Dragon Tamer

Chapter 129: Prepare a coffin for you

It's just that now the person is gone.

No matter how big this kind of thing is, it will not really pay off in the end.

What can comfort Bai Xin a little is that Zhu Minglang is back and he stands in front of him alive.

What's more, Zhu Minglang killed Hao Shaocong on the street on the first day he returned to the imperial capital, which would cause Zhu Minglang and Zhu Tianguan more trouble.

This account can be calculated slowly with the Hao family, and this method is the most stupid.

The Hao family knew that Zhu Minglang was a nasty person, and put away the arrogance and hypocrisy at the beginning.

Hao Shaocong's eyes were full of anger, but in the end he had to walk into the mourning hall under the threat of his father.

Kneel down and kowtow.

Knocked up to a hundred.

Zhu Minglang was standing in the mourning hall, looking at a teenager lying quietly in the wooden coffin...

"Knock harder." Zhu Minglang turned around and said coldly to Hao Shaocong.

Hao Shaocong was full of resentment, but in the end he hit his head heavily on the ground, bleeding his forehead.

"Zhu Tong, this is the one who killed you. I will participate in the power competition in a few days, and I will definitely let him go down and make amends for you personally!" Zhu Minglang didn't say this in a low voice, but Said directly in front of everyone in the hall.

Hao Yong, Madam Zhao and the others who came to the funeral looked at Zhu Minglang in horror.

I wish Minglang, this is taking an oath in public to kill Hao Shaocong!

How could there be such a frenzied ignorance of the laws?

"Chu Minglang, my son just missed and killed your bloodless brother. When you said this in public, did you not put me Hao Yong and Zi Zonglin in your eyes?" Hao Yong furiously said.

"My uncle and aunt have only one child in his life, and your Haoyong son has three, killing and paying for life, what's wrong with me?" Zhu Minglang asked rhetorically.

"I missed it!"

"Don't worry, I missed the day when I met me." Zhu Minglang laughed.

If you miss this kind of nonsense, just lie to yourself.

When looking at Zhu Tong's body just now, Zhu Minglang saw the scars that couldn't even be covered by makeup, and he could see it clearly even in expensive burial clothes!

If it were placed before, Zhu Minglang could still believe that he missed a hundred heads, and then handed over to the royal family to deal with.

But after seeing the remains, Zhu Minglang will never let go of Hao Shaocong! !

That was rushing to kill, and even after death, the limbs were severely damaged. This clearly shows that there is a great resentment towards Zhu Tong, not to mention the murderous intentions, people have died and have not stopped.

Such a bad behavior, where is the power to compare and test, and what is even more hateful is that before they appeared, their so-called negative crimes were just like jokes, not hypocritical, even with a mockery of Zhu Yushan and Bai Xin !

Things have reached this point, and hope that Zhu Minglang will be at peace with them?

Now any cat and dog dare to run to the Zhumen head and run wild!

"Hao Yong, if your dog son wants to withdraw from Dabi, or hide somewhere else, you can prepare coffins for your other two sons, and I will give you these people who are blowing suona in my family for free, so that your family is better than ours today Zhu's door is more solemn!" Zhu Minglang said.

These words made the entire mourning hall silent, including some guests from Dazonglin and Dazumen. They didn't expect that there would be such a brazen and arrogant figure in Zhumen!

For a time, Hao Yong and Madam Zhao's faces were blue, and Hao Shaocong, who was kowtow with blood, turned from anger to fear.

They have heard of Zhu Minglang's deeds before.

This guy has excellent swordsmanship, and even the older generations have been beaten violently by him. At his young age, he has ravaged the peerless geniuses of the major forces...

Although I heard that he had fallen and lost, he still worried that the little demon of the imperial capital would do something extremely excessive. After all, he is the son of Zhu Tianguan, and Zhu Tong is not a concept at all!

"I wish Minglang, if you dare to touch my son, I will make you regret it too!" Hao Yong's face was a bit hideous, and he was probably too angry to calm his emotions.

"Go, let's go, don't pester this madman." Madam Zhao said hurriedly.

"There are twenty more." Zhu Minglang said coldly, staring behind Hao Shaocong.

Hao Shaocong was already full of blood. He was scared by Zhu Minglang's words just now, but Zhu Minglang stood behind him like a torturer in the Yin Cao.

Hao Shaocong believes that if he doesn't finish the knock, his head will really fall off. Zhu Minglang clearly does not have the sword cultivation level, but there is an extremely terrible evil spirit on his body, making Hao Shaocong feel himself Hanging behind his neck was an evil sword that seemed to donate blood and slashed souls.

Finally, he knocked his head over.

Hao Shaocong was a little unconscious, but his father helped him up.

"Family thank you." At this time, Zhu Minglang said this like a guest.

