The familiar lazy voice sounded behind him, Kasumi Hill Shiyu turned his head to look, and Kobayashi came over.

"Did Miss Kobayashi come out to play? But what about Miss Thor?"

On Valentine's Day, it happened that Xiao Lin didn't have to work overtime. If she came out to play, it was really surprising that the maid dragon didn't come out with her.

Xiaolin shook his head: "No, I came to find Kang Na-chan to go back to eat. She and Cai Chuan came to the park to play today."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu only noticed at this time that before she knew it, it was almost noon, and the sun was already hanging at the highest point.

"It just so happens, if there is nothing else, do you want to go back to dinner together?"

"Won't it bother you and Miss Thor?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu asked hesitantly.

If that dragon had any plans to be alone with Xiao Lin, wouldn't she become a light bulb when she left?

"Anyway, Caichuan will also go, no problem." Xiaolin waved his hand indifferently, and then his expression became a little serious, "It's better to say, if you go, I will feel more at ease."

"At least you don't have to worry about anything weird that guy Thor put down." Kobayashi scratched his hair with a wry smile.

"..." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu fell silent.

She remembered that it was because the maid Long had put an aphrodisiac in the wine, which made her confused.

And today is Valentine's Day... Indeed, it is very likely that Maid Dragon will do this again.

"Then I'll disturb you." Since Kobayashi said so, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu thought about it and didn't refuse.

Following Xiao Lin, they found Kang Na and Cai Chuan who were squatting on the edge of the flower bed and playing in the park.

But the problem is that Cai Chuan fainted on the ground for some reason, his face flushed red, and there was a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Kana-chan, what happened to Caichuan?" Kobayashi asked suspiciously.

Kona shook her head blankly: "I don't know, that's what happened after Caichuan fed me chocolate~"

"Hehehe~ Kang Na-chan, so cute...I really want to...hehe~"

"..." A few black lines fell on Xiao Lin's forehead, and she probably guessed what was going on at this time.

"Forget it, let's move Caichuan to a chair first. If you lie on the ground, you might catch a cold."

Although it has stopped snowing recently, the weather is still very cold. Cai Chuan is not a strong dragon like Kang Na and Little Tudou. If he gets sick, it will be troublesome.

While waiting for Cai Chuan to wake up, Kang Na and Little Potato got together.

Although in front of Cai Chuan and others, Kang Na is a cute and cute group pet who has always only been taken care of, but in front of Little Tudou, her little brother, she has always acted as a sister.

"Do you want to eat~?" Kona took out some chocolates from her pocket.

"Yes~ ah~!" Little Tudou opened his mouth without hesitation.


After eating a lot of snacks, Little Potato felt a little thirsty.

He took out a small water bottle from his carry-on bag and unscrewed the bottle cap, only to find that the water inside had been drunk.

So Xiaolong asked Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu for money and went to a nearby vending machine to buy drinks, but Kang Na didn't follow him, because at this time Caichuan gradually woke up, and she went to take care of her good friend.

Found the vending machine, and Little Tudou first stood in front of the vending machine and raised his face to look carefully at the types of drinks sold inside.

This vending machine is not the kind that sells all kinds of strange things experimentally developed by manufacturers, but it is very normal to sell ordinary drinks.

There are cola, juice, coffee, etc.

The young dragon doesn't like drinking Coke very much. To be precise, he doesn't like drinking carbonated drinks. Although it is sweet and delicious, too many bubbles make the little potato feel a little uncomfortable.

Coffee is also a bit bitter, so he was basically excluded from the hunting range, and the only thing left was juice, which is what the young dragon would often choose if he bought it himself.

Little Tudou skillfully put the money into the machine, and then pressed the orange juice button. As the machine made a slight noise, the young dragon crouched down and put his hand into the outlet.

However, when I touched it, I couldn't find any juice, and the vending machine didn't dispense any money, so it got stuck.

"Ow~?" Little Tudou was obviously stunned for a moment, then after regaining his senses, he quickly understood the current situation, and angrily raised his paw and slapped it on the vending machine.

The vending machine was smashed into a hole, but the young dragon did not consciously damage public goods at all, and instead let out a low roar at the vending machine.

Quickly spit out the potato drink~!

Although Little Tudou doesn't have much obsession with money, he is also very angry at this behavior of taking his money but not giving anything.

From the young dragon's point of view, this is no different from directly grabbing the food that has already reached his mouth.

When a dragon is preparing to eat food, what will it do when it encounters a creature that comes to **** it? Teacher Zhao Zhongxiang has described it countless times in "Animal World"————

Of course he did it!

I don't know if it was effective after taking two shots, but there was a mechanical friction sound inside the vending machine, and then it shook violently.

Thinking that the vending machine was back to normal, Little Tudou stopped beating and waited quietly.

But after returning to calm, nothing came out.

Little Tudou narrowed his eyes, and the scales on his hands appeared. He seemed to be planning to dismantle the machine that dared to rob him.

But just when the young dragon was about to make a move————

"Thor, come back with me!"

Listening to the voice from the sky, Little Tudou raised his face blankly.

An old man wrapped in a dark red cloak was suspended in midair. He had gray hair and a long beard, and his expression was as majestic as that of an ancient god.

At this moment, the old man's eyes widened, looking down at the young dragon on the ground.

"Ow~?" Little Potato blinked.

Who are you?

No.279 End Yandi

"Kana-chan, what's wrong with you?"

Kobayashi noticed, and Kang Na, who was playing with Cai Chuan, suddenly trembled.

