Dragon Tamer

Chapter 509: Practice peace of mind

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After returning to Zonglin, it was also dark.

Along the way, these swordsmen in white clothes were still a little bit unfinished, and the young disciples were even more annoyed that there was no opportunity to show their so many years of penance. After all, the number of people they assembled this time was indeed far more than that of the Summoners.

But on the whole, the people of the Baishang Jianzong were very pleased with this big victory. If the Red Beard Demon Venerable was captured alive and brought back for interrogation, they could even be forced to find out their true lair of Invoking Demon Cult.

Zhu Minglang didn't pay much attention either, after all, this was the matter of their Baishang Jianzong.

After resting all night, Lin Zhong and Mingxiu knocked on the door again early the next morning. They said they would take Zhu Minglang to their Lingshi Cave.

"This spiritual stone cave is very special. The wet spiritual stones in the cave will see out some spiritual dew, which is of great help to any practitioner. Usually, we only have some disciples who have made relatively large contributions. I had the opportunity to practice in Lingshi Cave. I wish brothers this time saved many of our disciples’ lives. As a thank you, I also applied to Master.” Lin Zhong said.

Cultivation treasure!

This thing Zhu Minglang will never refuse.

He now has two hundred times the speed of gathering spiritual cultivation, and with the blessing of this kind of treasure, his cultivation base will grow very fast!

"Then thank you Master for me," Zhu Minglang said.

"The masters are already interrogating those in the demon cult. It is said that their lair position has the demon cultists who are greedy for life and fear of death. So now Master and Master Lei are discussing with the headmaster, and they plan to make a concerted effort to demarcate our land. The evoked demon cult in China is completely eradicated, and the prestige of the White Sword Sect in front of the four great sects is raised!" Lin Zhong said.

"That's a good thing, that is, you must be more careful before you set out. There are many cunning and insidious people in the evoked demon cult. It is better for you to share the message with other forces, and it is more appropriate to join them in the crusade." Zhu Minglang said.

"Yes, that's what the master and the leader mean. We act fast. If we are to be noticed by the people of the evocation cult, it will be difficult to wipe them out again." Lin Zhong nodded.

"That's good, I have other things to deal with. After I have viewed the Lingshi Cave, I have to leave. If Brother Lin fails to triumph at that time, then I will say goodbye to you here first." Zhu Minglang Said.

Suppress the Lair of Summoning Demons?

Zhu Minglang didn't plan to participate in this matter.

After delaying some time here, it is time to continue on the road. As for things like fairy and ghost, Zhu Minglang could not fully confirm what Ye Youying said was the truth.

After all, she felt that Ye Youying had a lot to hide.

Especially about fairy ghosts.

Are the fairy ghosts really controlled by the Summoning Cult?

Zhu Minglang didn't think so. He felt that the Summoning Sect was now more like a group of believers of the fairy ghosts. They simply did not have the ability and strength to control the fairy ghosts.

It's better to practice with peace of mind, otherwise, if you really run into a creature of the level of the mountain fairy, it is estimated that he does not even have the ability to parry.


After heading to the Lingshi Cave, Zhu Minglang felt a strong spiritual energy before he even stepped into it, like a humid and warm gas, covering himself. E-bookstore

"Girl Ye Tanhua, please, whether you are a cultivator or not, this can also nourish your face!" Mingxiu said.

Ye Youying didn't want to come to this spiritual stone cave at all, but in order to be able to leave here safely, she had to continue to play this "Little Epiphany"!

After entering the Lingshi Cave, lights were lit inside, making this humid and warm cave extremely bright.

Sitting cross-legged, Zhu Minglang started his qi-gathering and dragon-raising. Lin Zhong told Zhu Minglang that this Lingshi Cave is not the same as other spiritual veins. It is a gradual process to absorb spiritual energy. If it can be more Wait for a day or two to gather the spirits slowly, and the effect will multiply.

"Very wrong, if Lujiang Demon Venerable is there, even if there are thousands of members of the White Sword Sect, they may not be able to win them. Could it be that Lujiang Demon Venerable is injured?" Ye Youying is still struggling with the Demon Cult Inn. .

"I probably understand. You said that the Summoning Sect is divided into two factions. One faction preserves the rationality and intends to use immortals and ghosts for their own use, and the other faction allows immortals and ghosts to wreak havoc and worship crazily at all costs. Enshrined. In fact, few of you in the Summoning Cult retain sanity, and you can't control the fairy ghost." Zhu Minglang said lightly.

"It's hard to control, but..."

"Okay, okay, fairy ghosts are inherently excessively dangerous, and there is also a huge resentment in their birth. Judging from the news about the fairy ghosts from all over the country, it is basically that the fairy ghosts controlled you to call the demon cult. It’s not that you are controlling them... I sneaked into the inn and looked around. Few of your evokers are normal people at all. They are like the evil folks of the Shanyuan tribe. I advise you not to waste your energy. , I want to use some Heiyue boy to control the fairy ghost. I'd better change my name and surname as soon as possible and go live in Ansheng." Zhu Minglang said.

Ye Youying was silent for a while.

How does she not know this?

The evoker should be the leader, controlling the monsters to fight for himself.

But because of the immortal ghosts, the evokers of the entire sect, no matter what their cultivation bases are, they all respect the immortal ghosts like crazy. The virgin sacrifices are offered to the gods of rivers and mountains in exchange for the so-called good weather!

Stupid, crazy, but out of control!


I wish Minglang practice peace of mind, there are some things that you can't manage if you want to.

Seeing the magic arm of the earth, Zhu Minglang knew that the fairy is still not something he can touch now, and Ye Youying is just a more sober evoker, and she cannot control a sect alone. fate.

The gas gathering effect is very significant, especially Xiaoyingling, who likes this Lingshi cave.

After instructing Xiaoyingling to only drink and not booze~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhu Minglang also began to put aside his inner distractions and practice meditation.

Ye Youying did not leave, she found a place to sit.

I probably knew that what she did now didn't make any sense, and she was also engaged in practice.


I don't know how long Cangluan Qinglong's cultivation base has been completely stabilized to the supreme monarch level.

Lin Zhong was right, this Lingshi Cave can really increase his cultivation.

In this treasured land of cultivation, Zhu Minglang could not eat or drink, and stay awake.

The cultivation base of Da Hei Ya has also begun to improve. It has moved from the middle monarch level to the upper monarch level, but as an ancient dragon, its main direction of cultivation is to fight, and this quiet nourishment is just icing on the cake.

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