Dragon Tamer

Chapter 454: Tranquility Fire Liquid

Under the sea!

That is a deeper and stronger foundation of the world than terrestrial veins!

The continent is immersed in the vast expanse of the sea of ​​nothingness. Although Nihai is called the ocean, it is actually an inland sea, not the empty sea at the end of the Jitian continent.

Zhu Minglang once cut a ground vein, but the ground vein itself was not strong and was in a drifting stage.

The ocean's veins are probably the strongest and deepest. Even if Zhu Minglang has reached the king level, he cannot cut the ocean's veins.

The secret realm of Zhumen is in the seabed...

The question is how did this secret realm be cultivated? ?

After flying into a vast ocean with no islands in a radius of thousands of miles, Zhu Minglang began to wonder, how can such a uniform sea be able to distinguish the specific location, but there are no reference objects around.

Zhu Wangxing showed a mysterious smile. He pointed his finger downwards and said, "Our secret realm is right below. You have to work, Yuan Yuan."

Old Yuan opened the Spirit Realm again, and this time he summoned a Dragon King!

The Yuanlong King is long and long, covered with dark blue holy scales. It swims in mid-air, with two silver-white dragon beards dancing mightily.

Suddenly, King Yuanlong went straight down and plunged into the sea.

The surface of the sea sank suddenly, and an empty abyss appeared out of thin air, the empty abyss has been touching the bottom of the deep ocean, reaching the sun, unable to shine into the darkness.

Zhu Rongrong looked down, but a look of fear appeared on his face.

God knows where the abyss that sweeps away all the water leads to...

"Let's go." The old Yuan said.

Everyone flew into this empty abyss.

It has been falling, and the speed is getting faster and faster. Zhu Minglang looked down and saw that the Dragon King was in a deeper layer. It rushed through the bottom of the sea and allowed all of them to reach the bottom of the ocean directly.

Looking up again, Zhu Minglang found that the sea water had slowly filled the upper part of the empty abyss, the light was completely isolated, and the surroundings were even more silent.

The time to fall was longer than expected, which reminded Zhu Minglang of the space cracks that had entered the ancient ruins.

At this moment, I was also in a spatial well that led to another world, gradually moving away from the things I knew well and arriving in a completely unknown area.

I don't know how long it took before the sea was gone.

The surroundings became icy underground rocks...

The strange thing is that the seawater can't penetrate into the crevices in the underground rock with obvious gaps.

"Are we already in the trench?" Zhu Minglang asked.

"It's coming soon," said Zhu Wangxing.

Zhu Minglang looked again, he already needed spiritual consciousness to barely "see" an outline.

At this moment, the huge dark sea was already above his head, like a dim layer of sky shrouded in an out of reach.

They are under the ground, still under the ground of a majestic ocean, and further down they will have real veins!

Suddenly, a hot air surged from below.

Zhu Minglang’s eyes pierced, and the long-lost light condensed in this trace of the veins, which was neither narrow nor open. After a long time of adaptation, Zhu Minglang gradually had a dim vision...

Like molten metal, it is golden and brilliant when it is still, but it is red and dazzling when it is flowing. Zhu Minglang did not see any fire from the earth veins, only a slowly flowing meandering melt, just like a heaven and earth creeping quietly at the beginning of its birth The eternal dragon at the bottom of this ocean monster! !

This is the secret realm of the small inner court, taking fire from the forbidden land, forging the earth vein fire core that is unparalleled in sword armor!

Zhu Minglang did not dare to come close. The fire of this earth vein is completely liquid in shape. It is as quiet as a quietly wandering spring, without any trace of wildness, expansion, or restlessness of flames, but still gives Zhu Minglang a kind of better than wild dance. Fire is more terrifying.

"This is to get a fire bottle, do you want to try it?" Zhu Wangxing turned his head and asked Zhu Minglang.

"Are you sure you use this bottle?" Zhu Minglang asked.

Just a seemingly ordinary clean bottle, can this thing really hold the Earth Vein Fire Liquid?

"Dimai Huoye is actually more stable than ordinary fire in the world. As long as you don't shake it violently, it is as quiet as the water you usually drink." Zhu Wangxing laughed.

Zhu Minglang's face went dark, he still made a request and let Zhu Wangxing demonstrate it himself.

Zhu Wangxing held the purifying bottle for making fire. Before making fire, he paid great attention to the ceremony...

First tidy up the clothes, and then kowtow. In fact, the people of Zhumen have always believed in metaphysics, and they also maintain respect for the gods that can bring prosperity to the clan, just like the ancient gods of some tribes.

Knocking Zhu Minglang could understand, but then Zhu Wangxing took out a piece of white wax from his arms, which made Zhu Minglang look weird.

Why, can't you light a candle in the southeast corner?

Wishing to walk forward, he slowly moved the white candle to the ground vein fire liquid.

An unbelievable scene happened. It seemed that it possessed extremely strong heat, and it could even dispel the icy fire fluid of this deep seabed, without igniting the little candle...

The most common flame can be ignited by touching the candle wick a little bit. Hopefully, you can soak the candle wick in the ground vein fire liquid. When you take it out, the candle is "unharmed"!

"This year's ground vein fire core is very stable, we should be able to take more, God bless!" Zhu Wanghang put away the white candle, and then filled half a bottle of fire liquid with the net bottle just now.

I wish Minglang amazed.

This earth vein fire liquid obviously contains huge flame energy, and it is estimated that one drop can cause a prairie fire, but this earth vein fire liquid is quite quiet and gentle, like an essence condensate!

Suddenly, Zhu Minglang remembered the dandelion grains Zhu Rongrong asked him to collect a while ago.

Those dandelion elves seem petite like flies, but when they are crushed, they will release a strong wind.

This Earth Vessel Fire Liquid seemed to be the same, it was so peaceful and harmless before it received any shock or turbulence.

But as soon as the dandelion grains are crushed~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the wind will probably instantly trigger the fire liquid of the earth veins, generating intense and extremely high temperature fire, and bursting out quite powerful energy...

Use it well, you can indeed forge perfect products!

This is the second top secret in the inner court of Zhumen.

Zhu Minglang smiled. With these two things, he is sure to forge the ultimate dragon armor!

"I only took this bottle today, and I have to take it back for some testing and analysis. If the energy is too strong, it is easy to burn the material directly, and there may be a danger of explosion." Zhu Wangxing said.

The stability of the fire of the earth veins will change with the seasons, and the flame power contained in it is also different, too low and too high, both affecting casting.

(Two chapters today~)

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