New World, coast.

Recently, the Gulong investigation team discovered a strange thing, that is, some kind of melodious singing can often be heard in the distance.

I couldn't hear exactly what was being sung, but the rich tones had a beauty comparable to that of top singers. Thanks to this, recently, the wind and dragons in the New World have become restless.

"A lot~" The tyrannosaurus girl raised her hand to open up the covered branches and looked at the group of wind-drifting dragons hovering in the sky.

As a large-scale monster living on the Coral Plateau, the wind-blown dragon is not a gregarious creature, it only gathers during the mating period.

And now, this time is not the time for Fengpiaolong to concentrate on mating.

"Is something attracting them?"

Just when the hunters were puzzled, the Fengpiaolong group, like birds migrating a long way, began to scramble to fly out of the island.

However, there are still one or two left behind, and the result of being left behind is that they are pressed to the ground by a huge figure that fell from the sky.

During the battle, Feng Piaolong will form strong winds by flapping its wings, and splash out the ice bag or the low-temperature powder formed by the freezing bag in the body.

After reacting with air, it will quickly condense to form frost.

Even if you don't fight, a small amount of low-temperature powder will appear when you flap your wings, which is to keep your body at a lower temperature.

And a large number of wind drifting dragons gathered together, and the low-temperature powder in the air formed a thin layer of ice fog around it.

This is a measure prepared to interfere with the sight of other monsters and prevent them from being attacked during the mating period, but to a certain extent, it also helps the monsters who are preparing to attack.

"Roar!!!" Little Tudou swooped down from the sky, the ice fog provided him with a good blind spot, and the sound of the wind and dragons flapping their wings and the low voice also covered up the sound of the wind.

"Boom!" Little Potato's landing has always been very violent, and after approaching the ground, he did not slow down, but directly forcibly landed.

Like a ploughing tool, a long speed bump was drawn on the ground.

Without being severely beaten by society and carefully taught by her mother, the way the little potato landed was not like a steel dragon gracefully manipulating the power of the wind, but more like the sky next door dragging its tail of flames in the sky all day to catch shrimp farmers. Huilong.

However, his excellent physical quality allows him to withstand the pressure of rapid deceleration, and the bones that almost turn into metal with flesh and blood can also withstand the impact of his body hitting the ground.

He pressed a wind-drifting dragon behind him to the ground, and the young dragon opened its mouth and bit its slender neck.

With just a slight twist, a crisp "click~" sound was heard.

Afterwards, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka came out of the nearby woods and cut the throat of Feng Piaolong, who was lying on the ground, unable to move, with a hunter's knife, ending its short life as a dragon.

After the bloodletting, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu began to instruct Little Tudou to dismember Feng Piaolong. For such a big monster, even if she managed to handle it, she would be sore, and she probably couldn't finish it.

There is not much meat in Fengpiaolong, and it is not suitable for high temperature cooking. After heating, the meat will quickly age and become quite chewy.

However, if it is eaten raw as sashimi, it is quite delicious, especially the wide wing membrane, which is as elastic as isinglass. When the cold air dissipates, the wing membrane becomes as hard to bite as rubber plastic, and it also exudes a very strange smell.

However, the unfinished parts can be exchanged for money with hunters. Fengpiaolong is also a monster with a very high ecological niche. The material performance is quite good, and it has always been in short supply.

The equipment made is especially popular with Taiblade Hunters.

"Oh~ isn't this Little Potato and Little Shiyu?"

When Shiyu of Kasumigaoka and Little Tudou returned to the Xingchen stronghold with the resource management team that transported Feng Piaolong's body, the passing hunters greeted them with a smile.

"I haven't seen it for a while~ What have you been doing recently?"

Because the little potatoes are always cute and begging for food from the hunters, and they often hang around in the stronghold to play, and Shiyu Kasumigaoka is the chef's apprentice and is learning cooking, so they are quite popular among hunters. high.

Needless to say, little potato, no one will refuse a cute child, and Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, no one can say whether she will inherit the position of head chef in the future, in short, so that she will not eat it when she eats cat food in the future. Strange things, it's always right to make a relationship ahead of time.

After all, even a hunter who can beat even a dragon, if it weren't for the mercy of the forging staff and cat food chefs, maybe even the fat man and the like would be able to chase after him.

What's more, Shiyu of the Hill of Xia is so beautiful, in fact, many hunters have some careful thoughts.

As for the hunters taking the initiative to greet them, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka drove them away without a vicious tongue.

