Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1857: perfect woman

"Let her in."

Although it bothers this woman, she has all come to her door, and it is not good to keep her out. Huo Jinzhi has gone out to do errands. It seems that he has something important, and he has been very busy these two days.

"Miss Tang, I'm Jesse. I've wanted to meet you for a long time. Don't take offense to come to disturb you today."

As soon as Jessie came in, he lowered his posture and said a lot of apologies. Tang Xiaonan had to smile and say, "Why, please take a seat."

She was amazed at Jesse's beauty. In her conscience, Jesse was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. She was prettier than many celebrities. Half-breeds were prettier than ordinary people. Jesse perfectly combined all the advantages of her parents. , facial features and face, as well as impeccable figure, clothing is also very good.

Moreover, Jesse can speak fluent Chinese. For a Chinese who grew up in a foreign country, it is really rare that he has not grown into a banana person.

"You speak Chinese really well." Tang Xiaonan praised sincerely.

Jesse smiled and said, "I can speak Cantonese. My mother tongue is actually Cantonese."

She said this sentence in very pure Cantonese, with no accent at all. She said it more authentically than many locals in Guangdong. Tang Xiaonan asked curiously, "Have you lived in Guangdong?"

"No, I have lived here since I was a child and have never gone back, but my father asked our brothers and sisters to speak our mother tongue, saying that we are Chinese, and we must not forget the fundamentals."

Jesse said with a smile, her conversation was generous, her voice was nice, and she gave a very good impression. If she hadn't known Jesse's coveted heart for Huo Jinzhi, Tang Xiaonan couldn't help but want to make friends with such a beautiful and easy-going woman. .

It is a pity that any woman who wants to rob her man is her enemy.

She and Jesse are destined to be opposites.

But despite this, she still had to praise this woman. She was really born of God. She not only has beautiful appearance, but also has high IQ and emotional intelligence. According to Huo Jinzhi, this woman is also very skilled, she is simply perfect Women, can't pick out a single flaw.

"I'll call you Xiao Nan, okay? I hit it off with you, and I don't have such a close relationship with my own sister. You know, my father has too many daughters, so many that he can't even remember them, so I and I The relationship between the sisters is not very good, and I can't speak, I really want to make friends with you."

Jessie softened her voice~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and showed some grievances. She looked pitiful and cute. No one could bear to refuse. Lin Xuejian remained silent, with a polite smile on her face, but Xin Gan couldn't wait. "Okay, I also really want to make friends with you."

She really likes Jesse, just like Barbie. I heard that foreign girls are like dolls before, but today I finally saw it. The real-life version of Barbie is really beautiful.

Still so good at talking and so attractive, who would be so ruthless in rejecting Barbie dolls?

She couldn't do it anyway.

Jessie smiled happily, looked at Tang Xiaonan cautiously, and asked in a low voice, "Does Xiaonan not like me?"

Tang Xiaonan smiled slightly, "No, you are so beautiful and cute, everyone will like you, Jessie, don't be too arrogant, do you know what it means to belittle yourself?"

Jesse's thoughts were suddenly shifted, and he shook his head subconsciously, "I don't know, what does this mean?"

Although her Chinese is very fluent, her background is still a bit poor, and many idioms and allusions are not clear.

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