Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 67 The Elf's Wake-Up Service (Please Subscribe! Please Customize!)

Sark city-state.

Inside a gorgeous castle.

"Your Majesty, in the past month, all the caravans we used for trade have been intercepted by Kazaklin's monsters, causing heavy losses."

"If this goes on like this, the treasury of the city-state of Sark will last for half a year, and the appearance of monsters will make everyone panic.

"Many nobles have already expressed their opinions to us."

The Duke of Pfister stood beside the king of the city-state of Sark, talking about the loss of the city of Sark in the past month.

The Sark city-state is considered a small city-state, and most of the economy that maintains the city-state comes from outside.

Relying on making handicrafts and other things for those powerful kingdoms is to pick up the leftovers that others don't make.

It is a pure foreign trade city-state.

But now foreign trade has been cut off by a group of Kazaklin monsters who claim to be the Red Dragon Clan. Isn't this equivalent to killing the city-state of Sark?

"Then what do you say? Send troops to conquer? They are known as the Red Dragon Clan! There must be a red dragon behind them backing up the Sark city-state, how could it be the opponent of the Red Temple Dragon.

King Sark hammered the handle of the throne heavily with his fist.

Even if it is an existence of the level of the empire, it is possible to resist the invasion of the red dragon if it faces an adult red dragon.

Although the so-called Red Dragon Clan may not be an adult Red Dragon behind it, this is not something that the city-state of Sark can deal with.

"I think we need to seek help from the nearest Holy Ford Kingdom. Only with the help of the kingdom can we defeat Kazaklin's Red Dragon Clan."

Duke Pfister thought for a while and said.

For now, the only way is to seek foreign aid.

"What you said sounds good. Foreign aid, if you don't show some sincerity, how can the Holy Ford Kingdom send troops to help you deal with the Red Dragon Clan?"

King Sark sighed.

Everyone is a high-ranking person, and they know what they are thinking.

When he didn't threaten himself, he wanted to let others take risks to deal with the Red Dragon Clan, and aroused the hatred of a Red Dragon.

Who will help you if you don't get some benefits.

"But Your Majesty, we have no choice. Could it be that we have to pay the toll to the Red Dragon?"

Duke Pfister's careless words made King Sark's eyes shine.

"Perhaps what you said is indeed a good idea."

King Sark turned his head and looked at Duke Feist with a smile.

"This...Your Majesty, you really plan to pay the dragon tolls, you know, the five-color dragons are a bunch of greedy guys.

Duke Pfister couldn't help but round his eyes, and then reminded King Sark.

Who doesn't know in the Western Fantasy Land that the five-color dragons are the most insatiable, and their greed will never be satisfied.

You will be charged 10,000 on the first day, and you will be charged 20,000 on the second day until you are unable to give the money.

Such examples abound, and the Duke of Sturt does not want His Majesty the King to make such a stupid mistake.

"No, you don't understand Pfister. If you want to ask the Kingdom of Sanford for help, you must show enough meaning. If they find that the Sark City State is in a very dangerous time¯||

"It will definitely hit us hard. The best thing to do now is to stabilize the Red Dragon Clan first, and then we will take the opportunity to have a good talk with the Holy Ford Kingdom."

King Sark spoke his mind.

This is his real plan.

There are such greedy guys on both sides, staring at the meat of the Sark city-state, so he must make good use of it.

I just want to show it to the Holy Ford Kingdom. If you don't help me fight against the Red Dragon Clan, I will give all the valuable gold coins on my body to the Red Dragon.

If you still want gold coins at that time, go to the Red Dragon by yourself.

"Your Majesty, what you said makes sense."

Duke Pfister was thoughtful.

As expected of His Majesty the King, Xi is indeed more thoughtful than him.

Because of the affairs of the Sark city-state, some of the nobles in the city-state chose to leave and live in other kingdoms or city-states.

The reason why Duke Pfister did not leave was because of his identity. He was the Duke of the city-state of Sark, and his interests and status were all associated with the city-state of Sark.

One wins and one loses.

If he fled with a lot of money to live in someone else's territory, he was at best a landowner.

In the Western fantasy world, status is higher than money.

Even if you are a lonely aristocrat, when those merchants see you, they need to salute.

Therefore, Duke Pfister will not leave the city-state of Sark unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Well, let's do this. You choose an envoy to go to Kazaklin to go to the Red Dragon Clan and see if you can see the Red Dragon. Tell the Red Dragon that we are willing to pay the toll.

"At the same time, we can also look at the age of this red dragon. If it is not an adult red dragon, the conditions we negotiated with the Kingdom of Sanford would be one yard more."

King Sac's eyes gradually lit up, and he began to admire his plan.

Simply the best policy.


As soon as he said it, Duke Pfister left the king's castle and summoned a few skilled guards, as well as a psychologically powerful envoy.

As an envoy to the Red Dragon Clan to meet the Red Dragon, the envoy's heart must be strong.

