Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 749: : Ghost Hand Solidification Technique


   Knowing the other party's purpose, Qing Yang must not be fooled. He took a deep breath and quickly adjusted his mood. Without the addition of foreign objects, didn't he still become a base building alchemist in the past few years? Isn’t it as good as two ordinary alchemists to build a foundation?

Seeing that everyone else started to refine the pill, and the burning incense on the platform had been reduced by two inches, Qing Yang did not dare to delay any longer, and hurriedly passed the refining steps of the demon pill in his heart, and then reached out and picked up the platform. Take out the spiritual material and light it, then bake the pill furnace.

Qing Yang carefully controlled the flame. When the temperature of the pill furnace almost reached the required level, he moved with his mind, took out a piece of material from the talisman, according to the requirements on the pill, processed it in his hand, and then threw the material away. Into the pill furnace.

The pill furnace was cultivating the first material, and Qing Yang took another material at will, and simply processed it. Seeing the right time, he threw the second material into the pill furnace. Below, the two materials quickly reacted and merged in the pill furnace.

The difficulty of refining the demon pill is indeed high, and it is almost the most difficult type of pill that Qingyang has ever refined, but after all, the demon pill has not deviated from the scope of the foundation-level pill, and Qingyang is a one The senior foundation building pill, although it is difficult, it is rare and limited, at least much easier than those Juyuan Pills refined in the Duanmu family some time ago.

For Qing Yang, the biggest problem with this demon pill is that it is too unfamiliar. Many of the materials in it are not commonly used. Even the first contact requires a twelve minute attention. Otherwise, a slight mistake will be It is possible to waste all previous efforts.

A little bit of time passed. Although Qingyang had made sufficient preparations before starting, the first material failed unexpectedly, and then failed twice. After three attempts, three times to sum up the lessons of failure, Qingyang felt that he was A lot has been gained, so by the time of the fourth refining, it was much smoother than the previous few times, and there seemed to be a possibility of success.

Qing Yang became more cautious and devoted all his attention to the refining of the pill. He didn't dare to be distracted at all. His hands were coordinated with the divine mind, busy and not chaotic, fast and not messy, after more than an hour, A smile appeared on his face, and he finally harvested the first demon pill.

   The first medicinal pill was made from four ingredients, which is also very good. Qing Yang breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at the other people's situation. Lu Yuan and Xia Meng are well-known alchemy masters on Blue Jade Island. Alchemy cannot be underestimated. Coupled with the help of the cloud pattern Ruyi Ding and the heart of the earth furnace, both of them have made a demon pill. , The speed is much faster than Qingyang.

   Murong Lian is much worse than them. Ten materials were wasted and five were wasted, but not even one Demon Pill was refined. At this time, his brows were furrowed, his face was ashamed, and he seemed to have lost his fighting spirit. Duanmu Fei, who was next to him, also wasted five materials, and he didn't refine anything, but his mentality was much better. If he didn't care about winning or losing, he naturally didn't have that much pressure.

As for Ximenli, she is in the process of intense operation at this time. She is also refining the fourth material. The movements are proficient and smooth. Wearing a hat, she can’t make any expressions, but she can tell from her movements. This time she is refining. Very smoothly, it seems there is a possibility of success.

Soon it came to the critical moment of becoming a pill. I saw that Ximenli kept operating with his hands, pinching, engraving, drawing patterns, and condensing the pill. Seeing that success was imminent, suddenly, a trace of pill furnace appeared in front of Ximenli. Unusually shaking, there was a dull noise inside.

   Not good, this is a precursor to the fryer. I am afraid that this refining will fail. Anyway, if Qingyang encounters this situation, he must be at a loss. The fryer is inevitable.

Qing Yang couldn't help feeling a pity for Ximenli, and he almost succeeded. It is really regrettable. Ten materials have failed four times, and it is impossible to make three pills for the remaining six opportunities. This Ximenli It is estimated that we will stop at the second level.

Just when everyone thought that Simon Li would be defeated, I saw that she suddenly embraced the pill furnace in front, and then let out a low rebuke, and both hands flew up and down, passing countless paths in the air. The afterimage, the fingers are all on the Nadan furnace.

With her movements, the surrounding spirits continued to gather in the pill furnace, and the pill furnace that had been abnormal, as if it had been soothed, gradually stopped shaking, and the muffled noise inside disappeared. Soon, the aroma of a pill came out.

   finally produced a pill, Ximenli breathed a sigh of relief in secret, reached out and opened the lid of the pill furnace, and took out a blue demon pill from inside. Although Qingyang is far from Ximenli, it can be seen that this pill was successfully refined, because it was almost affected by the fryer before, except for the slightly poor quality, the others were not affected in any way.

this? What's happening here? Qing Yang was immediately stunned by Ximenli's magical operation, and did not recover for a long time. Why is there such an operation? What kind of immortal technique is this, which can calm down the pill furnace that is showing signs of the fryer?

Not only Qingyang~www.readwn.com~, even Lu Yuan next to him was shocked, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "This...this seems to be the Ghost Hand Consolidation Pill Art. Could it be that you are the descendant of the Ghost Hand Pill King? "

   Xia Meng was also full of surprise, and couldn't help but hand over: "I can't think of meeting the descendants of King Guishou Pill here. I was so sinful before. I hope that fellow Ximen will forgive me."

King Guishou Pill is the most famous golden pill master in the Central Sands in the past two to three hundred years. The reason why this person is so famous is not only because of his superb pill skills, but also because of his extremely unique techniques and quick movements of his hands. Guimei, even more because he has a magical magic pill technique with ghost hands.

   This ghost hand pill technique is uniquely created by the ghost hand pill king, and it can be used at a critical moment to save a lot of pill that is about to fail in refining. Of course, the ghost hand solid pill technique is not omnipotent. Only the kind of pill that is about to be successfully refined but almost falls short due to a small mistake can be saved by this technique. Others, if there are early mistakes in the refining process, or the pill that has more serious problems, even if the gods come, they can't be saved.

But even so, the unique skill of this ghost hand solid pill technique is enough to amaze everyone. Many alchemists dream of it, even if they get some guidance, but the predecessor of the ghost hand pill king has always been a dragon without seeing the head. Most of the time, I only heard of his name and never saw him.

The ghost hand pill king has been famous for two to three hundred years. With the life span of the golden core monk, it should have passed away by this time. The ghost hand pill technique is estimated to have been lost. Therefore, in recent decades, people have rarely mentioned ghosts. King Hand Pill, he didn't expect that this Ximen Li would actually be able to consolidate the pill.

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