The faces of the several dragons changed at this time. They felt the crazy growing power in the little potato, and quickly deduced the current situation of the young dragon.

Little Tudou has completely fallen into a state of madness at this time. If this continues, I am afraid that he will push himself off the cliff before his body is collapsed by the energy of the riot.

To a certain extent, the little potato at this time is like a terrifying tyrannosaurus whose dragon attribute energy has accumulated to its peak. No, it is even more dangerous than that. In the end, it will only end its own madness in the riot of energy. life.

Maid Long and the others naturally wouldn't just watch Little Potato go crazy like this.

"Mr. Fafnir, Miss Alcoa, Miss White, and Elma, come and help!"

"Hey, Thor, don't order me!"

"Hmph~ When will it be Thor's turn to tell me what to do?"

Fafnir and Elma both expressed their dissatisfaction with the maid dragon's orders, but now is not the time to bicker, and they have also transformed into their bodies according to the maid dragon's orders.

"Kanna-chan, take the others away!"

Kona looked at Little Potato worriedly. Although she also wanted to help, she nodded obediently and took the rest of the ordinary people away from the neighborhood.

Today's little potato is a bomb about to explode, not a metaphor, but a physical bomb.

Once the energy that the body can withstand reaches the limit, then his body will be broken like an exploding bomb, all the energy will be released in one go, and everything in the vicinity will be destroyed.

In order not to become like this, the maid dragon and the others rushed up, holding down the little potato in the frenzied self-mutilation.

In the past, Little Tudou also experienced similar things. Because of the rapid development of his body and the relationship between the monster Niugui attacking Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, his power went berserk and he entered his teenage years.

At that time, the maid dragon easily controlled him with a dragon, and it was Shiyu of Kasumigaoka who awakened the young dragon through the so-called "throwing of love" and took over the body again.

And now, the little potato is running wild again, but the situation at this time is no longer something that can be solved through the so-called fetters.

Even if he could awaken Little Potato's consciousness, the power of the rampage could not be controlled.

After all, compared to a year ago, the power of the young dragon was too exaggerated at this time.

"Thor, although it's under control for the time being, what should I do next?" Eluma turned around to look at the maid dragon in distress while wrapping her body around Little Potato.

The body is under control, but the energy rampage continues, leaving them not much time.

And the Maid Dragon and the others have been continuously releasing magic, trying to calm the power of Little Potato, but the effect is very poor.

Although there is a way to forcefully input their power and suppress the power of Little Potatoes, but in this state of several energy melee battles, if one fails, it will only add fuel to the fire.

And time is waiting for no one, the body of the little potato has begun to collapse at a speed visible to the naked eye, the muscles of the whole body burst open, and blood and energy spray out from the wound.

All the dragons looked at Erkoya at this time, and they could only expect what she would do as the original god.

But in the face of this situation, even the well-informed Alkoya fell silent for a while.

After a while, she finally said there was no way out.

After listening to Elkoya's method, the Maid Dragon and the others were silent for a while, but time waits for no one. If there is no other way, they can only choose this method.

"Do it, at least the child can survive."

Although it had already been decided, at this time, the Maid Dragon and the others all turned their heads and looked into the distance.

At this time, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was taken away from the scene by Kang Na, was standing on Kang Na's back with her feet on her feet and looking anxiously over there.

If she hadn't known that even if she stayed, she wouldn't be able to help, and might cause trouble instead, she would have rushed over desperately long ago.

And looking at Shiyu of the Hill of Xia, Maid Long and the others couldn't help but sighed softly.

No.354 End of this article (there will be talks and side stories in the future)

A blizzard suddenly came, and the collapsed snow blocked the hunter's way back to the base.

Helpless, the hunter and his partner could only temporarily hide from the wind and snow in a cave. At this time, even Bobo and other monsters accustomed to the icy and snowy weather of the icefield had already gone into hiding.

Continue to move outside, or you will be killed in the blizzard.

Miss tyrannosaurus spirit excitedly set up a boiler on the fire that had just been built. After waiting for the snow in the pot to melt and boil, she threw the various plants and mushrooms she collected into the pot at one go.

"Well, is this really edible?" A young hunter asked with cold sweat on his forehead.

At this moment, he could vaguely see the smoke coming out of the pot, forming the shape of a skull.

My dear, is this really for people to eat? Is it enough to use it as trap bait?

"Of course you can eat it." Miss Tyrannosaurus scooped up a large bowl of soup for the young hunter, which was stewed with various things, and the latter took it with trepidation.

But holding the steaming soup in his hand, he didn't dare to put his mouth down.

