Dreaming about the world, embarking on the path of spiritual practice

Chapter 51 The peerless magical power of Zhigang Zhiyang

After many practical exercises, Yu Liang's hypnosis level has become quite high.

Then we came to Master Ma Wu’s room

Seeing that he was still sleeping, the maid beside her leaned on the edge of the bed and closed her eyes to rest. When she heard any movement, she immediately opened her eyes.

"How is my master?"

"Replying to the report, sir, I have been safe and sound."

"Well, you go down first!"

"Okay, sir!"

During the conversation between the two, Ma Wu was also awakened.

"Disciple, you are here!"

"Master, are you bored lying here? I have learned a new piece of music and I will play it for you!"

"Well, you are really thoughtful!"

Master Ma Wu nodded happily

Then he changed his tone and said, "You can just play with Qinle in your free time. Your main focus must be on cultivation."

"It's been a while since I've been supervising your practice. Could you please tell me how far you've progressed?"

Yu Liang put the piano in place and replied: "Master, my disciple is not slacking off. The only shortcoming of the twelve serious meridians is the Jueyin Liver Meridian!"


Upon hearing this answer, Ma Wuyi exclaimed excitedly.

In just a few months, all twelve canons will be cleared?

This is a state that would take ordinary people twenty or thirty years to achieve.

Even a martial arts prodigy who is one of a kind with excellent bones and bones would still need seven or eight years to achieve this step!

If someone is like this, what else can I ask for?

While Ma Wu was still sighing in his heart, Yu Liang had already sat down in front of the piano and started playing slowly.

"Master, please listen to my disciple play a song for you: "Pipa Language"!"

The sound of the piano sounded, and Ma Wu, who was lying on the bed, closed his eyes inadvertently and was immersed in the melody of the music.

Cool and distant, the ancient well has smooth waves and is as quiet as water.

After the song was played, Ma Wu, with a rosy complexion and a long breath, lay peacefully on the bed and fell asleep.

He stepped forward to check his condition and sighed slightly.


Sound therapy can only provide relief, but the cold poison is still stubbornly stuck in Master's body. I'm afraid I can't get rid of it just by relying on my own body's regulating function.

Yu Liang left the room lightly, closed the door tightly, and ordered the maid not to disturb the master's rest no matter who he was.

He has done everything he can, and the next step is to see if Qu Yang finds Ping Yi Zhi and see if there is any other better way!

Waited for five days

Qu Yang brought Ping Yizhi to the inn.

Go straight to the Mawu room.

At this time, Yu Liang was playing "Pipa" in the room to relieve his master's condition.

Arriving at the door, Qu Yang suddenly stopped when he heard the sound of the piano and listened carefully.

After the song ended, he entered the room with Ping Yi Zhi.

"Haha, when I hear the sound of the piano, I know it's you who is playing it. The tune is melodious and the water waves are calm. It's so beautiful!"

"Brother Qu, you are finally here!"

When Yu Liang saw Qu Yang arriving, he quickly stood up, noticed the middle-aged man in blue shirt behind him, and immediately asked: "This must be the famous murderer Ping Yi Zhi!"

Qu Yang nodded and said, "Yes, he is just flat."

He stepped forward and bowed his hands, and Yu Liang said pleadingly: "Then I will leave my master's illness to you!"

"You're welcome, little friend, I will try my best!"

He stepped forward to diagnose and treat Ma Wu's pulse, and then checked his body. With his eyes slightly closed, Ping Yi pointed his finger and said lightly:

"Senior Ma took the Divine Sect's 'Returning Yang Pill' when his old illness recurred. Since then, he has been taking Qinyin as medicine to relieve his illness. Now his condition has stabilized."

"The next thing to consider is how to treat it."

Ping opened his eyes with one finger and looked back at Qu Yang and Yu Liang:

“There are two types of diseases in the human body, one is called deficiency syndrome and the other is syndrome syndrome.

