Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1418: : Huangquanhe

The Huangchen soil spiders outside were attacking vigorously, seeing that they were about to succeed, but they found that their target of attack suddenly disappeared, and the scene suddenly became a mess. With the poor IQ of Huangchen soil spiders, they must not be able to guess the reason, but they did not He didn't leave immediately, but gathered together, guarding the place where Qingyang disappeared, trying to figure out the reason.

For the time being, Huang Chen Earth Spider was at a loss outside. Qing Yang entered the drunk fairy gourd and let out a long sigh of relief, finally he was safe. The previous fierce battle was full of dangers, almost consuming divine consciousness and true essence. If this continues, it will definitely fall into a siege and lose his life.

Qing Yang wanted to test his potential, whether he could break through the encirclement by his own strength, so he persisted until now. Now it is proof of this. With his current strength, it doesn't seem like he wants to break out of the encirclement. Possibly, Qing Yang, whose strength is comparable to that of the Yuan Ying cultivator, is like this. It is estimated that the other golden core ghost cultivators will not be able to survive too much in the end.

Although it has long been known that these golden core cultivators were brought to use as cannon fodder, the cannon fodder was consumed a little bit too quickly. It only went so far and was almost consumed. It is not as simple as imagined, and there may be any danger in the back.

If Qing Yang was just an ordinary Golden Core monk, he would have died several times since he entered the present. Fortunately, he is really strong and has a cheating weapon like Drunken Gourd. There is no one else around at this time. , You can hide in and be lazy.

Qing Yang slid his divine mind out, and saw that the Huangchen Earth Spider outside didn't seem to retreat in a short time, so he sat down in the drunk fairy gourd, tidied his body briefly, and then took it down. A pill to restore the true essence, meditate with peace of mind.

Two days passed quickly. At this time, Qingyang’s true essence and divine consciousness had been completely restored, and all aspects were adjusted to the best condition, so he put divine consciousness outside the drunk fairy gourd again, and wanted to look outside. In the situation, the giant ghost king said before that he would wait for three days outside the yellow hills. If the delay here is too long, I am afraid that I will not be able to catch up with the big troops. There are many dangers in the Shen Yingyuan, and the road alone is too dangerous. Follow other people. Can take more care.

However, after Qing Yang released his spiritual thoughts, he discovered that the Huangchen soil spiders outside had not decreased at all, as if he believed that Qingyang would come out again. More than 8,000 Huangchen soil spiders had been guarding the outside, just waiting for Qingyang to cast himself. What about the net. However, from another aspect, this is also good news, because the number of spiders has not increased, indicating that the Huangchen Earth Spider who was chasing other monks has not come back to join them, otherwise Qing Yang would have sighed with bad luck.

With Qingyang’s current ability, it’s still a bit powerless to deal with more than 8,000 Huangchen soil spiders, and now it’s purely looking for death. If it can’t beat Huangchen soil spiders outside, it’s easy to reveal the secret of the drunk fairy gourd. Once Huangchen soil spiders believe that Qingyang has no reason The disappearance is only temporary, and it will be even more difficult to let them leave if you can wait for Qingyang to appear here.

In desperation, Qing Yang could only continue to wait for the opportunity in the drunk fairy gourd. Fortunately, the waiting time was not too long this time. On the third day, seeing Qing Yang still did not appear, the Huangchen Earth Spider outside lost patience. Began to retreat one after another. Qing Yang didn't dare to show his face rashly, worried that the spiders outside were trying to get caught. In case they happened to be hit by them when he went out, his previous efforts would have been abandoned. He waited for more than a long time until he confirmed which Huangchen soil spiders were not. Maybe when he comes back again, Qing Yang quietly flashed out of the drunk fairy gourd. China Library

There was still a gust of wind raging in the yellow sand all over the sky, and there was not a single Huangchen Earth Spider left. Even the corpse of the spider killed by Qing Yang was taken away by his companions, leaving no trace of the previous battle. Qing Yang recognized the direction. , Did not dare to stay here too much, and walked forward quickly.

I don’t know if Qingyang’s luck is good enough, or because he has a relatively small target for action alone, or Huangchen Earth Spider didn’t move around here. After that, Qingyang everything went well, and there was no danger. There was no Huangchen Earth Spider. Disturbance, wind and dust is nothing at all.

After more than a day, Qing Yang finally came to an end. After looking at him, there was still a yellow sand rolled up by the gust of wind. He couldn't see anything vaguely, and he didn't know if there was anyone behind. Qing Yang shook. Shaking his head, he then stepped out of the yellow sand range.

At this moment, the strong wind behind suddenly stopped, and the yellow sand in the sky gradually fell. Everything was calm and the waves restored to the shape of the previous yellow hills.

Qing Yang frowned, and soon figured out the way. It should be that all the monks inside came out, a group of dozens of people, the strong ones rushed out long ago, the weak ones must have died in it, but Not everyone has a drunken gourd, and can hide in it for three days in a critical moment. If others are trapped in a spider swarm, there is only a dead end, and it is impossible to persist until now. In other words, Qingyang is the last one to leave. After the man, the hill must have calmed down.

Qing Yang searched outside, but did not find the giant Ghost King and the others. It seemed that three days had passed, and they had already left here after they met. I don’t know who came out safely in the end~www.readwn.com~ Presumably the ten hall masters, ghost kings, are all right. If any one of them is missing, the giant ghost kings will definitely wait for a while, and like Qingyang Unknown Golden Core cultivator, how can those ghost kings take it to heart? And in their understanding, it is impossible for a Golden Core cultivator to persist under the siege of so many Huangchen Earth Spiders until three days later.

Since you can't find a large unit, you can only act on your own, just act alone, you have to be careful on the road, if there is any emergency, no one can save yourself.

After thinking about it, Qingyang still released a few drunk bees outside, distributed around a certain distance from the front and the back to the left and right to serve as police guards. This is too dangerous inside the Gods Infant Garden. Once it appeared, it was the last time the bloodthirsty vine was like a thirteenth-order monster. , The strength was so high that Qing Yang couldn't help being careless.

Qing Yang seemed to be a little worried. There were no monsters outside, and there was no danger during this period. After walking for a long time, he came to a river. Looking at the river in front, Qing Yang frowned again. , Because this river is not an ordinary river, but is composed entirely of yellow spring water. The river is several miles wide, so you can't see it at a glance, and I don't know where so many yellow springs come from.

Looking at the surface of the yellow spring water in front of him, and putting all the previous experiences together, Qing Yang's heart suddenly moved, and there seemed to be a certain connection in it.

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