For these hunters who are relatively simple in character and go straight to the point, she is quite comfortable getting along with them.

"I went back to get engaged~" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said, raising her left hand to show everyone the ring on her ring finger.

Little Tudou also has a ring, which was bought for him by Kasumigaoka Shiyu, because Little Tudou has a small hand and can't wear a ring. Kasumigaoka Shiyu is also worried that the little guy will break the ring after he turns into a dragon.

So it was hung on the necklace along with other things.

In the original world, Kasumigaoka Shiyu would not be too embarrassed to show the ring to others. Although he is actually old enough to get married, it is indeed a bit strange to be engaged too early.

But here is a world where you are an adult when you turn 15, so there's nothing to worry about.

"Eh!?" The hunters were stunned for a while, then shouted in astonishment.

Although the hunters knew that Shiyu of Kasumigaoka looked like a child of a noble family, and should have made a marriage contract before she reached adulthood, they did not expect that she would suddenly get engaged.

This is too sudden~!

At the same time, there were several screams. It seems that there are not a few hunters who have careful thoughts about Shiyu of the Hill of Xia.

Well, it's no wonder that although there are not a lot of women in the Xingchen stronghold, because of their occupations, even if the women here are well-maintained, their skin is a bit poor because of the wind and sleep.

Even if you don't need to run around, as long as you stay in the base to process documents, the front desk lady is similar.

Therefore, as a modern person, Shiyu Kasumigaoka, who always maintains her skin in the best condition, is a dimensional blow to other women.

It's not a strange thing to think about her.

However, they were astonished. After calming down, everyone still offered their blessings to Shiyu of Kasumigaoka.

"Speaking of which, how is the engagement partner?" A lady editor asked with some gossip, pulling Shiyu of Kasumigaoka.

"Hmm~ how do you say it?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu tapped the corner of his lips with a finger, and his eyes subconsciously drifted to the little potato who was holding a small pocket and walked back and forth in front of the hunter, as if he was asking for some money.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu twitched the corners of his mouth, then said slowly, "You're an idiot~"

"Gluttony, children's temper, and always fooling around, give me a headache..."

"Why does it sound so familiar?" Miss editor tilted her head blankly.

She always felt that Shiyu of Kasumigaoka's description matched someone she had met, but she couldn't remember who it was for a while.

"Ahh~!" Little Tudou sneezed at this moment, rubbed his nose with his hands, and muttered in a low voice, "Hmm~ I seem to have a cold~"

The young dragon looked at the money in the bag. Although it was a little sudden, the hunters still contributed some money.

Because the hunters in the New World are all selected elites, except for the few crossbow hunters who shoot not ammunition but silver, others are not very short of money.

Everyone was very generous, and soon the bag in Little Potato's hand was full.

Looking at the bulging bag and the money inside, Little Potato began to figure out how much delicious food he could buy.

At the same time, the young dragon took out the necklace hanging around his neck from his clothes, looked at a ring strung on it, and tilted his head: "Do you want to ask them again for potatoes?"

Once you ask for it twice, should you say it's really worthy of your little potato?

No.329 stabbing

Perhaps because of the lessons learned, this time Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Little Tudou were missing for more than a month, and it didn't cause much confusion.

However, when they saw the ring on Shiyu's hand, everyone smiled tacitly.

"Ah, it looks like I have to eat red bean rice today~!" Mrs. Kasumigaoka teased her daughter, and Shiyu's face flushed with shame.

After being chased and questioned by family members and acquaintances, everyone stopped teasing Shiyu of Kasumigaoka and went home.

By the way, after learning that Shiyu of Kasumigaoka and Little Tudou were engaged, the maid Rontor almost went wild.

It's not that I'm very dissatisfied because the child I raised was kidnapped, but that I have great enthusiasm for the engagement.

"Lord Kobayashi, let's get engaged~! No, let's just get married~!"

While panting like a lo*ic*n pervert who saw a cute loli, the maid Long took out a filled-in marriage certificate and Kobayashi's seal from the gap in the interdimensional chest.

"I expected this day, Thor has already prepared in advance, Sarah, Lord Xiaolin, hurry up and sign and seal!"

With a look of disgust, Xiaolin pushed away the maid dragon who was approaching: "Don't go with the flow~! And when will you be ready~!?"

"Eh!? You have already met each other's parents, so don't be shy~!"

As for when Kobayashi and the maid Long went to the district office to submit the marriage proposal, Shiyu Kasumigaoka didn't know, but in the more than a month since they left, a lot of things really happened.