Otherwise, if you just saw the red dragon, you would be paralyzed, so what are you talking about.

This mission is about the survival of the Sark city-state, and everything is up to you. "

Duke Pfister gave some precautions earnestly.

"Please rest assured, Lord Duke, we will surely complete this mission."

The envoys and guards knelt on one knee and bowed their heads.

Red Dragon Clan.

"Red... Your Majesty the Red Dragon, it's dawn."

Liya and Cellulu walked into the Dragon's Nest from outside on time, and woke up His Majesty the Red Dragon who was still sleeping.

Since choosing to submit to His Majesty the Red Dragon, Liya and Sai Lulu have become His Majesty's wake-up maids.

Every time the sun rises to noon, they will go to the dragon's nest to provide wake-up service.

Bei Luo felt comfortable, but Philosia felt uncomfortable.

Every time, she had to straighten her tired body early and leave the Dragon's Nest before Liya and Cellulus arrived.

Even when she provided the wake-up service for His Majesty the Red Dragon, she had to hide behind His Majesty the Red Dragon to prevent being seen by Celluloid and Liya.

A red light glowed inside the cave.

Bei Luo woke up.

In one month, he only conducted five simulations.

The result was not so good, no matter what, the mother of the silver dragon and the golden dragon king could not be broken.

In addition, he has lived a little longer, and his gold coins are not enough to exchange for his strength.

Fortunately, there are still gains, such as knowing which aspects of future progress are the best.

According to the time recorded in the simulation, now should be the time when the Sark city-state sent envoys to Kazaklin.

"Liya, go gather some stone men and some kobolds, wait at the entrance to the east of Kazaklin, and tell the group of humans."

"If you want the Red Dragon Clan not to stop their transaction, you must pay a monthly toll fee of 10,000 gold coins."

During the simulation, Bei Luo found that once he showed himself to the city-state of Sark, the so-called Kingdom of Sanford.

They will attack themselves a year in advance.

On the contrary, if he doesn't show up, the Holy Ford Kingdom will not launch an attack on the Red Dragon Clan until a year later.

For the self who has not grown up, it seems that it is best not to show up in front of the Sac City people.

So he simply handed over this task to Liya, just to check Liya's ability.

"..tolls? I...I see."

Liya glanced at Cellulu next to her and was a little hesitant. She wanted to call Cellulu to carry out the task assigned by His Majesty the Red Dragon together.

But seeing what His Majesty the Red Dragon meant, it seemed that he wanted her to be left alone.

During this period of time, Liya and Celluloid walked together, and never acted alone, which made her a little uncomfortable.

"This is a task I gave you alone, Liya. I did it for your mother Philosia's sake. Don't let me down."

Bei Luo said lightly.

He separated Cellulu and Liya on purpose.

Liya's current progress in surrendering herself is not bad, but Lulu, a cute baby-faced elf girl, is not so good.

There will always be a kind of resistance to his Red Dragon Clan.

The idea of ​​being at the top of the bedrock last time was not a joke.

Now it seems that it has to be implemented.


Liya could see that this was a test from His Majesty the Red Dragon, so she dismissed Bing Xin's idea of ​​calling Shangzhan Lulu together.

After giving Sai Lulu a good look, she turned and left the Dragon's Nest.

Looking at the back of Liya's departure, Sai Lulu didn't know why the temperature of the dragon's nest suddenly dropped a lot.

"Red... Your Majesty the Red Dragon, since Liya has already left, I... I will prepare lunch for you first."

Sai Lulu is very uncomfortable in the dragon's (Wang Wang Zhao) nest alone.

The monsters of the Red Dragon Clan are eager to show themselves in front of His Majesty the Red Dragon, but she is the opposite.

She really didn't want to stay in front of the red dragon, after all, the beheading last month really made her feel lingering fear.

It was still a lingering shadow in her heart.


Bei Luo nodded softly.

Watching off Sai Lulu's petite back, he gradually formed a plan in his heart to deal with Zhanlulu.

layer rock outside.

Philosia rubbed her hands. Last night, she pulled out the radish for His Majesty the Red Dragon, and her tiger's mouth was red and swollen a lot.

I don't know why the carnivorous red dragon likes vegetarian radishes, I can't understand it.

Now she doesn't even have the strength to pick up the magic wand, and she will tremble for a while if she holds it tightly.


Liya passed by Philosia at this time.

"Liya? Why are you here, shouldn't you be preparing food for His Majesty the Red Dragon?"

Seeing that her daughter was coming, Philosia quickly stood up and put her hands behind her back, pretending that nothing happened.

Although Liya felt that the mother in front of her was a little strange, she still answered.

"His Majesty the Red Dragon asked me to take some monsters to the east of Kazaklin, saying that a group of humans will come to negotiate with the Red Dragon Clan, and they need to pay a monthly toll of 10,000 gold coins

to let them pass. ".

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