Qiu Yubai was also shocked. He quickly stabilized his mind and mobilized his soul power to suppress the temperature of the flames. The violent flames finally calmed down.

Qin Guan breathed a long sigh of relief and felt relieved.

Qiu Yubai controlled the flame and purified the Green Snake Fruit over and over again. After reaching his limit, he stopped purifying, took out the Green Snake Fruit purified powder, and extinguished the elixir fire.

"The purity of my purification this time has reached at least 80%, don't worry!"

Qiu Yubai looked at Qin Guan with a proud face and smiled.

Qin Guan had a solemn look on his face. He observed that the purity of the green snake fruit purified by several quasi-alchemists around him was not inferior to Qiu Yubai's. It was very dangerous for them to rank in the top five in this first round!

"Time's up!"

Suddenly Elder Du shouted loudly, and the last few quasi-alchemists who had not yet completed the purification suddenly trembled in their hearts. They exploded the furnace and were eliminated.

Staff members have already come up, collected the purified green snake fruit, and handed it over to a specialist to identify the purity.

Soon, Elder Du had a list of results in his hands.

"I will now announce the results of the first round!"

Elder Du's eyes swept across the faces of the would-be alchemists. Suddenly, tens of thousands of spectators in the stands pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

"First place, No. 33, Lin Yan Combination, purified to 88.2% purity;"

"Second place, No. 61, Li Jianye's combination, purified to a purity of 86.6%;"


"Seventh place, No. 123, Qiu Yubai combination, purified to 81.3% purity;"


"Only seventh place!"

The smile on Qiu Yubai's face froze. He originally thought that his result was either first or second, but it turned out that he was not even in the top five!

"The top six are all combinations of inner disciples. I didn't expect that the rewards of this competition would be so attractive. Even the quasi-alchemists among the inner disciples came to participate!"

Qiu Yubai curled his lips speechlessly, with a disappointed look on his face.

"It seems there is no hope of getting first place this time!"

The inner disciples are powerful and have strong soul power. Purification is much easier for them, but the outer disciples cannot compare with them!

"Don't be discouraged! The second round of competition hasn't started yet, we still have hope!"

Qin Guan encouraged Qiu Yubai after patting him on the shoulder.


Qiu Yubai smiled bitterly. His alchemy skills were already among the best among the outer disciples. He was no match for those quasi-alchemists from the inner sect. Why was Qin Guan so confident?

"Forget it, the important thing is to participate. Even if you don't get first place, try to get into the top five. Don't embarrass the outer sect!"

Qin Guan frowned slightly. Listening to Qiu Yubai's words, it was obvious that he had given up on the fight for first place and his mentality had changed a lot.

It’s not a good thing to enter a competition with this kind of mentality!

"The top fifty combinations will stay where they are to prepare for the second round of competition. The eliminated potential alchemists please leave!"

Elder Du gave an order, and more than a hundred would-be alchemists who were immediately eliminated left dejectedly.

"It's the first-level spiritual grass Sun Moon Vine!"

As Elder Du announced the questions for the second round, the brows of all the would-be alchemists who remained on the field suddenly jumped!

Although Sun Moon Vine is a first-level spiritual grass, it is more than ten times more difficult to purify than the Green Snake Fruit, and it is even more difficult to purify than some second-level spiritual grasses!

There are two completely different attributes in Sun Moon Vine, Yin and Yang. When purifying it, one must use two minds to separate the two different attributes, and then control the flame to heat it at different temperatures. Even a second-grade alchemist has a very low success rate in purifying Sun Moon Vine. !

"No wonder the rules of the first round are to randomly select quasi-alchemists to take part. Spiritual herbs like Sun Moon Vine must be purified by two quasi-alchemists with high levels of purification. Only if they cooperate with each other can the purification be successful!"

At this moment, no one questions the fairness of the first round of test questions!

"It's over!"

Watching the staff put the Sun Moon Vine in front of him, Qiu Yubai closed his eyes helplessly. Qin Guan had just become a quasi-alchemist not long ago, and his purification level was far inferior to his own, and he couldn't cooperate with him at all. It seemed that he could only rely on it this round. I hope I can perform beyond my level and successfully purify Sun Moon Vine!

"Each group has two chances in the second round of competition. The time limit is one hour. Start now!"

When Elder Du's voice came out, tens of thousands of disciples around him immediately cast their fiery gazes on the one hundred quasi-alchemists in the center of the square. At this moment, there were already many quasi-alchemists participating in the competition. The two of them were standing in front of an alchemy furnace. Control a ball of flame to melt the Sun and Moon Vine respectively.

"Qin Guan, I really didn't expect that the sect would ask such a question in this competition. Our purification levels are not at the same level and we can't cooperate at all! I will work hard to purify Sun Moon Vine myself. Don't worry, all the rewards for the last place will be Give it to you, I don’t want anything!”

Qiu Yubai gritted his teeth, and without waiting for Qin Guan's consent, he directly threw the sun and moon vine into the alchemy furnace. At the same time, two flames were separated to wrap around the yin and yang attributes of the sun and moon vine.


Qin Guan's head was full of black lines again, Qiu Yubai completely regarded himself as a contestant, and he stood here from beginning to end without moving!

Shaking his head speechlessly, Qin Guan slowly turned his head and focused his gaze on the remaining sun and moon vine.

Qiu Yubai exerted his soul power to the extreme, carefully controlled the temperature of the two flames under the alchemy furnace, and carefully sensed every change of the sun and moon vine in the alchemy furnace.

Feeling the Sun Moon Vine gradually refining and the yin and yang auras being peeled away bit by bit, a look of excitement gradually appeared on Qiu Yubai's face.

Still a little short of it!

As long as he completely separates the Yin and Yang auras, the Sun Moon Vine will be completely refined and overcome the first difficulty!


Suddenly, a loud explosion sounded from the side. Qiu Yubai's mind trembled and his fingers couldn't help shaking. The two flames under the furnace jumped violently and the temperature changed drastically. The Yin and Yang auras that were originally separating in the furnace collided with each other instantly!


The loud explosion sounded, and a burnt smell came with it. Qiu Yubai, who was covered in dust, was full of regret. He almost completely separated the Yin and Yang auras just now, but he didn't expect that someone would explode the furnace and affect him at the critical moment!

Fortunately, there is a second chance!

Thinking of this, Qiu Yubai looked at the jade plate where the medicinal materials were placed and prepared to take the second Sun Moon Vine for purification.

"Hmm? Where's the second Sun Moon Vine?"

Seeing the empty jade plate, Qiu Yubai was stunned at first, and suddenly thought of something. He turned his head and looked at Qin Guan beside him. When he saw the Sun Moon Vine rolling in Qin Guan's furnace, his eyes suddenly widened!

He actually wanted to purify the Sun Moon Vine by himself!

It's ridiculous!

The difficulty of purifying the Sun Moon Vine is so great that even I accidentally blew up the furnace just now. Qin Guan just became a quasi-alchemist and wanted to purify the Sun Moon Vine by himself!

Ignorance is fearless!

"It's really over now, even the last chance is gone!"

Qiu Yubai sat on the ground dejectedly, feeling annoyed. Was he out of his mind at the beginning? Why did he find Qin Guan, this idiot, to cooperate with him!

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