Dragon Tamer

Chapter 500: Baishang Jianzong

   An ancient sword with a straight blade and a peculiar hilt. Its temperament is as cold as a living thing, exuding a special aura.

   It hovered in front of Zhu Minglang, and realized that the battle was not about to start, so it flew behind Zhu Minglang.

   is like carrying a sword, but there is no sword bag. The sword spirit dragon hangs on Zhu Minglang's back, maintaining a position that can be held as soon as he reaches out...

"So, that's because we are too worried. It's rare to be able to meet the famous Daoist Sword Sect in the remote mountains. Please don't refuse. We will be a guest in our Zonglin for a few days. This horseback mountain forest will be hundreds of miles away. There are no cities or towns, and our swordsman will naturally not let the two of them sleep in this restaurant." The teacher showed a friendly smile and said more politely.

   Zhu Minglang glanced at the Sorceress.

   The witch did not speak.

   Judging from the words of the Baishang Jianzong, they should have never seen the appearance of this demon girl, and they don’t know that she is a woman...

   "It is better to be respectful than fate." Zhu Minglang agreed.

   There is no such thing as a comfortable sword house in the wild with a beautiful environment and a group of juniors. I wish Minglang not to reveal the identity of this witch girl, nor to reject the kindness of the teacher of the sword sect.

   "Lin Zhong, Mingxiu, you brought the two of you to our Zonglin to take care of them. The others will then go in this direction and continue to see if there are traces of demon cultists." The teacher said.

   After finishing speaking, the teacher apologized and said to Zhu Minglang again, "The demon cultists are very suspicious. Since we have noticed its whereabouts, we can't let it go, please forgive me."

   "Yes, there is no reason for the decent sects not to exorcise demons and evils." Zhu Minglang said.


   Zhu Minglang tidied up his things, and when he rolled up the expensive velvet pad he bought, incidentally, he also put away the very luxurious moon coffin of the witch goddess, so as not to be seen by the two swordsmen.

   The witch bit her lip, she didn't dare to say anything, she just stared at Zhu Minglang with those big eyes.

   "Go, Xiao Yunhua, pack the roasted beef, and no food is wasted." Zhu Minglang said to the witch.

The witch girl was stunned for a moment. At first she didn't realize that "Xiao Tanhua" was calling herself. When she noticed the puzzled eyes of the two swordsmen, she hurriedly responded and wrapped the beef just now in greased paper. .

   "Cut into slices and eat while walking." Zhu Minglang handed her the delicate little dagger just now and smiled.


Following Lin Zhong and Mingxiu to the Baishang Zonglin, the biggest feature of Baishang Zonglin is that they are superb in swordsmanship and self-proclaimed as a decent sect. The white clothes are regarded as a symbol of noble status by them. Teachers are qualified to wear white clothes, and they are also called white swordsmen by the world. From time to time, they can hear stories about their heroes and justice...

Lin Zhong and Mingxiu are both dressed in white, and they are obviously the best in the sword sect, but Zhu Minglang does not quite understand why such a group of sword sect masters plus a teacher-level figure, they are in the wilderness. Those who are chasing a demon cult, have not even seen the appearance of the demon cult.

   Right now, Zhu Minglang said his doubts, anyway, he is not a member of the Demon Cult.

"We are doing an experiment. Not long ago, Master Lei made friends with a powerful runemaster. This runemaster made some tracking charms, which can sense the fluctuations of some pagan spells in a radius of a hundred miles, and guide us to find the location of the fluctuations. We used it for the first time today. We didn’t expect that there would be people of the Demon Cult within a hundred miles from our Sword Sect. This made the masters very angry and made us want to capture it. So we chased it all the way here. The tracking talisman has a limited time, and we lost the mana in the last mountain. We searched it blindly." said the white swordsman named Lin Zhong.

   "There is such a peculiar spell!" Zhu Minglang was surprised.

   "Yeah, we didn't expect this symbol to be so good." Lin Zhong said.

   "It's a pity that the demon cultist didn't run in my direction, otherwise I can help you." Zhu Minglang sighed.

   "It's okay, it's just an experiment. I guess it's just a little spy in the Demon Cult, who observes the movements of our Sword Sect and ran away." Lin Zhong said.

   Lin Zhong didn't have much doubt about Zhu Minglang.

   He saw Zhu Minglang's bonfire. The bonfire had obviously burned for a while, and there was a ring of charcoal around it.

   And the beef is obviously slow-roasted, and the outside is charred and tender inside.

   The demon sect ran away in panic, how could it be done so meticulously? What's more, Zhu Minglang also showed his flying sword and revealed the identity of the Sword Sect in the mountains. There is no reason to be a demon cult.

   "Are you really partners?" The white-robed female swordsman Mingxiu asked.

   As a woman, she observed a bit more subtle. She noticed that the witch and Zhu Minglang did not keep pace with each other, and the distance they kept was not like that of an ordinary partner, but rather slowly behind Zhu Minglang.

"Not to be counted, she is my family's maid, and she has devoted her whole body to me. The elders in my family think she is humble and want me to marry a great sword aunt from the Mianshan Sword Sect. I don't like my family very much. With this arrangement of people, I feel that the honorable Sword Aunt is not as good as my little epiphany, so I took her away from home." Zhu Minglang smiled and explained calmly.

   This explanation made the witch girl's eyes stare so beautifully that it was a bit of humiliation.

   How did you become a maid? ? ? ?

   I'm still devoted!

   There are so many explanations~www.wuxiaspot.com~How can this person be so shameless!

   "My dear friend is really temperamental, I don't dare to disobey the family arrangement casually." Lin Zhong gave Zhu Minglang a thumbs up.

   "Then you guys are not easy, my sister is so lucky to meet a man who can run away from home for you." Mingxiu was more emotional, and she was quickly moved by Zhu Minglang.

   "Uh, uh." The witch can only agree with her hate.

   "It's okay, when we are pregnant, our clan will also consider our Zhu family's flesh and blood, and accept her." Zhu Minglang continued nonsense.

   The witch goddess heard this and almost threw the knife at Zhu Minglang with anger.

   Give yourself the name of a tacky maid named "Xiao Yunhua", forget it, and talk about pregnancy, nasty! !

   Well-known and decent, how can there be such a nasty person!

   "It's almost there, just after passing the mountain in front." Lin Zhong said.

   "I had known that your mountain gate was here, so I would come here to stay cheeky." Zhu Minglang said.

"Our mountain gate is relatively hidden. It is normal for ordinary people not to know it. It is already late at night. I'll let someone arrange a place for you. You should rest earlier. I will show you the White Sword Sect again tomorrow morning." The teacher said.

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