Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 457: Economic strength determines family status

After Huo Jinzhi left, Xu Jinfeng and the others were still busy, but although the three of them worked hard and their speed became faster and faster, they could make more than eight pieces a day, but Lou Juxiang was still faster than them.

People don't seem to be in a hurry, and they don't necessarily move very quickly. Instead, Xu Jinfeng and the others are watching the wind and fire. But after a day, Lou Juxiang does more than them. Basically, ten pieces a day, six a day. With a dollar, Xu Jinfeng's eyes are so hot that he can't wait to grow two more hands and two feet.

Although Xu Jinfeng was angry, she couldn't do anything about it. Who would let her skills be inferior to others? Lou Juxiang made money based on her ability, so she couldn't be mad and scold people.

However, Xu Jinfeng is still very content. Even if she is not as good as Lou Juxiang, she still earns a lot of wages a day. Eight pieces is four yuan and eight yuan, which is much more than Tang Laifu's. It is more than one hundred yuan a month, and a year is only two cents. A thousand dollars.

Even if it provides three more college students, it will be no problem.

Xu Jinfeng's waist was completely straightened. Economic strength determined her family status. In the past, Tang Laifu earned more, and she had to restrain herself no matter how popular she was. Now she is not afraid. In the past, it was a big deal for her to support her for a lifetime.

However, Xu Jinfeng was not happy for too long, because the rags were finished, and on the fourth day after Huo Jinzhi left, the rags were empty, and only some finely shredded cloth ends were left. It took too much time to splicing clothes, and it was impossible to assemble them in a day. pieces.

"When will Xiao Huo come back, he won't be able to start work anymore."

Lou Fengxia asked Su Wanrou that she couldn't make money in a day, and she panicked.

"I would like to say that I will be back in five days at most." Su Wanrou said softly.

"There are two days left, what are you doing these two days?"

Everyone was suddenly a little confused, and they were used to stepping on the sewing machine.

Xu Jinfeng snorted and choked: "You can do whatever you need to do, feed the pigs, feed the chickens, grow vegetables, wash clothes and cook. I used to live without riding a scooter. These days my house is full and I just found time to do it. , and continue to work when Xiao Huo comes back!"

(The area of ​​Shaoxing refers to sewing machines as foreign cars. Some nouns have foreign characters in front of them. Matches are foreign fires, and umbrellas are foreign umbrellas.)

"That's fine, the work at home is indeed full." Lou Fengxia and Xuan Yinjiao had no objections and were going to go home to work.

However, Lou Juxiang picked some scraps of cloth, all of which were the size of a palm. She stepped on the sewing machine and made a pair of beautiful flower sleeves in a short time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She wore it on her wrist Tried it, and it looks amazing.

"It's good to make a sleeve, don't waste it." Lou Juxiang smiled shyly, and handed the finished product to Su Wanrou.

"This is really pretty. It's not too much trouble to make. There are so many rags left, why don't we make them into sleeves."

Lou Fengxia and the others were all motivated to find rags and make them by themselves. Sleeves, which have no technical content, are very easy to make. Even if the rags are spliced, it doesn't take much effort, and they are done in a short time. More than a dozen finished products, some with flowers, some with blue, but no one made white cloth. Wearing white sleeves is too bad, and no one will buy it.

However, Su Wanrou was in trouble, "This...how is this going to be calculated? Why don't you wait until I come back and settle it with you guys, I'll record it."

"I don't need to forget about mine, this one is not too troublesome, it takes time for a meal." Lou Juxiang said with a smile.

Lou Fengxia and Xuan Yinjiao hesitated for a while, and also said that they didn't need to forget, they already earned more than ten yuan, and they were really embarrassed to ask for money to make a few sleeves.

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