Dragon Tamer

Chapter 136: 4 lead fights

The place in the imperial capital is big, but there is one advantage.

That is, there is never a shortage of such extremely uneducated people. Sometimes when the mood is gloomy, if you can bump into one or two of them, the mood will be especially comfortable!


A loud bang of the bronze bell spread throughout the central city of the imperial capital, and for a while, those who came to wait and see followed by shouting.

When the bell rings, the battle begins.

Sure enough, the black straw hat youth walked towards Zhu Minglang with a bit of disgust and contempt.

"Sometimes people should be enlightened. I have reminded you just now. Now, did you escape to Chihe and be laughed at by the people in the city, or did I beat you to a crippled man?" The black straw hat youth has left. In front of Zhu Minglang, his eyes were fierce and fierce like a panther.

While speaking, the shadow behind the black straw hat young man swayed unusually.

An extremely strange shadow mist was shrouded in his body, which was slowly spreading towards the surroundings, and the space where the shadow group behind him could move became wider with the shadow mist.

At first, Zhu Minglang, the young man with a black straw hat, was a mortal, and soon Zhu Minglang noticed that his spreading shadow fog was actually forming a black shadow map, which was an area where some special dragons and beasts moved!

Finally, in the shadow fog, a shadow dragon was killed, its body was hidden in the black shadow fog, and its spider-like claws seemed to be everywhere.

Zhu Minglang used his spiritual sense to investigate, only then was he able to see the true face of this shadowy dragon...

It is a combination of a velociraptor and a certain magic spider dragon. It has the torso, limbs, and fangs of a velociraptor, and at the same time, there are six extremely strange bone wings on its back!

This bone wing is basically incapable of flying, just like the six claws of a spider. They are long and sharp. They can bend and stretch very flexibly. They can even bend down to the ground. Together with its hind limbs, it can attack faster. Even more weird.

Shadow Dragon, this is a very good species. Zhu Minglang is quite interested, but this Shadow Dragon is a bit too ferocious. The bone-winged claws on its back make it feel like two corpses are forcibly put together. Necromancers together.

In any case, this dragon breed is indeed special, and its strength is also very strong.

In this way, the black straw hat youth does have arrogant capital.

Unfortunately, he chose the wrong opponent.

After yawning, Xiao Bai leaped lightly from Zhu Minglang's shoulder to the ground.

There was no storm, ice and snow flying on it, which meant that this little white dragon didn't even bother to transform into a combat stance.

It was standing in the strange shadow fog, and a pair of ice and snow eyes stared at the shadowy dragon at extremely fast speed, calmly and calmly like a white cat observing a mouse on Liang Shang as a demon.


Suddenly, its claws protruded from its fleshy and furry toes, and it swung a few claws into the shadow mist, and saw the claws cut like a cold blade, almost completed in the blink of an eye...

The shadow mist was like a huge black cloth. Suddenly, don't tear open a few holes, and then all the shadow mist quickly dissipated.

At the same time, the shadow dragon uttered a scream, and his body twitched and fell to the place where the claw marks had been swept. The spider claw bones and wings on the back were all broken and scattered around like broken bones.

The young man with a black straw hat stood where the shadow mist dissipated, and his face shrouded in the shadow group slowly emerged. The madness who didn't put everything in his eyes before disappeared without a trace.

He glanced at the white little dragon, and then at Zhu Minglang, who was still peeling grapes.

"Climb into the pond by yourself." Zhu Minglang pointed at the pond at the back and said lightly.

"Oh..." The young man with black straw hat hurriedly retracted the injured shadow dragon into the spiritual realm, and then really bent down, landed on all fours, and rolled into the river pond like a spider.

The black straw hat floated on the water. I probably didn’t want the people in the city to see his face. After climbing into the pond, the young man in the black straw hat didn't bring out the surface for ventilation, and dived to the other side abruptly...

"This guy, he can switch freely between dragons and worms." Zhu Minglang couldn't help but want to laugh, shook his head, and didn't care about the black straw hat youth.

Young and frivolous, if it were not for himself, he could indeed rely on the shadow fog and shadow dragon to rampage in this brass battlefield.


The group fight has already begun, and Zhu Minglang also understands that if Bai Qi is allowed to do it, no one except Nan Lingsha will be able to sustain a round under its attack.

The black straw hat youth's initial death caused Zhu Minglang's surrounding opponents to immediately believe that this person is a master, so he immediately turned to other goals, so that Zhu Minglang stood in place, and no one came to trouble him!

"No way, you don't move me, I will move you!" Zhu Minglang said, already calling out the Thunder Cang Tyrannosaurus and Shenmu Qingshenglong.

"Heifang, Qingzhuo, today your training topic is to clear everyone except Nan Lingsha before the end of the time!" Zhu Minglang said.

