Kasumigaoka Shiyu had a cruel smile on her face. She seemed to have seen herself defeat this stupid guy and become a king in the future.

But in the next second, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka was stunned.


The stick hit the little potato's head, making a dull sound, as if it hit an iron block, the huge reaction force almost made Shiyu of Kasumigaoka lose his grip on the stick.

"Ow~?" The little potato, who was hit with a sap from the back, turned his head blankly at this moment.

(Maple gave a like!)

Reaching out and scratching the back of his head, he looked at Shiyu of Kasumigaoka with some doubts and grievances: "Shi~Why did you hit me~?"

Although Little Potato is often taught a lesson by Shiyu of Kasumigaoka because of the skin, he is clearly not doing anything now, just washing his hands obediently, so why beat him?

My head hurts so much~ Will I have long bags~?

Looking at the completely fine little potato, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, or the boy named Toruya was completely dumbfounded.

what! ! ! ? This...what the hell! ?

Although the physical quality of the kings has reached the peak of human beings, they still belong to the category of living things.

Without the opening of the sanctuary, even if you couldn't kill him with one move just now, even the kings wouldn't be able to please them.

But looking at the appearance of this little guy, Toru also wondered if he had taken the wrong thing. Is this a performance prop made of foam?

Although the sneak attack was unsuccessful, the arrow had to be fired on the string.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu suddenly reached out and grabbed the little potato who hadn't realized what was going on, and hugged him in his arms.

"Poetry~?" Just as Little Potato was puzzled, Toru, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed over from nearby.

Controlling Shiyu of the Hill of Xia, he locked the young dragon tightly in his arms to prevent him from escaping, and he quickly came to Little Tudou.


A mass of fox souls flew out of Toruya's eyes, and then flew into Little Potato's eyes.

It was a dark and humid space, with thick dark clouds overhead, and raindrops the size of beans kept falling from the clouds into the black sea below.

In the sky, a rather ominous black wind is blowing everywhere, which makes this place look like a world that has experienced the end of the world.

But unexpectedly, this place is very stable, and there is a faint blue light in the air, as if it is a lock, firmly locking these ominous blacks.

This is Little Potato's spiritual world, and everything here truly reflects his state.

"It's done~!"

Toruya, who turned into a fox ghost, successfully invaded this spiritual world while Little Potato was distracted.

His ability is the manipulation of the mind. He can freely control the minds of those who have been invaded by him according to his own wishes, and can also modify the memory to a certain extent.

"Come in here, I won~!"

Although the spirit of the king is very strong, Toru also doesn't feel that as the true colorless king, he will lose to a stinky child.

The colorless king? How much power can a child gain even if he becomes a king?

"Now, the power of the Colorless King is mine~!"

The fox ghost opened its mouth and began to devour the black wind, dark clouds and the black sea below like a black hole.

That's part of Little Potato's spirit and part of his power.

The fox ghost intends to completely take away the power of the Colorless King by taking power in the spiritual space.

But at this time, a silver-white dragon appeared in the Black Sea.

"Ow~?" Little Tudou opened his eyes blankly and looked around. This strange space did not cause him any discomfort.

After all, it was a part of himself.

Then Little Tudou noticed the ghost of the fox who was constantly extracting power.

Hateful guy~ The white fox makes Little Potato feel disgusted instinctively.

The fox is generally regarded as a symbol of cunning, and for the little potato who is not very smart, it is like a natural enemy, although he himself will not admit that his brain is not good enough.

What's more, the ghost of the fox is still stealing his power, which makes Little Potato feel a sense of crisis.

"I hit you~!"

The silver-white dragon flew up and quickly swung its paws at the fox ghost.

"Monster!!!" Fox Ghost shouted in horror. .

A mere fox, no matter how cunning and cunning it is, how can it defeat the terrifying dragon.

He probably never thought that the spirit of the little brat who he thought was vulnerable was so terrifying.

The fox ghost began to escape from Little Potato's spiritual world, and he no longer had any idea of ​​continuing to extract power.

In fact, even if the little potatoes don't attack, the fox ghost can't continue to gain power.

The black wind, dark clouds, and the black sea are all symbols of Little Potato's power, and the huge dragon-attribute energy in his body.

Even the dragon attribute energy, which even the ancient dragon itself is difficult to fully control, is simply poison to other creatures.

Just by absorbing part of it, the ghostly fox found that these powers began to riot, conflicting with their own abilities.

If he continued, before he could drain the power of Little Potato, he would ascend to heaven.

"Damn~! You wait for me~!"

Leaving one of the villain's iconic lines, the ghostly fox gritted his teeth and fled from this spiritual space in embarrassment.

No.319 Xiangxiang

Facing the terrifying dragon, the ghostly fox escaped from Little Potato's spiritual space.

If you don't run now, you might have to explain your life here.

After all, although he has the qualifications to become a king, he is still only a superpower who is stronger than ordinary outsiders.

In the end, it still can't be compared with the real king. Even if the king of Little Potato didn't get too much power from the slate, the water is quite large, but he is still the king after all.

In this world, there are only other kings who can rival the king.

And even if the fox ghost is a king, using the power of the king to invade Little Potato's spiritual world, the final result is only in vain.

The ability of mind control is indeed very powerful and quite dangerous, but it has little effect on life forms with too strong will and spirit.

Don't look at Little Tudou who is usually stupid, with a childish face, and doesn't seem to be very smart, but that's only because the ancient dragon species' too large and sophisticated body structure has hindered the space for his brain to develop.

In terms of the complexity of the spirit, Little Potato is in a state of berserk than the power at all times, and Nengjia, the King of Scarlet, who needs to spend energy at any time to suppress the power, is more difficult to control.

