Draw Card! Start The Golden Epic Card To Kill Ghosts!

7. One Person, One Ghost, Blood Is Thicker Than Water

"Did you kill the fawn?"

Akihara asked seriously.

Qiu Xiaoye suddenly became nervous.

He had never seen such a serious expression on his father's face.

"Old... Father, do you know that Xiaolu is a ghost?" Qiu Xiaoye couldn't believe his deduction for a while.

Qiu Yuan picked up the cigarette on the counter, lit one, and took a long drag.

"I know." Qiu Yuan nodded helplessly.

Qiu Xiaoye was stunned.

The co-author of this father has always known that his sister is a ghost, so he left himself and his sister at home?

Such a dangerous situation, without notifying yourself?

Is this a little too much?

Qiu Xiaoye was helpless: "No, since you knew she was a ghost, why did you pick her up?"

"Pick it back?" Qiu Yuan was stunned: "Pick it up for what?"

Qiu Xiaoye said: "She is a ghost! You are not a ghost, you must have picked her up!"

"What did you pick it up?" Qiu Yuan was annoyed: "Don't make wild guesses, you kid, she is my own daughter and your own sister."

Qiu Xiaoye's brain was about to explode.

"Father, you are not a ghost, and I am not a ghost. If the deer is your own daughter, how can it be a ghost? This is not reasonable genetically."

Qiu Yuan didn't answer, just stared at Qiu Xiaoye in a daze: "You think for yourself."

Think for yourself?

With a little thought, Qiu Xiaoye immediately discovered the blind spot.

Immediately afterwards, a huge impact made him a little dizzy.

He stroked his forehead, afraid that he would faint.

"No! I have to take it easy!"

Qiu Yuan looked at his distressed look: "It seems that you have thought of the reason."

That's right.

The father is not a ghost, but his biological daughter is a ghost.

Then there is only one possibility.

Qiu Xiaoye's mother is a ghost!

This impact was really too strong, stronger than when Qiu Xiaoye knew his mother was dead.

Mother is a ghost? My sister is a ghost?

Co-author I have lived in a ghost family since I was a child, right?

Qiu Xiaoye asked helplessly: "Since my mother is a ghost, why do you still marry her?"

"Nonsense, when I married your mother, I didn't know she was a ghost." Qiu Yuan was also very wronged.

Then he dragged a small bench and sat beside Qiu Xiaoye.

Leaning close to his ear, he asked mysteriously, "Xiaoye, which card did you draw?"

"Solo card?" Qiu Xiaoye stared at the slovenly old man with a serious gaze.

In the past, he always thought that his father was just a middle-aged wretched and greasy man who opened a sex shop.

But at this moment, he suddenly discovered that this old man was very different from what he thought.

"Only those who draw the 'Solo card' can find out that others are ghosts." Akihara explained.

"But looking at you, someone noticed that you drew the 'Solo card', so now you are being hunted down by a ghost, and you disguised yourself and hid here."

Qiu Xiaoye looked at Dad, his eyes became suspicious: "Dad, you are very experienced."

Autumn exhaled smoke, and said helplessly: "I have also drawn the 'Solo card', so I know that your mother, and the deer, are ghosts."

"Then what do you mean, who knows who got the 'Solo Card'?" Qiu Xiaoye asked.

"That's right, as long as you don't expose yourself, the ghost won't know. Who discovered you?"

"Who else is there, little deer, I woke up in the morning, and when I saw the words on her head, I couldn't help but look at it a few more times." Qiu Xiaoye was helpless.

"Which card did you draw?" Qiu Zhe continued to ask.

"Sword God."

"what colour?"


"Gold?" Akihara thought for a while, "That's the most advanced 'Solo Card'."

"Is this thing still graded?" Qiu Xiaoye was confused.

Akihara nodded while swiping his phone: "That's right, the higher the level, the stronger the power. Solo cards are divided into gold, purple, and blue, and gold is the highest quality."

"Then what did you draw?" Qiu Xiaoye asked back.

Akihara said, "Purple, sniper."

"Are you a sniper?"

"Not long ago." Qiu Yuan shook his head: "The 'Solo Card' is only effective for one day. At dusk, your [Sword God] card will be withdrawn. In a lifetime, if you can draw a 'Solo Card' once It's a rare thing."

"Take it back?" Qiu Xiaoye was startled, and sat up: "Then my 'Sword God' card has been taken back, what should I do if those ghosts find me, am I doomed?"

"Don't worry, without the Solo card, they won't want to kill you." Qiu Yuan reassured.

Qiu Xiaoye scratched his hair, his mind was still in a mess, and he couldn't sort it out at all.

"Father, what's going on here? It's a ghost and a card. I'm completely confused! Where did the ghost come from? Who issued this card?"

Akihara shook his head: "I don't know much more than you, I just know that there are already many ghosts in the current human society, and they rely on the power of ghosts to control the government, economy, army, etc. how the world works."

"The power bestowed by the Solo card should be for humans to destroy these ghosts, because the Solo card cannot harm other humans. I heard people say that if someone kills a human being with the Solo card, he will die himself."

Qiu Xiaoye didn't understand: "Then since the 'Solo Card' is for people to kill ghosts, why is it given for one day, or randomly distributed among humans."

Akihara was silent for a while, and then said: "I think it is to protect human beings, because there are too many ghosts in this world, and if ghosts know who has the 'Solo Card' for a fixed period, they will use all their strength to hunt down and kill them." He, thus taking away the Solo card. So in order to protect human beings, it must be randomly distributed every day, so that those ghosts will not know who has the 'Solo card'."

Qiu Xiaoye asked: "Why didn't the ghost just wipe out all humans?"

"Because ghosts don't have the ability to reproduce." Qiuyuan lit another cigarette, and his tone became sad.

"Ghosts must combine with humans to produce offspring, and the probability of ghosts appearing in the offspring is also random. So you are not a ghost, but the deer is."

Hearing this, for some reason, Qiu Xiaoye suddenly felt sorry for his father.

"Father, then my mother married you just to breed ghost offspring? Isn't there any element of love?"

Qiu Yuan was a little annoyed: "Don't fucking ask me about this, I don't know!"

With that said, Qiuyuan suddenly stood up again, put the phone back into his pocket, with a solemn expression:

"Hide quickly! Someone is coming this way, it must be a ghost!"

"How do you know?" Qiu Xiaoye stood up honestly.

"Nonsense, I've been on this street for more than ten years, and I can tell that there are many dogs on this street."

Qiu Xiaoye looked around the narrow "happy hut".

All kinds of props, all kinds of consumables, but they are crowded, and there is no place to hide.

"What am I hiding? I'm a sword god now, so I'm still afraid of them?" Qiu Xiaoye prepared a film review.

Qiu Yuan scolded: "You are the sword god, I am not! You guys fight, what if you hurt me by mistake?"

"Then where do I hide?" Qiu Xiaoye panicked.

Qiu Yuan rolled his eyes: "Don't worry, Dad, I have a solution."



ten minutes later.

A group of people hula-la rushed into the "Happy House".

There were old and young, men and women, white-collar workers and rag pickers, all of them had bright eyes, obviously coming for Qiu Xiaoye.

Qiu Yuan sat on the recliner, staring at the girl group dancing on TV.

Holding the remote control in his left hand, he was rubbing his feet with his right hand.

Then, while looking at the young lady, she rolled the mud from her feet into small balls,

on the middle finger,

It popped out with a "swoosh",

Draw a beautiful arc in the air.

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