Dragon Zero

Chapter 2191: Gift of the Patriarch

Saint Ice said: "This is taken from the temple. Although you don't know its name, you must be able to use its power."

"Oh..." Bing Zhixie stretched out his hand to hold this thing, the size is about the same size as a big orange, St. Ice didn't say its function, he didn't ask, he said that no amount of it can be as clear as having tried it himself.

Saint Ice pointed out another treasure with his finger, a blue patterned cloak: "This one was worn when I was a teenager. It is also suitable for the mage, but it is more suitable for the little girl, Rora."

"Ruola... don't you plan to take her away?" Bing Zhixie thought he had revealed Ruola's identity just to take her away. No one knows the role of Apache's Tears better than the tribe.

Saint Ice said: "I do have such thoughts, but she doesn't want to go to the island with me for the time being. I don't really like the hardships of strong people, and now she doesn't know the identity of Tears of Apache. I think it's up to her. My friend, that is, telling her the price will be easier to accept. Now I have a lot of business, and I am not in a hurry. When will she figure it out, I can go to the island."

"Don't you worry that her special situation will attract the attention of others? Many people in the Sand Temple fainted, but there are still people who see her special side. If it is spread out, it may attract the attention of interested people."

Saint Ice believes: "I am not worried. She is an orphan like you. She will also want to figure out everything about her. It won’t take long for her to figure it out. Whether or not anyone pays attention to her, at least in the short term. She will not be in danger within time. With your care and the strength in her body, I have nothing to worry about."

"The cloak..."

Saint Ice said: "Don’t underestimate this cloak. Its magical power is not strong, but it has a special power. Wearing it, you can almost get close to all the beasts in nature you want to approach. Suffered from their hostility. You can also hide your whereabouts and smell on your body. It has a name-Wind of Harmony, which is a rare holy thing."

"It sounds a bit useful for Ruola, but it's not very useful." Bing Zhixie thought, with Ruola's ability, there is little possibility of going to the wild alone, and it may only be useful when encountering a major crisis.

Saint Ice said: "It also has one of the most special uses."

"Oh, what?"

Saint Ice said: "This cloak is exactly the same in the Sacred Garden. It is usually worn by the ambassadors of the Holy Garden except the twelve sages and called the Wind of Peace. Their abilities and effects are exactly the same. The pattern details are slightly different, and even those who walk through the holy garden can hardly see the difference without paying attention. I think you should understand its value and use for this purpose."

"Isn't this thing more useful to you?"

Saint Ice waved his hand and said: "It's okay, when she decides to go to the island, I won't be too late to get it back."

Bing Zhixie reached out to catch the cloak: "Then I will help Ruola accept it." At the same time he asked: "Do you trust me so? Even if you are the patriarch and I am a member of the clan, this is the first time we met officially. Character is elusive. Even if it is a tribe, it is possible to betray. From what you told me, although I can't get a full picture of it, I can guess quite a lot. You are not afraid that I will report you to the Holy Garden?"

Saint Ice said in front of Sha Feng: "There is nothing left for me to lose. Even if I lose something, my harm is extremely limited. Although I don’t know you well, as long as I have a good control over it. , Your betrayal won't affect much."

"You do have the strength to show such confidence."

Saint Ice smiled and said: "I, nearly 110 years old, have seen too much human complexity. Remember, never have 100% trust in people, even if that person is yourself. The world is most likely to deceive you. Yes, you are yourself."

Bing Zhixie thought of Master for a while.

"But..." Saint Ice said afterwards: "Also keep your own sincerity. People will always wear many masks in the world. Only sincerity can take off the mask and find yourself. Otherwise, you will even I will forget who I am."

"Can children of the devil live so long?" Bing Zhixie asked. He had heard him as a child of the devil during the conversation yesterday.

Saint Ice nodded: "I have nearly half the lifespan of a dwarf, and I can live more than two hundred or even three hundred years. So now I am young. When I am young, I must do something that will change the world, otherwise it will be a pity. This is a wonderful life. Hahahahaha..." After speaking, there was some sadness in his eyes, and it was fleeting.

Bing Zhixie looked at other things: "Hey, what about that scroll. Demon... Demon remelting technique."

"Do you want that?"

Bing Zhixie cracked his mouth and said with a smile: "I think you care about that thing, it must be very useful."

"have you seen."


"Have you seen the magic remelting technique."

"I see..." Bing Zhixie suddenly thought of something: "Ah, those bronze people! There are on the first floor of the temple, and there are also at the tomb of the Queen of the Last Moon."

Saint Ise said: "There are also puppets and golems that can be broken and recombined, but they are either specially made for splitting, or there will be cracks after reassembly. The magic remelting technique can remelt the broken metal. , There is no damage to the cracks, this kind of alchemy magic has great value."

"You want to use it as a puppet?"

"What if you use it on armor?"

Bing Zhixie's heart was shocked.

Saint Ice said: "I don't know if it's feasible, but someone has to try to study it in depth." He gestured: "Three things, you can take one more thing."

Bing Zhixie was not in a hurry, but asked: "There are five passages on the sixth floor of the temple, and there are some treasures hidden in each of them. The only way for Alice and the others is that there is nothing on the road to the king, is it there? You took away everything from?"

Saint Ice laughed again: "Your careful thoughts are quite careful, I took the things. Those you want to ask for are a little greedy."

"I'm just asking." Bing Zhixie took a quick look and picked up the strange and heavy sphere that the temple hadn't taken away last time.

"Oh, so many treasures, why did you take this?" Saint Ice was a little surprised: "Do you know what it is?"

"I don't know, just pure curiosity."

"Heh." Saint Ess said: "Your choice is interesting, take it away."

Bing Zhixie held the sphere, but couldn't close it into the different space, so she had to put it aside for now.

Saint Ess said: "My little people, I will leave tomorrow morning and take your chart. I will also draw a chart and write an address to you. If you want to see it someday, or want to go Genesis Island, charts and addresses can all help you."

"Wait, there is one more thing I haven't said." Bing Zhixie said: "You said no one can see the identity of the Moran Sakya clan. If Huangyan City thoroughly inspected my body, would they know?"

"Oh~!" Saint Ice's eyes flashed with a cold light: "Is there anything like this? I know."

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