Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1197: : The magic weapon is broken

The iron-armed monkey was temporarily released by Qingyang for emergency, and it was relatively hasty, so it was helpless to face the rolled up flag, and was instantly entangled by the several-foot-long flag, but the iron-armed monkey didn’t Meeting was so obediently bound to catch, only to see his feet, he roared up to the sky, his whole body instantly bulged, and he just supported the flag.

Mortal Ghost Feng never thought that Qing Yang actually had this hand, and a Golden Core fourth-tier monk had raised a Tier 8 monster. No wonder he dared to challenge himself, indeed he had the confidence to compete with himself. Seeing that the banner flag was entangled not by Qingyang, but by the eighth-order monster that suddenly appeared, and the Yinhunfan was almost broken by the opponent's support, Ghost Maple had no way to stop it, and could only increase his mind and spirit. The input of Mingyuan prevents the magic weapon from being broken and backlashed.

As Ghost Maple's spirit and Mingyuan increased, the Yinxun Fan released layers of black light, and a huge binding force struck, and the banner flag supported by the iron-armed monkey returned to its original state. After that, the Iron-armed Monkey was unwilling to show weakness, and roared into a state of madness, bursting out with unprecedented strength, and supported the flag that had just been retracted. Ghost Maple had to increase the spirit of mind and Mingyuan again. Refusing to give in, there was a stalemate for a while.

With the iron-armed monkey blocking the front, Qing Yang could breathe a sigh of relief for a while. Taking this opportunity, he stepped forward to the side, and at the same time, with a movement of divine thought, three giant swords appeared on top of his head.

These three giant swords are the dark red Netherworld Lihuo Sword, the cyan Bi Peach God Wooden Sword and the yellow-brown Smoky Dust Sword. With the activation of the Qingyang True Essence, the three giant swords transform into thousands of sword shadows. , Forming a huge sword formation in the air, heading in the direction of the real ghost Feng.

As soon as the sword formation took shape, Ghost Maple could not help but feel the energy contained in it, and his face changed color. Before, Qing Yang blocked his spirit attack from Yinhun Fan. He just felt that Qing Yang was still a little capable and worth his own shot. Later, Qing Yang released the Iron-armed Monkey. He only paid attention to Qing Yang. He knew that it would take a lot of effort to defeat Qing Yang, but no matter what, his dignified late Jindan monk won the Jindan. The mid-term Qingyang is inevitable.

But this time, when the power of the Sanyuan Sword Array was fully revealed, for the first time, the true talent of Gui Feng felt that he was a bit arrogant before. It was not without reason that Qingyang dared and provoke him. Not only did this time There is the possibility of losing, and there will even be life concerns. Among other things, this powerful sword formation alone is not something he can easily handle.

If Ghost Maple’s soul-inducing domain has not been entangled by the Iron-armed Monkey, and he still has a certain degree of blocking the sword formation, now his magic weapon is at a stalemate with the Iron-armed Monkey, and he will not spare much energy to deal with Qingyang. Defensive sword formation, then defeat is a normal thing.

Not only Ghost Guifeng, but the cultivators he brought behind were secretly shocked when they saw Qingyang’s Sanyuan Sword Formation. Although they didn’t face Qingyang’s attack directly, they still had good vision after so many years of cultivation. Who It can be seen that Qing Yang's attack is not something that ordinary Jindan late cultivators can deal with, and I don't know if Ghost Feng can stop it.

As for Na Ge Dagen, he was completely pleasantly surprised. Before, he only knew that Qingyang was good at alchemy. He used to be the King of Pill Pills. He didn’t expect his strength to be so strong. Looking at his face, Senior Qingyang seemed to be younger than himself. I don't know how he cultivated.

Seeing that everyone was restrained by himself, Qing Yang's mentality of being preempted by the real ghost Feng before was more or less balanced. What he wanted was this effect. Qingyang's purpose in coming to the mine is not to fight hard with people, but also intends to stay here for a long time, so it is better to fight as quickly as possible. As long as he hits hard or kills one or two of them, the rest will be fine. Done.

These young Qingyang’s strengths have improved rapidly. After the true essence and divine consciousness have increased, let alone the use of the ternary sword array, even the quaternary sword array is not difficult to use. If he really encounters a powerful enemy, he can even Trying his best to use the Five Elements Sword Formation, the power of the Golden Core Nine-layer cultivator would be terrified. Because of this confidence, Qing Yang dared to use the Three Element Sword Formation.

Facing the terrifying power of the Sanyuan Sword Formation, Ghost Maple knew that he could not hesitate. If he delays for a moment, his life will not be preserved. By then, let alone teach the boy in front of him, the foundation he has laid for many years will be handed over. Man, Ghost Maple was still decisive, and he gritted his teeth and quickly terminated the transmission of Divine Sense and Ming Yuan, and forcibly retracted his magic weapon to attract the soul.

Yinhunfan lost control and instantly reverted back to its original size. The Iron-armed Monkey was caught off guard, his body swelled up a few minutes with a bang, and then he staggered and almost fell. Fortunately, he reacted in time and quickly stabilized his figure. The real ghost Feng was also uncomfortable, so forcibly withdrawing the magic weapon, the power of backlash was amazing, he snorted, his face turned white, and he was obviously injured. However, at this time, Ghost Maple couldn't take care of that much anymore, and could only endure the pain of the magic weapon backlash, hurriedly raised the Jihun Fan to block him, while still offering layers of defense all over his body.

Ghost Maple’s soul-attracting fan is also a very good magic weapon~www.readwn.com~ Although it is compared with Qingyang’s magic weapon, it is also much better than ordinary Jindan monks, but in a hurry, Ghost Maple is simply Unable to exert the full power of Yinhunfan, here is not ready yet, the three yuan sword formation has already attacked, and there was a stab, Yinhunfan was instantly pierced into a big hole.

Previously, it was only to forcibly retract the Yinhun domain, and Ghost Maple was turned pale by the power of the backlash. Now that the magic weapon of his life has been destroyed, the backlash he has received is even more so. After the Yinhun domain was pierced, a mouthful of blood spurted out. , Instantly stained the chest of the real Guifeng, and at the same time his body seemed to fall back several feet uncontrollably, almost falling to the ground.

Ghost Maple has been hit hard, but the power of the Sanyuan Sword Array does not stop there. After piercing the Yinhun Domain, the energy has only been consumed. After that, the speed of the sword array is not reduced, and it continues to kill. At this time, the ghost Master Feng has no ability to resist. Fortunately, he has prepared several other layers of defense before. Under the barriers of these defenses, he can barely consume the power of the three-dimensional sword formation. However, apart from the internal injury just now, his body Heavy trauma has been added.

At this time, Ghost Maple was seriously injured, his breath was dying, and his life was lost. He almost lost the strength to get up. Looking at the Qingyang in front of him, his face was full of fear and regret. The power exceeded his imagination. Qing Yang's strength made him frightened. He had known that this person was so powerful, and said at the time that he shouldn't come.


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