Early in the morning on the weekend, the doorbell of the apartment rang.

"Silver Dragon, my concubine is here to play with you!" Yekuya greeted, and skillfully took out her and Yuxian's exclusive slippers from the shoe cabinet and walked into the house.

"Don't you have to work part-time today?"

"Yesterday, a group of people went to the store, and they were almost exhausted, so the store manager gave us a holiday today."

"A lie. It's obvious that Yakuya was annoyed by others, so he asked for a leave of absence to work."

Before Yakuya and Yuzuru started to play a special, they would post some selfies or short videos every day.

Because of Yakuya's arrogant and charming character, and Yuxian Sanwu's cuteness, their accounts have gained a considerable amount of attention before they know it, and they have become popular Internet celebrities.

There are often people who come to the shop where they work for part-time jobs, bringing a lot of business to the shop.

Even Yoshino, who is occasionally pulled by them to appear together, has her own fans on the Internet.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu remembered that when she came back, she saw Yoshino holding her mobile phone to watch a special, shyly burying her head in the quilt like an ostrich, but she couldn't help but want to continue watching other people's compliments on the Internet.

"Speaking of which, many people are asking us, when will Little Potato appear together." Yekuya reached out and took a biscuit from the snack tray on the coffee table and put it in his mouth.

"Ow~?" Little Tudou raised his face blankly when he heard about himself.

But seeing that the twin spirits stretched out their hands to the dessert plate, he justly grabbed the plate and dragged it in front of him.

"This is a potato~!"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu reached out and tapped the little guy on the head, then turned to look at the twin spirits: "Are you guys here to make a video for Little Potato?"

"No, it's just for fun~" Yakiya shook his head, "I don't want to cater to those people's preferences."

Although inexplicably became a popular internet celebrity, Yekuya didn't take it seriously at all.

He neither wants to monetize the traffic, nor does he take the initiative to gain more popularity. He just thought it was interesting for He Xixian to post pictures and videos on the Internet, and then he took action.

Yakuya picked up a biscuit from the plate in front of Little Potato and brought it to his mouth with tea.

The young dragon didn't have much response to the twin elves taking food from his own bowl. Maybe it's because he's already very familiar with it. As long as he doesn't take too much at a time, he will acquiesce to it.

After eating the dim sum, he licked the plate clean, and the little potato was pulled by the twin spirits and ran out to play.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu wasn't worried either, she packed up the house and went out with her things.

Today, she made an appointment with editor Machida Yuanko to read a new book, and her debut work "Metronome in Love" was finished after she came back.

Next is a new book that Shiyu of Kasumigaoka has been preparing for a long time, or an autobiography in a certain way. After all, the prototype of the story is based on her and Little Potato's experiences.

"It's very well written, little poem."

After going through the first draft, Machida Yuanko nodded in satisfaction.

Although there are still many details to be perfected, the general framework has been established.

"Maybe it will be a big sale this time~!"

"That's really not bad." Kasumi Hill Shiyu calmly took a sip of tea and smiled.

She was dealing with Machida Yuanko, but she didn't focus on the novel, but was thinking about what Little Potato is playing now?

Machida Yuanzi looked at her in surprise: "Why doesn't Xiaoshi seem excited at all? Are you sure?"

"It doesn't count to be confident, it's just a little bit of self-confidence."

In order to write a good new book, Kasumigaoka Shiyu has also been taking time to conceive in another world. After careful polishing, he still doesn't have any confidence, so he doesn't need to write it at all.

"Then, I'll accept the first draft. When I go back and take a closer look, I'll tell you what needs to be revised."

After talking about work, Machida Yuanzi didn't go back to the company for the first time, but lay lazily on the chair, like a salted fish without dreams.


"Sister Machida, what's wrong with you?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Machida Yuanzi who kept sighing and raised her eyebrows.

"Xiao Shi, why do you think the gap between people is so big?"

Machida Yuanzi looked bitter: "Recently, a colleague in the company sent me an invitation, and he is going to get married next month."

"Isn't this a normal thing?"

"Normal bastard~ I brought her with me when she first joined the company. Why is she going to get married, but I can't even find a boyfriend~!"

Machida Yuanko shouted loudly and kept patting the table at the same time, attracting dissatisfied glances from other customers in the store.

But seeing two beautiful girls with black silk and big breasts, the dissatisfied eyes of the other guests disappeared quickly.

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