Dragon Tamer

Chapter 475: Fate and ridge symbiosis

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Lingyue’s bond was very successful. It seemed to her that Lingyue was just making friends.

In fact, Zhu Minglang has always treated dragons in an equal and friendly manner. He is not the kind of dragon herder who uses dragons as tools to enslave dragons and beasts.

So at the first moment when I sensed the soul of Nuwa Dragon, Zhu Minglang was delighted.

This is equivalent to picking up a rare dragon for nothing.

But what followed was a majestic emotion, tilted like a vast ocean, and Zhu Minglang, who was establishing a soul bond with him, was also shocked.

Zhu Minglang's own soul has also received a lot of shock. He felt the sky and the earth revolve, and his soul was immediately cultivated after the sword repair, also known as the dragon shepherd. It should have been very powerful, but compared to the soul that came in. The sadness and loneliness in the depths also seem a little fragile.

Zhu Minglang feels like he is falling, and he has fallen into an underground world with only cold rocks and dark places. There is nothing around, and the surroundings are extremely quiet. The haze of fear that will never dissipate is shrouded in my heart, with long and endless years. Tormenting myself, as if being imprisoned in such a desperate place forever!

Soon, Zhu Minglang saw the ridge of Hongwu Rock again, that magnificent and magnificent ridge stretched continuously among countless Nihai veins, supporting the whole continent.

For some reason, there seems to be a kind of sacred rock root on the ridge, which locks his soul like a chain. When Zhu Minglang tries to leave here and break away from this desperate world, the soul lock of the spine is indestructible. Squeezed himself under the veins...

On several occasions, Zhu Minglang felt that he was about to break and leave this terrible land, but as he broke free, the entire ridge began to teeter, and the entire ridge began to collapse! !

While the ridge broke and collapsed, the veins that ran through the Nihai Sea and the surrounding soil also broke and subsided! !

Zhu Minglang saw Wang Yang turned into a bottomless sky cave, saw the land being submerged by sea water, and saw hundreds of millions of creatures die in the catastrophe of this ridge fracture.

At that moment, Zhu Minglang lost all his determination and courage. Looking at the ridge that had locked his soul and life, Zhu Minglang suddenly understood that he was the ridge and the prosperity of the world was backed by it. With your own life and soul, if you leave, the land, sea, and mountains above your head will no longer exist!

Can only choose silence, can only choose loneliness, can only choose to continue to live in this desperate dark land...

Living as humble and insignificant as a floating spirit, it is also as brilliant and noble as a **** watching hundreds of millions of creatures silently!


Like being drunk, Zhu Minglang's head is groggy.

I don't know how long it took before he gradually woke up.

What catches the eye is a pure and beautiful face, with a fascination and holiness. Her extremely large eyes are looking at Zhu Minglang worriedly, as if they are afraid that Zhu Minglang will have an accident...

Zhu Minglang shook his head and waved the emotions and memories that did not belong to him from his mind.

Those memories before are not my own.

It is the memory of Nuwa Dragon.

Signing a spiritual contract with him is equivalent to accepting her soul, and her past has flooded into her mind like a dream, making herself immersive and empathizing!

However, the Ling Pact was not signed in the end.

It's not that Nuwa Dragon is unwilling to accept, but her soul is locked in this spine. Once Zhu Minglang signs a spiritual agreement with it, it means that her soul is also locked here!

"You saw the Nihai World collapsing, and hundreds of millions of lives were dying in this catastrophe, so you flew under this vein and turned your soul into a part of the ridge?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"The ridge..." Nu Walong murmured.

"How can I help you?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"Why..." Nuwa Long's mind seems to have been wiped out by time a long time ago, she just survived here purely, she didn't know how to express it.

Even she herself has no memories of the past, only because Zhu Minglang touched the depths of her soul, those pasts have emerged.

"You have been here for too long, and your fate has grown up with the roots of the spine." Zhu Minglang said.

The clearest memory Zhu Minglang felt was that the ridge was already firm and the veins were completely stretched. Nihai World finally didn’t need her to support it, but when she was about to leave, she suddenly found herself and the ridge. Has grown together.

She became a part of the ridge, and she is this ridge. Once she breaks free, the ridge will be shattered again and the catastrophe will come again!

So the years passed, passed, passed...

She almost forgot everything.

She has deteriorated to the point that she is not as good as a three-year-old.

She was once a god, shining like a bright moon, and was worshipped by billions of spirits in ancient times.

Now she is no different from floating, she just wanders in this green sacred lake again and again, living meaninglessly, but must live.

Zhu Minglang naturally felt the sadness, so majestic that it is not inferior to the vast ocean of Nihai.

"Mr. Koi, she wants to leave here and is willing to sign a spiritual contract with me, but once the spiritual contract is established, my soul will be locked in this spine like her." Zhu Minglang said.

"I know that things are definitely not that simple. Alas, after all, Nuwa Dragon can only look far away." Mr. Koi sighed.

Seeing that Zhu Minglang is safe and sound, Nuwa Dragon made a sweet soft tone. She swam back, swam into the green Shentan, and dived deep into the Shentan...

After a while, she was holding many brilliant sacred stones, just like Zhu Minglang gave her candy to eat before, she seemed to give her collection of things to Zhu Minglang to express her joy.

Before changing, Zhu Minglang will surely see these sacred stones in full bloom. These things are precious treasures in the world, not inferior to the tail of the white phoenix he got. But at this time, Zhu Minglang is excited and happy, especially when signing a contract. The process of Lingyue felt the pain in the depths of the soul, which made Zhu Minglang even more eager to take her away.

Obviously it is extremely powerful and comparable to the existence of gods~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But humble and lonely struggling in this underground world, the most important thing is that apart from myself, I am afraid that there will be no one life in this world knowing it, prosperous The world of Nihai is supported by such a Nuwa dragon with his life and soul.

"Is there any way, Mr. Koi?" Zhu Minglang was still unwilling to give up like this.

Zhu Minglang had once cut the ground veins, but the ridges were many times stronger than the ground veins. Zhu Minglang didn't know what realm he had to reach before he could cut the ground veins.

"It is impossible for your cultivation base to shake the ridge of the earth, but you just said that her fate and soul have grown together with the roots of the spine. You can consider cutting a ray of life and soul for her and see if you can get her out of trouble. "Mr. Koi said.

"Fate and soul are cut, isn't she gone?" Zhu Minglang said with wide eyes, what bad idea Mr. Koi had made.

Why don't you just say it, just give it a go!

"If you don't die, it may be the loss of the spiritual life." Mr. Koi said.

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