors: "This family has a virgin daughter. Help her wash it in the river. Lord Clegane will definitely enjoy it tonight." In his hand, he was playing with a dagger looted from the Knight of Stormland. The dark red glossy engraving was very exquisite.

"Where is the little girl?" Seeing that the mercenaries ignored him, Amory Lorch's face flashed with a trace of imperceptible anger. He asked and looked around.

The air was still filled with the wailing and screaming of women.

"Is it at Ett's place?" Amory Lorch asked, remembering the strange habit of this warrior monk.

At this time, someone finally responded, "No," said Urswick, the deputy of the Warriors, "Ett is a pious monk," he smiled, "He only likes to torture little boys, girls are not to his taste, hahaha!"

"Who wants to whip Ett on behalf of the Seven Gods after he tortures the boy?" Someone among the mercenaries of the Warriors asked with a glass raised high.

"It's my turn!"

"It's definitely me, I've been annoyed with this hypocritical monk for a long time."

"Don't yell, let me do it."

The mercenaries fell into laughter again.

Amory Lorch spit disdainfully, rubbed the ground lightly with his boots, and buried the saliva in the soil, "Maybe he will change his taste, I'll go and see."

Following his memory, he walked towards the mill and the stream.

The woman's wailing suddenly stopped, like a stone falling into a dark cave, annihilated in silence.

The leader of the Warriors, Varg Hutt, came out of the wooden house cursing, his mouth seemed to be full of saliva, and his speech was not clear, "Damn bitch, crying and crying, damn order to go south, I'm still enjoying it in the brothel! Damn it!"

Uswick stood up, "We have to leave here quickly, we are too close to the troops of Timon the Broken Sword, and we will encounter these crazy people of Stannis if we are not careful." He glanced into the wooden house and confirmed that the woman had stopped moving. He pursed his lips with some regret and looked at the leader of the Warriors.

"Timon's army is nothing, noble kid, you can't even get three hairs together, what are you afraid of?" Varg Hutt's tone was full of disdain. He walked to the stable next to him, removed the tether of his mount, and led it out. A black and white strong zebra fluttered in front of the mercenaries.

"And the crazy group of Bonis Hatis, we have no idea where they are." Uswick looked at the nonchalant Wag Hut with cold eyes and reminded him.

The bachelor who had been manipulating firewood in front of the burning bonfire responded, "It is said that, of course, the information may not be accurate, and it is definitely not worth pondering if it is rigorous. Ahem," he coughed twice slightly, "Sir Bonis Hatis's Hundred-Man Crusade is under the command of the Onion Knight. It is estimated that they will not be able to reach the Royal Forest for a while. I am not sure, maybe they are still in Storm's End?"

The bachelor's back was slightly hunched, and there were many wrinkles around his prominent blue eyes. There was a smile on his lips. The gray clothes on his body seemed to be integrated with the gray hair on his head. His expression was as kind as the grandfather admired by girls. Bachelor Coben nodded slightly to Uswick, the deputy of the Warriors.

Uswick sighed slightly, stopped talking, and just sat there.

Wag Hutt was still mumbling, but no one could understand what he was saying, as if every sentence was mixed with saliva and was unclear.

At this moment, screams for help came from the direction of the stream and the mill, "Damn it! It's Timon! 'Broken Sword' Timon!" Amory Lorch's scream came over.

Wag Hutt put on the daunting sheep-faced helmet, and the sound of fighting was very clear. He pulled out a long-handled scimitar from the saddle bag, turned over and jumped on the zebra, and spat at the Warriors mercenaries behind him, "Fuck them! Kill!"

Uswick frowned slightly, he looked at the dense bush in front, and a group of flying birds were startled and flew up, "Only idiots ride into the dense bush, and we don't know the number of people on the opposite side."

The words were drowned out by the sound of fighting. Half of the mercenaries had followed Wag Hutt across the mill, and the horses' hooves and armored boots stepped on the shallow stream, splashing water.

Uswick cursed and looked at the mercenaries behind him, "Let's go around from the side," he pointed at Coben, "Hide well, we'll need your treatment later."

He left his warhorse in the cowshed in the village and walked into the bushes on the other side. The mercenaries behind him followed him in one after another.

With a slash, a hideous blood mark appeared on the face of the Stormland soldier, and he fell under the zebra hoof of Wag Hutt, but before he could recover from the joy of fighting, a thick tree root fell in front of Wag Hutt and hit him hard on the head.

With a burst of falling, his tall and thin body fell into the mud, and his face was full of tiny spikes growing on the tree roots.

The mud mixed into his eyes, and Wag Hutt scratched it. When he opened his eyes, he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

"Broken Sword" Timon spat disdainfully on his face, and increased the strength of his grip on the sword, digging the blade deep into Vargo Hoat's flesh until he stopped breathing.

"Long live King Stannis!"

Timon's army smashed the warriors into a mess, like a bowl of boiling porridge.


Andrew Esmon, who followed Timon, shouted loudly and swung his sword to cut off the mercenary's arm.

"Long live King Stannis!" The royal forest was filled with echoes, and the mercenaries ran away.

"This group of damn bandits, who came to harass the villagers in the Storm Land, are a bunch of beasts!" Andrew Esmon looked at the heads of the villagers hanging on the treetops and was furious.

Timon pierced the back of the fleeing mercenary with his sword, "Focus, this is a battlefield!"

On the other side of the forest, Uswick listened to the fighting not far away uneasily, holding his long sword tightly.

"Stannis's number is not large," Uswick identified the chaotic voices, "We have to retreat and join the Mountain on the west side. He is coming here." He looked at the fleeing mercenaries through the gaps between the branches and leaves, nodded slightly, and evacuated behind him.

The mercenaries knew what was going on, and followed Uswick tacitly as they ran westward. Suddenly, only fallen branches and leaves were left.

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