As Yunlong, Hilfield can't reveal the fact that she can speak and transform into a human form in front of others, but she can talk to Little Potato in dragon language.

"Ouna-chan is too much, it's a holiday, but you don't take me to the street to play~!"

"Not only that, but he actually fought with a vampire and almost died~ la la!"

Maybe it's because they're both dragons, and whether it's Little Potato or Hilfield, they're both underage children in the dragon, and they're still at the age where they like to play with their friends, so the relationship between these two little guys Not bad.

Even Hilfield would secretly drag Little Potatoes to the forest near the Magic Academy to play, and then distribute his food to Little Potatoes. Because of the relationship of sharing food, there is no such thing as one mountain and two tigers, and then two. It's a matter of grinning when dragons meet.

And perhaps because he was a little panicked because he couldn't speak, Hilfield began to complain to Little Potato incessantly.

And the little potato who didn't know what was going on just nodded blankly, a picture of "Although I don't know what you're talking about, I always feel so good."

Hilfield, on the other hand, didn't care about Little Potato's perfunctory at all, and was still talking to himself without feeling like he was talking to himself. Maybe he just wanted to find someone to chat because he had been holding on for too long.


After returning to the Magic Academy, Kasumigaoka Shiyu started to organize the things he bought in the room, and after telling Little Potato not to be naughty, he let the little guy play.

Little Tudou happily agreed, then pushed open the window and jumped out.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu's room is on the third floor. It's quite dangerous to jump from the window, but for a silver-haired young dragon who doesn't need to be afraid of falling and being injured, this is just an interesting game.

And because there is a lawn below, even the small stones were cleaned up by the servants of the academy to prevent the noble students from being accidentally injured, so you don't even have to worry about falling and knocking your head.


Little Potato circled in the air, and then landed successfully in the pose of a Filipino diver.

After rolling around on the grassy lawn, the silver-haired young dragon got up from the ground, and he was going to go to Hilfield to play.

But when passing a corner, Little Potato noticed a certain guy who was jumping with a rusty sword.

"Ah..." Saito Hiraga shouted and raised the sword over his head, as if he was going to make a downward slash, but because of the lack of strength, he kept leaning back, "Uhhhhhhh... what----"

What is this biped doing? Even the little potato, who didn't know much about human martial arts, thought it was very funny.

He squatted in front of Saito Hiraga, who had lost his energy and lay on his back like a salted fish, and poked his forehead with his fingers.

"Is he dead~?"

"No way~!"

Saito Hiraga sat up from the ground all of a sudden, he looked at the silver-haired young dragon who looked at him with the eyes of a fool, and scratched his hair with some heartache.

To be despised by a little dwarf who always has a stupid expression like "OvO" on his face, as a human being, it's really embarrassing enough.

But he didn't dare to contradict this little guy like he refuted Louise. Offending Louise is at most starving or being beaten, but if it is a dragon to perform this operation... Hiraga Only people feel that they will definitely die.

But should it be said that he is the protagonist of a light novel? Saito Hiraga wasn't particularly afraid of this young dragon that the other noble students feared to be afraid of approaching.

"It's going to be the evaluation session soon, even if it's too late for me to practice swordsmanship..."

Next week, the magic school will hold a judging session for the second-year students who have just summoned the familiar, to show the results of their integration with the familiar.

And because Saito Hiraga, who has nothing to do except wash underwear, was forced by his master Louise to crawl now.

In this regard, Saito Hiraga felt that no one would be able to learn swordsmanship in less than a week.

"Louise is really embarrassing, how is this possible..."

In response, the little potato on the side tilted his head blankly, then stretched out his hand and grabbed Drew Flinger who was placed by Saito Hiraga, then made a "hula~" sound, and slashed the sword in his hand to the ground.


A hole was smashed into the lawn.

Little Tudou turned to look at Saito Hiraga, as if he was saying————

Is this difficult?

No.248 Dragon should catch the princess

Not to mention Saito Hiraga, who was completely autistic after discovering that his swordsmanship was no match for a dragon.

A few days later, the evaluation meeting of the Magic Academy was held as scheduled.

To the surprise of many people, the princess of the kingdom will also attend the appraisal, so the day of the appraisal became very lively, not only the students, teachers, but also the guards and servants of this magic academy, all All busy.

But this has nothing to do with Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu, she is having a headache at this time.

Although she has just entered school, she also needs to bring Little Potato to this evaluation meeting.

