This path leading to the land of dragon crystallization was forcibly opened up because of the impact of the molten mountain dragon, so it is often blocked due to the instability of the mountain.

Every time, the hunter needs to clean up to ensure a normal round trip.

When most of the people in the convoy went to clear the blockage, only a small number of hunters were left for vigilance. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Little Tudou touched it and climbed onto a cart full of supplies at the end of the convoy.

Because the car was covered with a piece of cloth, the hunters did not notice that there was an uninvited little guy in the convoy at this time.

And when the road was cleared, the convoy started again.

The field freight work in the New World is generally carried out by hunters or Elu cats. Although the guild also tries to train large monsters with good endurance and temper, such as herbivorous dragons, to pull carts, the problem is that these weak creatures are facing monsters. Often becomes flustered.

And then dragging the car to run around, there is no way to train it as a vehicle for hunters to move in the wild like a pterosaur.

"Why do you feel relaxed, meow~?" Elu Cat, who was pulling the scooter, suddenly felt that her work became easier, and the originally rough mountain road became less difficult to walk.

If Elu cat turned around at this time, she would find that food residues were constantly falling from the car at this time.

It's a pity that the hunters gradually relaxed their vigilance and didn't notice because they were about to reach the camp, and the path was always very safe.

After escorting the convoy safely to the camp, Bai Feng took his partner to investigate Gu Long after a brief rest, and Little Tudou quietly followed.

Different from rushing from the safe road just now, Baifeng raised his vigilance when he came to the land of dragon crystals where powerful monsters walked.

So it was very easy to spot the silver-haired young dragon following them.

"There is something to follow me~" partner Ailu Mao looked back at the corner where Little Potato was hiding, reminding Bai Feng.

"Well, it should be a strange-faced family or a small creature, don't worry too much."

Although he noticed the little guy following him, Bai Feng didn't take this group of little things seriously.

At this moment, Little Potato was wearing a cloak of invisibility smeared with solidified mud. When he lay down in the corner, it looked like ordinary ground in the distance.

And because the invisibility cloak was sprayed with spices to mask the smell, his partner Elu cat couldn't smell the dragon's unique smell on Little Potato at this time.

"It's really hot!" Bai Feng stood outside the huge hole leading to the underground magma area, facing the hot air gushing from it, and touched the hot sweat on his forehead.

He took out a bottle of white liquid from his pocket, and there was a thin layer of frost on the glass bottle.

Bai Feng unscrewed the bottle cap and poured the liquid into his stomach. As the effect of the medicine took effect, he clearly felt that his body temperature remained at a relatively stable range: "It's much more comfortable~"

The cold drink made from the frozen mushrooms collected in the Dragon Crystal Land is much stronger in terms of effect and stability than the ice-clean grass used in the previous battles of the Lava Mountain Dragon.

Because the latter was originally used to make ice bombs, even if it can barely be used as a substitute for cold drinks after being prepared, the effect of being too strong can easily cause frostbite to the body.

Ready to fight the heat, Bai Feng cautiously stepped into the lava field.

There is lava flowing everywhere here, and if you don't pay attention to it, it falls into it, but even the cat car can't be rescued.

Shortly after entering the lava field, Bai Feng discovered the red mane on the ground.

That is the hair left by Yanwanglong when he patrolled the territory. Because of the patrol rate of the territory strengthened by the ancient dragon, this area is full of such things.

"Isn't it bald after losing so much hair?" The editor girl silently complained at this moment.

Bai Feng silently collected these manes, and based on the footprints and traces left on the ground, he deduced the movement route of the Yanwanglong.

At the same time, according to the change of the guide insect, the entrance to the lair of the Yan Wangfei was quickly found.

"Aibo, do you want to go in?"

It was a cave where all the rocks were melted, and Princess Yan forced the passage to the underground magma through the high-temperature flames.

"Forget it, it would be troublesome if you bump into it." Bai Feng shook his head. He came to investigate the reason for Gu Long's abnormality, not to really bring down the opponent.

Besides, God knows if they will be mixed doubles by two ancient dragons after entering.

If the swordsman master also came, he might still try it, but he brought his own **** to his teammates...

Bai Feng turned to look at the tyrannosaurus girl. He didn't want to retire so early and go back to his hometown to farm.

After deciding not to go deep into the tiger's den, Bai Feng and the editor girl began to investigate near the entrance of the cave, collecting traces and materials of ancient dragons, and taking them back for researchers to study.

However, they didn't notice when they bowed their heads to collect things. At this moment, a chubby meat dumpling sneaked in through the hole.