Hao Yong and Hao Shaocong had to bow to Zhu Yushan and Bai Xin again, and finally left Zhu Tong's mourning hall with some shock.

After the father and son left, there were already many people from Zhumen who were talking quietly next to the mourning hall.

"For this kind of scum, this should be the case. I wanted to avenge Zhu Tong a long time ago. You don't know that when Zhu Tong's body is sent back, it is no different from a slaughtered pig and sheep!" A young caster Said the apprentice.

"As expected, Brother Minglang, repairing this kind of stuff is not a mess, and finally let out a sigh of relief!"

"Is he really wishing Minglang?" Some of the younger children hardly recognized Zhu Minglang, and they looked curiously.

After all, in Zhumen, how many have heard of this name.


The conduct of the ceremony is only the last respect for the dead.

But the ceremony will end eventually.

He will also completely fade out of everyone's sight, whether it is a general acquaintance, or close relatives like Zhu Yushan and Bai Xin.

People are divided into high and low, and once they are in different classes, their lives cannot be judged fairly.

Zhu Tong is not a direct line after all, but an adopted son.

Zhu Minglang knows very well that apart from himself, few people will seek justice for him.

Originally, I was still considering whether to participate in the Zonglin and Clan Competition, but now because of the so many clans, I wish Minglang must go.


Passed through the gate, and headed to the island in the water drop lake.

There are no more white lanterns inside, and the usual silence and elegance of Zhumen are maintained. The funeral in front of the gate seems to have nothing to do with the Zhumen behind it.

After all, he was an adopted son, and his uncle and aunt were also in Zhumen and had no status, but they operated some Zhumen's stores in the Imperial City.

Yangliu Qingwu, in front is a stone arch bridge leading to the inner courtyard of Zhumen.

Zhumen is divided into inner court and outer court.

The inner court is the core of Zhumen, responsible for the inheritance and development of forging art, while the outer court is mainly for the business of forging shops.

For a long time, the inner court of Zhumen was indifferent to the outer court, and with a little contempt.

They dealt with their loss, and also had nothing to do with the inner courtyard of Zhumenhushan Island.

"I wish Minglang, your house seems to be very complicated." Fang Niannian said quietly.

She could see it too, wishing the outer court and inner court of the gate are like two worlds.

The inner court is like a sacred place isolated from the world in Hushan Island. The loss of the outer court will not affect the inner court in the slightest, as if two unrelated families.

"We wished to take in a foundry family from a defeated country before, and most of them became slaves. My grandfather did not approve of the slave system. It's the outer court that my uncle and aunt are now in charge of." Zhu Minglang explained helplessly.

There are slave groups in many clan families in the imperial capital.

But the slave group has no place in the eyes of any force. Even if Zhu Yushan has slowly changed his identity and gradually became the true core member of Zhumen, the entire Emperor Ji Ting still didn't treat them too much. Keep it in the eye.

"Then your uncle and aunt, aren't you dear?" Fang Niannian asked.

"Uncle Zhu Yushan was originally named Yushan. It was my father’s former companion. My father had the same conception as my grandfather. He didn’t like the slavery of the defeated country, so he was always commensurate with his brothers. The surname is the current name of Zhu Yushan. My father treated him like a brother, and they always regarded me as their own.” Zhu Minglang explained.

In fact, even if the slaves have children, they must be slaves.

Even if Zhu Yushan and Bai Xin had changed their surnames and clearly got rid of their status as subjugated slaves, if they had children, they would still be regarded as slaves by the Ji Ting Dynasty.

This is why they haven't had children for many years.

Their children still can't get rid of the slave brand.

"So, Zhu Tong, as a child of your clan, even if he was killed in the Big Bi, no one would go into this matter?" Fang Niannian suddenly realized.

Coming from Yaoshan Jianzong, Fang Niannian's general impression of Zhumen should be extremely strong. How could it be lost? He was so mocked by the murderer and had no respect for the family of the deceased, but was deliberately provoking.

It turned out that Zhumen’s outer court was a group of defeated national slaves. Even if Zhumen accepted them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and gave them enough respect and status, it still seemed to outsiders to be a group of humble slaves.

Fang Niannian couldn't help but shudder at the thought that the Zulong City-state might also be reduced to this end.

Even if you rely on a reasonable and reasonable family, your life is still like a waste of money.

"What other people think of, it is someone else's business. My uncle is my uncle, my aunt is my aunt, and my brother is my younger brother!" Zhu Minglang took a deep breath.

"Well, what you said in the hall just now, one word, handsome. The faces of the father and son and that Madam Zhao are really disgusting and deceptive!" Fang Niannian said.

Zhu Minglang looked at Fang Niannian and couldn't help but stunned.

It took a while before he said: "Knowing you for so long, I heard you praise me for the first time."

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