"Damn~!" After the spirit body returned to his body, Toru also looked at Little Potato angrily.

I thought it would be easy, but I didn't expect it to fail.

Although the confrontation in the spiritual world failed, in reality Toru also seemed to have the upper hand.

But after Shiyu of Kasumigaoka attacked and knocked on the sap but only made Little Tudou pat his head with a puzzled look, Toru also knew very well that it was really difficult to kill this kid in reality.

Does the ghost know that this little devil's head is so hard? Did this guy grow up eating steel? Toru couldn't help but yell in his heart.

However, what he didn't know was that he accidentally guessed right, that little potato really grew up eating steel.

Toru also gritted his teeth. Although he was very unwilling, he knew that he had now lost the best chance to capture the power of the Colorless King.

"Wait for me~!" Said quite Lou Bi's villain's words, while Toru also ordered Shiyu of the Hill of Xia, who was under his control, to entangle Little Tudou, so that he would not have time to pursue him, he turned his head and ran away.

Run if you can't beat it. Although it's a bit awkward, it's really the best choice.

Toru also didn't plan to fight this little brat. He, who believes that he is the real king of this world, won't be willing to lose like this.

In order to ensure that he can escape smoothly, Toruya will also control his puppets to launch an attack on Little Potato.

These are the outsiders and clan members that he brought out from the Qingzhi clan's territory. Before he was ready to attack Little Tudou, he controlled these people in advance and hid them nearby.

It was originally intended to be a help when the young dragon resisted, but unfortunately it was useless, but it could still be used as a bait for escape.

Because it was originally a puppet that was easily obtained, even if Toru was defeated, he would not feel bad.

These controlled puppets either use various abilities, or are armed with swords and guns.

Although for Little Tudou, it can be ignored, but in order to prevent Shiyu of Kasumigaoka from being injured, Little Tudou could only unskillfully deploy the Sanctuary of the King to block these attacks.

"Roar!!!" With a low roar, the originally quiet air still became manic, and the storm swept around with the little potato as the center, blowing these controlled puppets out.

However, because he had to be distracted to deal with these people, Little Tudou could only be annoyed as he disappeared from sight.

"Woo! Woo~" After venting a bit, after defeating these people, Little Tudou twitched his tail very irritably.

If it wasn't for the fear that he would accidentally injure Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, who was holding him tightly, he would have turned into a storm to catch up with Toruya, who fled, and sent warmth to his face.

However, it doesn't matter, the young dragon lowered his head and sniffed the pheromone lingering in the air, remembering the smell left by Toruya who escaped.


After Toruya escaped, the controlled Kasumigaoka Shiyu quickly recovered.

After the body has grown to a level similar to that of an ordinary hunter, although he has not undergone the severe training as a hunter, his spirit is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

After Toruya moved away and the control of the supernatural power began to weaken, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka got rid of the control with her own perseverance and took over the body again.

"Sorry, little potato!" Kasumigaoka Shiyu patted the young dragon's head guiltily.

Although her body was under control, she saw everything that happened during this period of time.

Knowing that she seemed to have been accidentally used by someone and became a tool to sneak up on Little Potato, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka was instantly in a bad mood.

If it weren't for him, Little Tudou would have caught up with that dangerous guy and killed him.

And think about it carefully, when encountering danger before, Little Potato needs to be distracted to protect himself.

He was obviously the one standing next to Little Tudou, but at this time he was the one who held back him, which made Shiyu of Xia Zhiqiu very uncomfortable.


The young dragon looked at Shiyu of Kasumigaoka who was in a depressed mood, and after thinking for a second with his fingers crossed, he took the initiative to approach her.

Holding Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's cheek in her hand, Little Tudou went up to meet her. With her shocked expression, she kissed Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's lips.


"I heard that the girls will be very happy if you do this~" Little Tudou explained when he saw Shiyu of Kasumigaoka with a puzzled face.

If the young dragon did not know why, the human girls would be very happy, and they could not understand the meaning of touching each other's mouths.

But as long as Shiyu of Kasumigaoka's mood improves, he doesn't mind giving it a try.

But after trying it for himself, Little Potato found that it seemed to be pretty good, sweet, and he couldn't stop.

Japanese women basically wear makeup, and there is even a concept that it is considered impolite for women to go out without makeup. Japanese women's makeup skills are also ridiculed by many people as one of the three major sorcerers in Asia.

As a girl, and a little girl who is eager to have a sweet love, of course Shiyu Kasumigaoka, like other girls, hopes to let the person she likes see her best side.

It's a pity that Little Tudou doesn't like the smell of cosmetics, so she doesn't usually use cosmetics.

But also put on some fragrant lipstick and so on.

Little Potato stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, narrowing his eyes slightly: "One more time~"

Having said that, he put his head together again.

"Idiot~! This isn't a lollipop~!" Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn't care less about the pain in her heart, and pushed Little Potato's face away with a bit of laughter.

"Hmm~" Little Tudou puffed up his face without being unhappy.

It's not that Shiyu Xiazhiqiu doesn't like this kid doing this, but the people around her are looking over at this time. Although Shiyu Xiazhiqiu is the kind of person who once interacts with the person he likes, he can't wait to let the whole world know the person he likes. good type.

But to be regarded as a perverted lo*ic*n, forget it!

Kasumigaoka Shiyu stretched out his finger and poked Little Tudou in the forehead, and then shyly whispered in his ear, "Let's talk later~!"

No.320 The Fall of the City

For the fox ghost who controlled Shiyu of Kasumigaoka and attacked him, Little Potato is very annoying.

And when Shiyu returned to normal in the Kasumi Hills, this little guy also started his own revenge plan.

And Shiyu of Kasumigaoka didn't object to Little Tudou seeking revenge for Toruya. Rather, she agreed with both hands.

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