Deficiency syndrome is an internal disease caused by an imbalance of yin and yang in the body.

The evidence is that external diseases are caused by the invasion of evil spirits outside the body. "

"Senior Ma has been underwater all year round. Affected by the damp environment, the damp and cold air in his body was too heavy, and it was not excreted in time, so it accumulated and became cold poison. This is a syndrome of syndrome turning into deficiency!"

"Years ago, I diagnosed and treated him once. My suggestion at that time was to use Sanqigong to relieve the cold poison in the body. Unfortunately, Senior Ma did not agree."

"Now that his body is getting weaker and weaker, if he still uses dispersion methods to release the cold poison in his body, it may be counterproductive and shorten his lifespan."

"Therefore, I can only use decoctions and supplements to alleviate the condition!"

After listening to his treatment method, Yu Liang couldn't help but think deeply.

The reason why Master is still so strong at such an old age is entirely supported by his profound internal strength. If he loses his strength, it is like drinking poison to quench his thirst.

If you have been ill for a long time and your body is weak, you should replenish the deficiency. This is the most conventional treatment method for deficiency syndrome, but for Master, it treats the symptoms rather than the root cause!

"Isn't there any other way to cure it?"

Hearing his inquiry, Ping Yi pointed his finger and replied: "There are two ways to cure it, but~"

"What method?" Yu Liang asked eagerly when he saw that he was hesitant to speak.

"The first is to use the 'Vulcan Needle' to use Yang to overcome Yin and release the cold poison from the body."

Vulcan Needle! Yu Liang has seen this name in medical books.

It first appeared in "Lingshu": "Those who pierce the common clothes will be quenched with fire!"

Later, there were sporadic records in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases": "Burning needles makes people sweat" "Fire goes down, and people are irritable because of burning needles" "Both the outside and the inside are weak, Yin and Yang Qi are exhausted. If there is no Yang, Yin is alone, and burning needles are added .”

The "Qian Jin Yao Prescription" records a little more detail: "For boils and carbuncles, acupuncture will cause extreme heat."

"Frequently dip the needle in sesame oil and burn it until it turns red. This is effective. If it is not red, it will not cure the disease, but will harm the person."

"Shallow acupuncture with short needles can treat gout and rheumatic pain, so as to warm the meridians and dispel cold, and stimulate the meridians and activate meridians!"

However, all medical books only contain records and do not contain detailed acupuncture techniques.

Ping Yi pointed his finger and continued: "The Fire God Needle is a unique medical skill. I was lucky enough to see a Xinglin Saint perform it during my travels as a teenager!"

"Then who is this Xinglin Saint? Where is he now?" Yu Liang asked.

Ping Yizhi shook his head: "This senior has passed away long ago, and I have never heard of him having any hereditary disciples!"

In this case, the method of ‘Vulcan Needle’ will not work!

"What about the second method?" Yu Liang asked.

Ping Yi pointed his finger and replied: "Practice a peerless magical skill of Zhiyang!"

For his answer, in Yu Liang's opinion, he didn't say that there are only a few peerless magic skills, Zhiyang~


Yu Liang suddenly realized that he really knew an extremely powerful and unparalleled magical skill!

Cold poison, I should have thought of it earlier!

His heart was excited for a moment, his body reacted a little, and Qu Yangping looked at Yu Liang with a confused look.

After stabilizing his mind, Yu Liang asked again: "If I treat it with decoction, how long can I last without having another attack?"

Ping Yi pointed his finger and replied: "If we don't use force anymore, seven or eight years will be no problem!"

Don't use force!

It seems that the master's old illness is related to the Dongting Lake group a few days ago.

Ping Yi pointed his finger and continued: "Senior Ma is already old after all. The cold poison will be more harmful to the body as time goes by. If it cannot be cured after seven or eight years, then one day~"

Although he didn't finish what he said, everyone present knew what he meant.

Hearing this, Ma Wu smiled openly and said: "I am very satisfied that an old man can live for such a long time."

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