No.235 Shocked Potatoes for Thirty Years

"It's so hot~"

The silver-haired dragon man was lying on the ground with his **** pouted. The high temperature in the magma area, and even the rocks were as hot as red-hot iron plates.

It stands to reason that it would be hotter to lie on the ground and touch the ground in a large area, but the red gems growing on both sides of the hole brought a few coolness.

This special mineral that only appears in high temperature areas will continuously absorb the temperature of the surrounding environment, so it contains a powerful fire attribute energy.

This is the favorite food of Yanwanglong and Yanfeilong, monsters who like to swallow explosives.

And because it absorbs heat, the temperature in the vicinity of the minerals is significantly lower.

It's too hot here, and it's really not a good place for a steel dragon whose whole body is covered with thick steel scales.

Although dragon scales can resist flames to a certain extent, the continuous high temperature of the surrounding environment makes the carapace also scorching hot. It's like wearing a down jacket in summer. Although it's not impossible, it's really uncomfortable.

"Ow~" Little Potato was lying on the gem that would bring him coolness, his tail drooping on the ground, motionless like a salted fish.

At this time, he seemed to have forgotten the purpose of this trip, just enjoying the rare coolness.

"Hu~" It seemed that it was time to inspect the territory again. Yan Wanglong bid farewell to his wife and children and flew out along the cave.

With the appearance of this ancient dragon, which symbolizes fire and high temperature, the temperature in the cave began to rise sharply.

His vision began to twist, and at the same time there was a strong ancient dragon breath in the air.

When Yan Wanglong was driving away other creatures near the territory, naturally he would not restrain his breath, not to mention that as an adult ancient dragon, his powerful strength made him not need to do such things that only young dragons need to do.

Noticing the movement from the depths of the cave, Little Potato got up from the ground, then dragged the invisibility suit from the hunter's scooter and hid in the corner.

Soon, Yanwanglong arrived at the place where Little Tudou was.

However, it did not leave the cave directly, but stopped and fell to the ground. The Yanwanglong slowly walked to the red mineral and lowered its head to take a bite of the exposed mineral.

Before he set off, he seemed to plan to eat something, but unlike the steel dragon, which mainly eats ores, the main food of the Yanwanglong is meat.

"Kacha~Kacha~" The harsh metal friction sound and the ore crushed between the dragon teeth made the little potato dumbfounded.

He had tried to chew on these red gems before, but the fire energy contained in them almost made this little guy's tongue scald.

To even eat such a hot mouth... This guy is a ruthless dragon!

Little Potato had a great fear and admiration for Yanwanglong, because it could bite and eat these scalding ores with a blank expression and even a little pleasure. , had a huge impact.

He was even almost frightened by Yan Wanglong who was about to leave after consuming the ore.

For dragons, the more they can eat, the better they can fight. Although it may not be 100% correct, it is almost common sense.

As for Little Potato, the Yanwanglong, who can eat the ore that he is afraid to eat, is obviously a higher-level predator than him.

Although this is true in terms of combat effectiveness, it was the first time he felt fear for the young dragon who was not afraid of the sky and the earth, and even dared to destroy the dragons.

So the silver-haired young dragon was worried about "will it eat the potatoes too", and hid in the corner and didn't dare to move, for fear of being discovered by this ruthless dragon.

Fortunately, Yan Wanglong did not find this little guy who was going to sneak into his hometown. The lava area exudes a strong sulphur odor, which masks the odor of the young dragon very well.

When Yanwanglong left the cave and went out to inspect the territory, the frightened young dragon came out of the corner of the wall in fear.

Encountering such a terrifying guy, Little Potato began to hesitate whether to go deeper into the cave. Although it is very important to try new delicacies, if it is eaten, it will not be worth the loss.

But the temptation of delicious food made this gluttonous little guy finally decide to go in and have a look. Moreover, Yan Wanglong had already left, and he felt that this terrifying ruthless dragon would not return for the time being, which made the young dragon feel a little more at ease.

Continue along the cave, all the way down, and soon the little potato came to an open space.

That is the magma area located at the bottom of the land of dragon crystals. King Yan and Feilong Yan forcibly opened up the passage between this space and the outside world in order to nurture their cubs.

At this time, in the middle of the open space, a group of cute hairballs was running happily.

Mao Tuanzi kept tearing at his mother's hair with his new baby teeth, trying to get Yan Feilong to take care of him, but Yan Feilong just lay there lazily and dozed with his eyes closed, and he didn't mean to take care of the noisy cub.

