Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2036: negotiation

Li Dong remembered his childhood and thought that his grades were also very good, but his biological mother died, his biological father married his stepmother and he became a stepfather. He was not allowed to study after graduation from primary school. If you continue to study, you might be able to go to university and live a different life, so you don't have to be a desperado.

The family is indeed poor, but the son brought by his stepmother can continue to study with lower grades than him. His own son has good grades, but he can only drop out of school to work. His father said that the family is poor and he has to rely on him to earn money to support the family.

Of course he was not happy, why should he earn money to support his stepmother and the oil bottle, so after Li Dong worked for a month, he finally couldn't bear it any longer. He stabbed the stepmother and the oil bottle with a knife at night, bleeding a lot. I don't know if he's dead.

Anyway, he picked up the train and escaped that day, and he has been in the society since then, worshipped many big brothers, and finally became the big brother himself.

He also didn't dare to go back to his hometown, and he didn't know if his father was still alive. After he escaped, he never went back, nor did he ask anyone to inquire about it. For more than 20 years, he actually really wanted to go back to his hometown.

Countless times, he dreamed of his hometown. He missed the uncle who sold scallion pancakes in his hometown. He traveled to so many places and ate so many scallion pancakes, but the taste was a lot different from the ones in his hometown.

He even thought about his cruel father. He had dreamed a few times, but Li Dong still never went back. He thought, maybe when he was about to die, he would go back to take a look and eat a day of thinking. Ye Xiang's scallion pancake, hoping that the uncle is still alive and has the strength to make pancakes.

When he was young, he couldn't read because he had no money. This child of the Tang family could learn foreign languages ​​at a young age. He knew that learning this cost money, and his heart was suddenly unbalanced. The hatred for the rich made his already distorted psychology even more distorted. The eyes that looked at Huo Dong and the others were also stained with red light, full of ruthlessness.

"Quickly catch them, don't waste time!"

Li Dong let out a low growl, fearing that the delay would attract the Tang family, so he rushed towards Huo Dong fiercely. He saw that Huo Dong was the backbone, so he caught the **** first.


Huo Dong looked back with contempt, and gave him a pinky thumb. Li Dong's eyes were even redder with anger, and he clenched Huo Dong's chasing. Tang Qijin knew that his cousin was giving him a chance, so he rammed it hard. Overwhelmed Wang Hai and ran towards the way back.

"Don't let this **** run away, you idiot!"

Li Dong shouted loudly, but he was so far away that he couldn't catch up with Tang Qijin. Wang Hai, who was close, responded slowly. When he recovered, Tang Qijin had already run away.

"Stop for me, or I'll kill your brother now!"

Zhang Qiang's big hand was on Huonan's neck, his face was hideous, Huo Dong obediently stopped, Li Dong angrily walked over, slapped his face hard, his tender face was swollen, and the corners of his mouth were still swollen. There was blood, and Huo Dong didn't say a word, clenching his teeth, he remembered the account.


Xiao Nan and Xiao Xi started to cry, trying to break free of Zhang Qiang, Huo Dong shouted to them in English, "Don't cry, keep quiet, don't anger the bad guys!"

The two younger brothers could not speak French, but only English. Huo Dong could only try it boldly, and found that the gangster did not speak English. He was relieved, and continued to use English to appease the younger brothers, so that they would not irritate the gangster, stop crying or making trouble. Just be quiet.

"Bet's mother speaks bird language in front of Lao Tzu!"

Li Dong slapped again, Huo Dong's face was swollen on both sides, but he still didn't say a word, but said calmly: "You tied me and my brother for money, my family has money, there is no need to hit me, you If you kill me, the money will be reduced by one-third, so why bother with the money?"

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