It's nothing. Anyway, it's just to perform on stage. As a top student, Kasumigaoka Shiyu often becomes a student representative to speak on stage. She is already familiar with this kind of thing, and she doesn't feel any nervousness at all.

But the problem is, it was too late when she knew about the judging meeting. Until now, Kasumigaoka Shiyu hasn't had time to decide what to do with Little Potato.

She asked Tabatha, she seemed to plan to let the blue dragon perform flying stunts. After all, there are not many familiars that can carry the master into the sky. It is a very prominent stunt.

In order to avoid a crash, Shiyu Kasumigaoka could only find other performances, but after thinking about it, it seems that his little guy really can't do anything, that is, he is good at fighting and having a good meal.

Fighting is quite powerful, and there shouldn't be any familiars who can beat him, but you can't really perform such a thing, right? What if the Magic Academy is torn down?

As for Chafan... Kasumigaoka Shiyu thinks this is a little better than Cairen Hiraga next door planning to perform in public to wash his underwear.

After thinking about it, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka couldn't decide to pay attention, and in the end she could only look at Little Potato.

"Do you have any good performances?"

"Yes~!" The silver-haired young dragon nodded confidently.

After knowing that the winner of this appraisal meeting would get the prize, he decided that he must win.

Although he is not interested in the so-called honor, he still cares about the bonus. If you win the game, you will have money, and if you have money, you can buy a lot of snacks, so if you win the game, you will have snacks to eat. This simple idea fills Little Potato's brain.

If it wasn't for Shiyu of Kasumigaoka to stop him, he guessed that in order to secure the victory in advance, he would just go and beat all the other students and their familiars to the ground.

Although he can't take shortcuts, Little Tudou does have serious preparations to perform.

Although Little Tudou looked confident, Kasumigaoka Shiyu was inexplicably a little uneasy, but before she could react, it was her and Little Tudou's turn to take the stage.

"...Hopefully there won't be any trouble." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu could only helplessly pray.


As Tabatha rode a blue dragon and flew around the judging site, performing gorgeous flying stunts in the air, everyone now began to applaud enthusiastically.

"What a great performance~!"

Sitting in a separate tent, Anrietta smiled at the flying dragon looking up at the sky and cast an envious look.

"To be able to get the praise of Her Royal Highness, I think that child will be very happy to come." The old gentleman and the principal who sat next to him touched his beard and said with a smile.

"Speaking of which, it should be the turn of the Kasumigaoka lady. I wonder what kind of performance she will bring?"

"Is that rumored girl from another world who rides a dragon that can transform into a human?"

At this moment, the Mazzaliini military officer who was sitting next to Enrietta also cast an interested look.

"I'll ask Her Royal Highness the Princess and Mazzariini to wait and see~"

Saying that, Shiyu Kasumigaoka walked onto the stage with Little Potato.

At this time, everyone in the audience was curiously looking at Shiyu Kasumigaoka and Little Tudou on the stage, but they mainly focused on Little Tudou.

"This is what the rumors say..."

"It looks like an ordinary child."

Although most of the students in this school have already seen the silver-haired young dragon, it is the first time that the royal guards, magic guards, and entourages who have followed the princess have seen it.

So they questioned the appearance of the little potato.

But when Kasumigaoka Shiyu took off the hat on Little Tudou's head and let him reveal the pair of tiny dragon horns and tails, everyone shut up.

After the self-introduction, the next time was the performance time. Amid the anticipation of everyone in the audience, Kasumigaoka Shiyu turned to look at Little Potato.

"I'll leave it to you~!"

"Oh~!" Little Tudou shouted with his little hand raised, and then he took out a bundle of rope from his bag under everyone's suspicious eyes.

Seeing this, Ji Xiu, who was flirting with her sister, and Anrietta, who was sitting in the tent, suddenly trembled, and they suddenly felt a subtle sense of unease.

And seeing Little Potato take out the rope and look at him, Ji Xiu's expression changed even more.

"Sorry, I'm suddenly a little uncomfortable!" After speaking, Ji Xiu wanted to leave the scene of the evaluation meeting, not bothering to continue flirting.

However, how could someone who has already been targeted by the silver-haired young dragon escape so easily.

What's more, facing the beast, turning around and running away is the stupidest thing. Seeing that Ji Xiu wanted to escape, before the little potato's mind turned around, his body moved subconsciously.

It was as if he felt a sense of joy like some kind of entertainment, and the next step was to chase him all the way.

