Dragon Tamer

Chapter 104: Don't mess with me in summer!

"Storm Illusory Feather, coupled with Bai Qi's wind control and ice control methods, is so powerful!"

Seeing those dragon generals being beaten by Bai Qi's dragon technique, Zhu Minglang had a smile on his face.

This special feather obtained from How to Train the Dragon Academy became stronger as Bai Qi grew and advanced.

This made Zhu Minglang have an extra weapon to kill the enemy in addition to the armor shield he built.

You must know that any equipment that can be armed to the dragon pet can also be used by the dragon shepherd himself!

That storm phantom feather has also been boosted because of Bai Qi's evolution, which is equivalent to Zhu Minglang holding a dragon-lord-level weapon...

With this guarantee, Zhu Minglang was standing still, seemingly focusing on the battle between Bai Qi and those dragon generals, but actually sneered in his heart.

Someone sneaked over.

Who else could this sneaky guy besides Du Cheng.

Du Cheng's supernatural power is close to the power of ghosts and charms, and can even separate a puppet to confuse the enemy.

The person scratched by the ice crystal was not Du Cheng's body, but his puppet.

His divine trick...

Zhu Minglang saw it through at a glance.

In his hometown, Shenfan's abilities are as much as mud and sand, and without that phantom garment, Du Cheng would be nothing but a scum!

"Son of Destiny, is that all??"

Zhu Minglang smiled and turned around slowly, staring motionlessly at Du Cheng who thought he was silent.

Du Cheng was like an afterimage at this time, basically invisible in the dimness. When Zhu Minglang faced him, Du Cheng himself was shocked!

How did he discover himself? ?

That puppet, in order to fool Bingchen Bailong, even the skin and flesh scars on it were genuine! !

"Little Dragon Shepherd, how dare to compete with me and die for me!" Du Cheng was annoyed.

Bingchen White Dragon is still some distance away, and Zhu Minglang has no other powerful dragon beasts to protect him.

In the early days of the Dragon Herd, it was difficult to contend with the mortal. As long as the mortal finds a chance to directly go over the dragon's head to kill the dragon keeper, and then escape, it will be regarded as a final victory.

But the higher the level, the more terrifying the Dragon Shepherd.

Several mortals of the same level may not be able to win the next dragon shepherd.

There are so many dragons and beasts of the Dragon Herd, and each one is on its own.

Therefore, in the team of the Dragon Herd, you can often see that some of the gods are vassals.

Zhu Minglang is obviously far from reaching that level. His Bingchen White Dragon is strong. There is no one and the dragon to fight alone with him, but Bingchen White Dragon is bypassed. After being restrained, Zhu Minglang is with half. There is no difference between being useless!


Du Cheng was absolutely sure.

Even if it was seen through, Bingchen Bailong now had no time for the Savior.

With such a short distance, Zhu Minglang would not have time to call out even if there were strong dragons!


The sleeve blades slid out, each of his left and right hands, and Du Cheng flew over, like a ghost, he cut the left and right sleeve blades toward the back of Zhu Minglang's throat at the same time.

I saw the blade shadow like the teeth of two evil moons, Zhu Minglang couldn't retreat, let alone dodge.

Of course, Zhu Minglang didn't plan to hide himself.

Just take this Du Cheng to try the storm phantom feather that was displayed on him.

Sharper than cutting the throat?


The feathers exploded, the blades rolled wildly, and Zhu Minglang's body suddenly attacked with a terrifying aura as the dragon master level creature.

I saw that the two evil moons intersecting teeth stopped abruptly in the air, and Du Cheng, who was flying like a ghost, was also strangely stagnant in front of Zhu Minglang, and the silver feathers whirled sharply from him. Out of the bones and flesh...

Flying out of the throat.

Flying out of his chest.

Flying out of the back! !

The most frightening thing is that these storm phantom feathers penetrated Du Cheng's body from nowhere or at any angle.

There are hundreds of feathers, even though Du Cheng sprayed a large blood mist all over his body, shaped like a huge blood lotus, those storm feathers are still as clean as snow...

They reaped their lives fiercely, and when a gorgeous and alarming feather vortex formed around Zhu Minglang, they were as sharp as a blade, but when they flew back to Zhu Minglang, they became soft and light again!

Snowflakes fluttered down, the magic feather floated gently, Zhu Minglang stood there, motionless, his long clothes still clean.

Du Cheng's body seemed to have lost support, and he slowly paralyzed to the ground. In this process, his hands and feet were separated, and his whole body was more like a precise slaughter, all untied!

The face is not complete, but it can be known that every piece of his face is the incredible color before he died! !

Son of Destiny, Son of Destiny in Zong Palace...

Why did he die so inexplicably in the hands of a barren man, an unknown junior!

He is the future ruler of this land, and the palace is his, and all cities of all sizes will surrender to him!

"The frog at the bottom of the well." Zhu Minglang sneered.

Having said that, as soon as summer enters.

Don't mess with yourself! !

What kind of palace, when Bai Qi reaches the stage of completion, Zhu Minglang doesn't mind rolling them down!

On the ground, Du Cheng seemed to be intact, but the blood flow continued, but no part of him was connected.

Zhu Minglang looked down at him and saw a dark shadow emerging from his body, which was floating out like smoke and dust.

Zhu Minglang originally thought it was Du Cheng's dead soul, and mortals could be picked from souls to make beads. Du Cheng's soul beads should not be far behind, but Zhu Minglang soon discovered that this shadowy smoke was not his soul.


Zhu Minglang does this by himself, how could he not recognize this kind of object.

It turned out that Du Cheng was still wearing a black dress. No wonder he looked so weird before. Even a dragon master like Bai Qi would have to work hard to catch up with him.

"The material is quite rare. Although the workmanship is a bit rough, it should be improved. Thank you for the gift from Young Master Du Cheng!" Zhu Minglang bowed to Du Cheng's dead soul.

This phantom garment is more valuable than Du Cheng's tattered soul! !

Considering that collecting soul and brewing beads may damage the soul bond between Phantom Clothes and Du Cheng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhu Minglang decisively gave up the rotten soul of this guy and cut off the soul connection of Phantom Clothes, In the bag quietly.

"Little Lord!!"

"Four Young Masters!!!"

Among the four males, the bloated female screamed.

There are many young masters in the palace, but each of them is regarded as a treasure by the master of the palace. Now they have died tragically in this plot, how can they explain it!

"You care about him so much, then you can join the ghost gate when you are on the road!" At this moment, a thick voice sounded beside the female male.

The female male was shocked, when did this boxer get close to him!

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