"Oh oh!!!" Da Hei Ya shouted in excitement when he heard these words.

Group fight, it likes it the most!

The Shenmu Qingshenglong waved its wings, and the cyan vertical pupils had already focused on other flying dragons that had occupied the sky above the bronze battlefield.


Qing Zhuo yelled at the **** tooth, which means, I deal with the sky, you deal with the ground.

After that, the Shenmu Qingshenglong hovered to the highest point of the bronze battlefield, like a blue eagle king, looking down on his territory, and was choosing a goal to stand by.

Soon, Shenmu Qingshenglong stared at a flysword dragon!

The queen fly dragon has several pairs of fly wings, as thin as a blade, it swings very fast, making annoying noises in the air.

At the same time, this waving fly-knife wing is also an extremely terrifying weapon, just like a meat grinder in the battlefield. It has just entered the group fight, and several large dragons have been cut by this weapon!

On the ground, Tyrannosaurus thundercang resembled a savage bull, and all dragons that could stand on the field were red, enough to arouse its rage.

At the beginning of the battle, most dragon shepherds would observe their surroundings first, not easily lead the battle, and try their best to ensure that they would not be besieged by several people at the same time...

But with the rampage of the Leicang Tyrannosaurus, the scene suddenly became chaotic. Some of the cruel and ferocious ancient dragons quickly exuded their nature in the smell of blood, and bite with the dragon beasts who pretended to be calm. .

"The black tyrannosaurus is disrupting the situation, kill it first!"

"Damn it, the black dragon spitting saliva at me!!"

"What a strange smell, is it a poisonous dragon... asshole, the black dragon deliberately fart at us, ah, this girl can't spare it!!" A female disciple from the Canglong Palace flushed with anger, the elder The words we confessed have long been forgotten!

The dragon called by the female disciple of the Canglong Palace was a four-clawed mountain dragon, a kind of strong-limbed Canglong that lives on mountain walls, peaks, and peaks all year round. It has the ability to fly sand, move rocks, and shake mountains.

This four-clawed mountain lizard was also irritated. It was on all fours and was more agile and quicker than some land lizards.

Its body is like a centipede, section after section, and each section seems to be able to stretch and contract freely, so when each section of its body is squeezed and contracted at the same time, it will produce a strong tremor! !

"Earth Vibration Technique!!" the female disciple of Canglong Palace said angrily.

Suddenly, the four-clawed mountain dragon violently expanded its squeezed body, and saw a spring-like force transmitted from its neck to its tail, and its tail like a disk, I don’t know. When was it adsorbed on the bronze earth of the battlefield...


The earth trembled and the rocks flew, and we saw terrifying cracks spreading in all directions. The terrifying tremor even caused the extremely solid battlefield rocks to sink for several meters.

The dragon herders, dragon beasts, and gods and mortals with a radius of several hundred meters were all affected. Many large dragon beasts stood unsteady, fainted and fell to the ground, and their bones would be shaken by this intense tremor. It was shocked.

A large group of dragons and beasts suffered one after another.

The culprit Tyrannosaurus Lei was not spared either. It was a little dizzy and climbed up from the fallen ground. Fortunately, it was on the verge of Geotremor, otherwise its size would be more severely injured.

"Isn't that the big disciple of the Canglong Temple, Fu Jinyu, why did it enter the competition so late? With her strength, she should be able to enter the next round long ago!"

"I voted for her, hahaha, this time I made a profit!"

"When the four-clawed mountain dragon took off, the surrounding dragons and beasts were like little chickens, scared to look for holes everywhere."

At another place in Chihe, people saw this more exciting scene one after another, and immediately discussed this female disciple of the Canglong Temple named Fu Jinyu.

At the Grand View Pavilion in Chihe, an elderly man touched his beard, with a smile on his face.

As one of the heads of the Canglong Temple ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he was worried that there would be some difficult opponents in this game, so he specifically confessed that his disciple, Fu Jinzhen, should not be too public.

But now, it seems that there is no need to be overly cautious.

Coming here to fight is nothing more than fame. If you can't stand out all of a sudden, there is no need to come here to participate in any power competition.

A Canglong Profound Technique caused at least seven or eight people to lose their combat effectiveness. With the assistance of some field assistants on the battlefield, they were carried off the field.

"Don't run, you vulgar, stinky and shameless black dragon!!" Fu Jinzhen sat on the neck of the Four-Clawed Luanlong Dragon, chasing Lei Cang Tyrannosaurus.

Lei Cang Tyrannosaurus has already ran back to Zhu Minglang, and behind it, in addition to the four-clawed mountain dragon, there are at least seven or eight head dragon beasts, all of which are of general strength...

"Oh!!! Oh!!!"

Da Hei Fang fled back and yelled at Zhu Minglang: "The Lord wins, what to do, the Lord wins, what to do!"

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