Seemingly feeling bored, Mao Tuanzi gave up and continued to play with his mother, and turned to look at the cave he went out.

The young dragon with abundant elves has long been tired of the nest and full of curiosity about the outside world, but its parents will not allow it to go out alone at all.

Seeing that her mother didn't seem to notice, Mao Tuanzi ran towards the hole with his short legs.

Then the little potato just happened to be here, and the two cubs collided with each other.

"Woo~!" Suddenly being bumped, Little Tudou sat on the ground, groaning aggrievedly as he touched his aching buttocks.

And the ball of hair that flew out was rolling on the ground like a ball.

After stopping, Mao Tuan swayed up from the ground, shook his head, and then looked at Little Potato curiously.

Mao Tuanzi, who was just born, had never seen a human being, and felt novel about this creature that looked different from its parents.

And the smell of being a cub exuding from the little potato also made Mao Tuanzi feel kind.

"Woooo~" Mao Tuanzi ran to Little Potato, sticking out his tongue like a pug.

Although he was dozing off, Yan Feilong had been paying attention to his own child. Seeing that it seemed to be about to run away from home, the mother dragon immediately woke up.

Then it saw the silver-haired young dragon sitting on the ground at a glance.


Yan Feilong reacted sluggishly for a while, then tilted his head, showing an expression he didn't quite understand.

The faint smell of the dragon on Little Potato convinced her that it was the cub of a dragon, and it was also the cub of an ancient dragon.

But this look...

Like Mother Long who saw Little Potato's humanoid form for the first time, Yan Feilong was also puzzled by the young dragon's posture.

What did you eat to grow into such a ghost? Yan Feilong looked at his child and nodded.

Sure enough, my own children are relatively normal.

No.236 Dump the pot

Although the temperament of Yan Feilong during the feeding period will become extremely violent, basically, it will hit anyone who is unhappy, and the level of the tigress is comparable to that of the black horned dragon.

But for the cub, Yan Feilong is quite gentle, even if this is not his own child, not even a species.

This is also a common feature of adult females, and they have a certain degree of kindness towards their cubs.

"Sniff~" Yan Feilong lowered his head and sniffed the little potato, and found that although this young dragon looked a little weird, there was nothing unusual about it.

From the smell, Yan Feilong recognized that it was the young dragon of a steel dragon, probably the child of the nurturing mother dragon that was moved away earlier.

Because they were all mothers, and they lived quite close, Yan Feilong would occasionally bump into each other when he was out hunting.

However, there was no conflict between the two sides. After all, the hunting ranges of the two sides were fundamentally different, and Yan Feilong had no desire to fight with a lump of steel.

Let's not talk about whether I can win or not, anyway, even if I win, I have to lie down, so basically not many monsters are willing to fight the steel dragon.

Although Little Potato broke into her lair, Yan Feilong didn't repel it like other creatures did.

Isn't it normal for bear children to run around mischievously?

Compared to this, Yan Feilong was more curious about how the child's mother looked at the child, and she actually came here.

It's really a pity that we didn't encounter any danger along the way.

"Hu~hu~" Yan Feilong let out a low whirring sound, constantly exhaling hot breath.

Although this didn't cause any harm to Little Potato, it surprised him.

Little Tudou trembled all over, then quickly took a short distance back while holding his bag, found a corner where he felt safer and squatted down, watching Yan Feilong vigilantly.

He seemed to be afraid that the guy who looked very much like the fierce dragon just now rushed over and took a bite of the potato.

"Hulu~" Seeing this young dragon's actions, Yan Feilong completely let go of his vigilance.

Although Little Tudou's body has entered the juvenile stage, the ancient dragon breath emanating from his body is still at the level of a young dragon, so it is naturally impossible for an adult dragon to feel vigilant.

In addition, the humanoid appearance of Little Potato is really too small, and it is similar to the medium-sized dog-sized hairball over there.

For such a child who has not grown up, she does not feel that it can threaten the safety of herself and her cubs.

Of course, if Little Tudou returns to his dragon form, his body comparable to that of a young dragon will still make Yan Feilong alert, but that is to the extent that he protects his own hair **** and prevents him from running over to find his little friends to play with.

"Ow~" Mao Tuanzi made a soft voice, looking at the little potato squatting in the corner with joy.

He seems to be wondering what his little friend is doing.

"Don't be noisy~" Little Potato stretched out his hand and patted Mao Tuozi, who, like a well-trained dog who had received an order from his master, squatted in the corner as Little Potato learned.

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