Although Miss Tyrannosaurus, who claims to be the "Head of the New World Food Investigation Team", is very confident in her cooking skills, the young hunter is very doubtful that if he eats it today, he will be able to return to the Yuechen stronghold alive.

In this regard, Miss Tyrannosaurus was a little helpless: "You still can't do it, you know, I could drink that aibo in one go."

"Are you referring to the legendary hunter Bai Feng?" The young hunter blinked and asked curiously.

"Speaking of which, you have partnered with Senior Bai Feng before, and I heard that you have completed a lot of ancient dragon crusade missions together?"

"Of course! You must know that my aibo is super strong. Have you heard of Cang Lanxing in the New World? It's him!"

Miss Tyrannosaurus Spirit, no, now it should be called Aunt Tyrannosaurus Spirit. She patted her chest proudly, like a missionary, and began to talk to the young hunter in front of her about her and Bai Feng's past. A story of adventure together.

As he was talking, the tyrannosaur spirit suddenly changed the subject and sighed with some regret: "Unfortunately, Aibo accidentally ate the wrong thing and had to go back to the old continent to recover. There are fewer people who can understand my food. One."

It was also because Bai Feng returned to the old continent that the Tyrannosaurus, who lost his partner, had to partner with other newly arrived hunters from the recommended group.

After sending off several partners, now it was the young hunter's turn.

And listening to what the tyrannosaurus said, Bai Feng had to go back to recuperate because he ate the wrong thing, the young hunter had a few black lines on his forehead, he looked deeply at the soup in his hand and swallowed. Swallowed.

Putting down the bowl in his hand without leaving a trace, the young hunter took out a large piece of jerky from his bag.

Although this thing is unpalatable, it is frozen stiff, and its teeth can be smashed out, but it is still better than the soup of the dino tyrannosaurus.

The young hunter was deeply suspicious at this time, and it was his partner editor who made the legendary hunter Bai Feng, who had defeated the black dragon alone, eat something wrong.

"Speaking of which, apart from the aibo, there are still people who can understand my food." The Tyrannosaurus tyrannosaur scratched his hair, his tone was a little sad and nostalgic, "But it seems that I haven't seen her for a long time."

I don't know when it started, in the Xingchen stronghold and the Yuechen stronghold, I can no longer find that little guy who is always wandering in the dining area, staring at the hunter with big eyes begging for food.

Many years have passed since then, and the tyrannosaur spirit has gradually forgotten her name and appearance, but no matter when, she can't forget the experience of discussing food with the person who can no longer remember.

However, as a professional editor, the tyrannosaurus spirit quickly restrained such unnecessary emotions. Parting and separation are almost common things for the people of the Hunter Guild.

Maybe the friends who were gags together one second will fall into a pool of blood the next and never breathe again.

And the disappearing acquaintance is not necessarily dead, maybe it is just a long-term investigation, just like Master Yuan Ye who has been in the valley of miasma for nearly ten years, or is trapped in the Lushan Plateau for twenty years. The same as the third group for a long time.

That guy, maybe he's eating somewhere delicious right now! The Dinosaur Essence smiled slightly.

The hunters and editors always pack up their moods, and then once again throw themselves into a new adventure with full energy.

Maybe one day in the future, a little silver-haired guy will appear in the dining area again, squatting at the hunter's feet and begging silently with a pair of big eyes.

At that time, the tyrannosaur spirit will happily pull each other around the table and order a large cat meal, just like in the past.


Another year before Valentine's Day.

"Miss Kasumigaoka, I like you!"

A young man in a suit nervously expressed his feelings to Shiyu Kasumigaoka who was standing opposite him.

He is a recent rising star writer of the Undying River Bunko. He met Shiyu Kasumigaoka at a writers party and fell in love at first sight.

Today, with Valentine's Day approaching, he bravely expressed his heart. However, his confession was doomed to fail.

She refused the other party's confession without hesitation. Under the gaze of the man's lost gaze, Shiyu Kasumigaoka walked into a maid cafe called "Elves and Dragons" on the street.

This is the store opened by the twin spirits after saving enough money a few years ago. Occasionally, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka will come to sit and chat casually with acquaintances.

But today, the twin spirits are not in the store, they seem to be going to the beach to play.

But Shiyu of Kasumigaoka didn't come to play with them today.

She stood at the door and looked around the store, and then found the former editor who had made an appointment to meet here, and the current editorial director of the Fudogawa Bunko, Machida Enko.

Having climbed to the management level, Machida Yuanko is no longer in charge of her novels, but handed over to another editor.

But because the two have known each other for so many years, even if they don't talk about work, they occasionally make an appointment to meet and chat.