There was obviously no wind at this time, but the long silver hair draped on his back floated up as if being blown by the wind, and there were dazzling sparks between the hair strands.

"Kang Na-chan!?" Cai Chuan also noticed Kang Na's strangeness and looked over suspiciously.

But Kona didn't answer their question, but stared at the sky with wide eyes, frowning slightly.

"What's the matter?" Just as Kobayashi muttered in confusion, the maid dragon who was supposed to cook at home suddenly appeared in the park.

"Lord Kobayashi————!"

The maid dragon quickly ran to Xiaolin, and then hugged her tightly.

"Thor, why are you here?"

"Lord Xiaolin, this is not the time, let's hurry up and run—!" the maid Long said in a panic.

"Ha!? Run!? Why?"

Xiao Lin was filled with question marks by the headless words of the maid Long: "Why are you and Kang Na-chan so strange? What happened?"

" father is here." The maid Long buried her head in Xiaolin's arms and grabbed her sleeve tightly, for fear that she would have no chance if she let go.

"Thor's... father?"

Kobayashi noticed the fear in the maid dragon's eyes. This dragon with the power to destroy the world actually showed such an expression.

Xiaolin was completely puzzled.

Why is your father here, Thor, are you so afraid?

"Emperor Yan." Kang Na opened her mouth to answer Xiao Lin's doubts.

"Lord Thor's father, Emperor Yan, probably came to pick up Lord Thor back." Kona lowered her head slightly.

"If I go back... I'm afraid I won't be able to return to this world again, and I won't be able to resist Emperor Yan."

Thor, if he is taken back, he can't come back? This news made Xiao Lin suddenly panic.

"Thor..." She subconsciously looked down at the maid dragon in her arms, and seeing her motionless appearance, Xiao Lin also understood that this was the truth.

So why did Thor want to run away together? I don't want to be taken back by my father.

"Thor!" Xiaolin grabbed the Maid Dragon's shoulder and looked at her decisively, "Although I don't know what will happen, but..."

"If you don't want to go back, let's run away together!"

Maid Long looked at Xiao Lin with a crying voice: "Lord Xiao Lin~"


Emperor Yan was suspended in mid-air, looking down at the little potato on the ground.

His body exudes terrifying power, just like he met the girl in black before, which made the young dragon shrink his neck in fear.

"Huh? Not Thor?" Looking at the little potato on the ground, a trace of doubt appeared on Emperor Yan's serious face.

Because he sensed his daughter's breath following, but he didn't expect that it was not his own child, but a young dragon he had never seen before.

However, after seeing the necklace hanging around Little Potato's neck, he quickly realized that the breath of his daughter came from this.

Emperor Yan raised his hand, stretched out a finger, and a beam of light hit the rope on which the amulet was hanging.

"Ge collapsed~!"

The necklace fell to the ground, Emperor Yan picked up the amulet and took a closer look in his hand.

"Is it really made by Thor?"

Thor's power remained in the amulet, and it was precisely because he felt this power that Emperor Yan thought that Thor was here.

Although it is not his own daughter, this young dragon is carrying an amulet made by his daughter————

"In other words, do you know Thor?" Emperor Yan turned to look at Little Potato.

The young dragon didn't answer Emperor Yan Di's aloof questioning, but roared in dissatisfaction and rushed towards Emperor Yan Yan.


Badass~The thing that broke the potato~!

You are not allowed to rob potatoes~! Give it back to me~!

As I said before, if you grab something in front of a dragon, you can only get into a fight.

The winning side is only eligible to get the ownership, and the losing side can only leave in despair.

Of course, even a powerful adult dragon would not want to fight Emperor Yan. Although the gap between adult dragons was not very big, Emperor Yan was an exception.

It was an existence that even Alkoya, the original god, and Fafnir, the cursed dragon, did not want to be easily provoked.

But the little potato is an exception. The cubs of ancient dragons are very courageous, because they are born with no natural enemies. They are born to be the darlings of the world and the top of the food chain. Naturally, they lack fear of everything.

Although he knew that the dragon in front of him was scary, Little Potato would not be overly scary like other adult dragons.

The inner fear is easily diluted by other emotions, and finally the fear and fear are no longer there.

Otherwise, Little Tudou wouldn't want to run away and pray that he won't meet again in this life after being unilaterally lectured by the black-clothed girl, but instead thinking about how to get revenge.

Badass~! Potatoes will kill you~!

The little potato hugged the thick red tail hidden under Di Yandi's dark red cloak, and entangled it like a koala, then opened his mouth and bit the tip of Di Yandi's tail with tiny dragon teeth. .

However, except for a trace of saliva, no trace was left.

Steel dragons are not dragons that are good at biting. After all, their staple food is not meat, but various minerals, so although their teeth are suitable for grinding hard ores, they cannot pierce solid armor.

Of course, this is not good at this compared to other dragons. For humans, even if the dragon teeth cannot penetrate the armor, the terrifying bite force is enough to crush the human and the equipment together.

"Well, kid, you..." Emperor Yan looked at the young dragon holding his tail in embarrassment.

Although the young dragon's tearing was completely useless, but being entangled by a child like this, Emperor Yan didn't know what to do for a while.

He could only flick his tail, trying to throw the young dragon off himself.

"Let go! Damn it, let me go!"

But Little Potato was more stubborn than a buffalo. Although he was a little dizzy when he was tossed around in the air, he didn't let go.

Instead, he hugged him even tighter.

"Bad guy~! Something that pays for potatoes~!"

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