"Don't come near me!!!" Ji Xiu shouted back at the silver-haired young dragon who was getting closer and closer behind him as he ran.

I don't know if it was because he caught up and regarded it as a hunt, or because his legs were too short to catch up with Ji Xiu, who was running wildly, the little potato simply changed back to the form of a dragon, and then easily caught up with Ji Xiu and slapped him on the ground. on the ground.

"Protect Your Royal Highness!" The guards soldiers who saw a dragon and started chasing people shouted and blocked in front of the tent.

Although the behavior of being loyal to their duties is commendable, to a certain extent, they also just reminded Sa Huan's little potato.

Princess! ? Where is the princess! ?

Hearing the soldiers of the Guards shouting, Little Tudou suddenly raised his head and looked left and right.

Because he was convinced that "the dragon should catch the princess", Little Tudou seemed to have some kind of obsession with the princess.

Is it here? Looking at the tent guarded by the soldiers of the Guards, the silver dragon tilted his head and thought for a while, then left Geishu and ran towards the tent.

It's like a husky who is flirting with joy.

"Don't get close!" Seeing a dragon rushing over, the soldiers of the Guards suddenly turned pale, but out of responsibility, they bravely drew out their swords and prepared to block the dragon with their shields.

However, the result was that the soldiers of the Guards were directly knocked out, and some unlucky ones were stepped on by the way.

Even a hunter with unparalleled strength, with a large shield in hand, would not dare to pick up the monster's dragon carriage if there was no other way, even ten lives would not be enough to do so.

Little Tudou lay down outside the tent and stuck his head in, like a silly dog ​​who wanted to get in when he saw a hole.

He turned his big watery eyes to look at the few people in the tent, and finally Little Potato locked onto Anrietta, who was sitting stiffly in the chair.

Even a royal princess with a good education could not show a calm expression in the face of such a situation she had never encountered before.

What's more, the dragon's claws are still holding a bundle of ropes.

Anrietta looked at Little Potato with a stiff expression, and she could only hold a sentence between her teeth for a long time————

"Come again?"

No.249 friendly damage

A carriage drove into the depths of the forest.

The dense trees blocked the sun. Although it was noon, the dimly lit surroundings and the blurred vision still made people feel uneasy.

On the carriage were the people who came to slay the "Fukai of the Soil" who stole the treasure "Rod of Destruction" from the Magic Academy's treasury, Louise, Churuk, Tabasa, Saito Hiraga, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, and the secretary who led the way.

And in the air is the little rhyme dragon Hilfield.

On the way to the evaluation session, the treasure house of the Magic Academy was broken into by the thief "Fukai of the Clown" who recently committed crimes and took a precious treasure.

And Louise and others volunteered to capture the thief with powerful magic.

As for Shiyu of the Hill of Xia, she didn't intend to get involved in this kind of thing.

Just because of the theft of the treasury, many people in the palace believed that the reason why the "Rod of Destruction" was lost was because the princess wanted to watch the Familiar exhibition, which reduced the defense of the treasury.

Of course, there are also reasons why some little potatoes went mad at the tasting meeting, causing the guards and guards to be injured, and finally unable to hunt down the thieves.

Even many nobles expressed their desire to punish and punish Shiyu of Kasumigaoka who condoned and even drove the dragon to attack the princess. After all, Little Tudou did indeed tie up Enrietta in public, causing the royal family to lose face.

Fortunately, Enrietta said that Little Potato was only joking. In the end, she resisted all opinions to prevent Shiyu of Kasumigaoka from being responsible for the attack on the royal family, but she also received more criticism because of this.

And in order to repay Enrietta's favor, Kasumigaoka Shiyu also joined the hunt for the thief.

And when Shiyu of the Hill of Xia is coming, Little Tudou will naturally follow. Because the weather is good and the forest is a little cool, he is lying on the lap of Shiyu of the Hill of Xia and taking a nap.

After the carriage reached the depths of the forest, it could no longer move forward. The group had to get off the car and continue walking along the forest path. Finally, in the middle of the forest, they found an abandoned log cabin.

"It looks like no one lives, and there are no traps." After Tabasa used magic to confirm that no traps were set inside or outside the wooden house, everyone relaxed a little.

"Go in and have a look."

Saito Hiraga, Tabasa, Churuk, and Shiyu Kasugaoka entered the wooden house, while Louise stayed outside to guard, and the secretary was in charge of exploring the surroundings.

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