"Xiao Shi, has anyone confessed to you again?"

As soon as they met, Machida Yuanko began to tease Shiyu Kasumigaoka, apparently she had taken the confession of the rising star writer in her eyes just now.

"It seems that the editor will come to the door and drag someone into the dark room again. Otherwise, that person will definitely not be able to submit the manuscript on time."

"I said small poems, can you be a little more euphemistic in the future?"

Facing Machida Yuanzi's complaints and ridicules, Kasumigaoka Shiyu just twitched the corners of his mouth: "I already said that I already have a boyfriend, so what's my business?"

"Although you have indeed told others that you have a boyfriend several times, you don't seem to have brought it out once, do you? There are no photos, everyone will think that you don't want to be with people, so you lie on purpose, right?"

"Speaking of which, in the past ten years, even I haven't seen your so-called boyfriend once, let alone someone else, even I have begun to doubt it!"

Machida Yuanzi was lying on the table, raised her head slightly and looked at Shiyu Kasumigaoka: "Are you really not lying?"

"What do you think?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu glanced at Machida Yuanzi, then lowered her head slightly, and gently tugged the ring on her left ring finger with her right hand.

Seeing this scene, Machida Yuanko shrugged: "Okay, it seems to be true."

"By the way, when are you going to bring it out to see? At least show me a photo? It's not like I've known each other for so long, and I don't even know who I'm dating, right?"

Who is that person, haven't you met before? Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu thought so in her heart, but she didn't say it.

"Speaking of which, I read the final volume you were about to finish before, and although it was well written, come a miracle happened at the last moment to save everything!?"

"Obviously the previous content was for the protagonist to be self-reliant, and how many books are there? Be careful readers are complaining again!"

Teacher Xia Shizi's books in recent years, although the quality is excellent and the evaluation is also high, but each book reaches the final chapter, and the last critical moment ends with a miracle.

This makes many readers complain that Teacher Xia Shizi doesn't know how to fill in the hole at the end, otherwise it will be a miracle, and then happy ending?

Of course, Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu knew the complaints of readers, and also knew that her plot arrangement was not reasonable, but she still wrote it regardless.

As for the reason————

"Because I myself am expecting a miracle to happen."


After saying goodbye to Machida Yuanko, Kasumigaoka Shiyu returned to the apartment.

She still lives in the house that she rented ten years ago, but instead of continuing to rent, she bought the house with the money she saved a few years ago.

After living with that child for so long, Kasumigaoka Shiyu was reluctant to leave that room, although now, that figure is no longer there.

The interior decoration has not changed much from ten years ago, and one of the rooms is still used as a storage room.

The freezer, various custom kitchen utensils, and fish ponds are still there.

The only difference is that now the freezer is no longer full of all kinds of reserves, there are no fat fish in the pond, and there are no mountains of food in the corners of the room, and although the kitchen utensils are well maintained, they are already Haven't used it in ten years.

After warming up the bento I bought from the convenience store on the way home, Shiyu Kasumigaoka took two bites and sat on the sofa with the notebook in her hands and started typing.

Since a certain little guy was gone, she hasn't cooked any more. She basically eats lunch from the supermarket, or goes home to eat.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu had no interest in cooking, and she only learned to cook for a certain little guy. Now that he is gone, she has no mind to cook.

I don't know how long it took, but Alkoya, who I hadn't seen for a while, suddenly came to visit.

"Long time no see, Xiao Shiyu."

Although ten years have passed, Elkoya doesn't seem to have changed much. Well, after all, it is a dragon. For these legendary creatures, ten years is just a blink of an eye.

But if there is no change, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka is similar. It seemed that after that, her time had stopped at that moment and never flowed again.

According to Elkoya, it seems to be because her body is already different from ordinary people and has a long lifespan.

Unconsciously, she obtained the longevity that mortals dream of. Shiyu Xiazhiqiu is very fortunate. It is not that she hopes to live forever, but that if she has a long life, maybe one day, she can wait for that figure to appear again.

"It's not good if you don't eat well." As soon as Erkoya entered the room, he saw the uneaten bento in the trash can and couldn't help sighing.

"Even if your body is no longer mortal, you will be weak if you don't eat."

"It's just that I don't have any appetite today, and I usually finish eating."

But only after eating, right? Is it okay to eat bento all the time? But looking at the somewhat stubborn Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, Erkoya could only shake his head helplessly.

Alkoya sat down for a while and then left, she seemed to have something to do.

After sending Erkoya away, Shiyu Kasumigaoka sat on the sofa and stared blankly at the interior of the room.

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