Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 273 Alista: Evolution Of My Bloodline (Please Subscribe! Please Customize!)


Alistar stepped on the stone with one foot, looking up at the circling giant eagle.

Logically speaking, shouldn't the giant eagle stay in the layer rock?

For this operation, the giant eagle was not called at all.

All flying monsters are called other flying monsters.

Such as crouching pseudomonsters or flying monsters such as Manticore.

As a giant eagle guarding the rock, it is basically impossible to leave the rock.

Unless it is to convey the will of His Majesty the Red Dragon?

Thinking of this, Alista waved his arm.

The giant eagle hovering in the sky then descended from the sky and landed on the branch beside Alista.

"Leader Alistar, long time no see."

The giant eagle said hello.

"To make a long story short, does His Majesty the Red Dragon have a new order?"

Alistar went straight to the point.

The battle on his side is not over yet,

If it weren't for the fact that the Kodoyas Kingdom was much stronger than the human city-states, he wouldn't be distracted on the battlefield.

I will definitely wait until the war is over before talking to the giant eagle.

But now relying on the strength of the monster army 903 of the Kodoyas Kingdom, even without him as the commander, it can still be easily taken down.

"His Majesty the Red Dragon entered into a deep sleep, we read from the message left by His Majesty the Red Dragon, waiting for you to solve the border problem."

"Whether you choose to come back or continue to expand the territory, everything is up to you to decide."

The giant eagle replied.

"What?! His Majesty the Red Dragon is asleep!"

Alistar looked surprised.

No matter what the situation, I heard about His Majesty the Red Dragon sleeping before I finished the task and returned to the rock.

Although he doesn't know exactly how long the dragon sleeps (bbaj), he knows that the dragon sleeps long enough to send him away.

How could it be that you have to take a step ahead of time before you get the reward of His Majesty the Red Dragon's bloodline evolution?

Alista wanted to cry, but what he wanted most was the reward of His Majesty the Red Dragon's bloodline evolution, so that he could live for a few more years.

As a result, after a long time, His Majesty the Red Dragon fell asleep.

"My words have been brought, let's go first."

The giant eagle then flapped its wings and left.

The deep sleep of His Majesty the Red Dragon has no effect on the giant eagle.

After all, they knew very well that it was impossible to get the reward from His Majesty the Red Dragon if they stayed in the rock all day long.

Even more will not get the reward of bloodline evolution.

Looking at the departing giant eagle, Alista sat on the ground weakly, thinking about what to do next.

"Leader Alistar! The city has been successfully captured by us!"

Krivo, the leader of the gnolls, walked over with a smile.

It is too simple to capture this human city-state, and it does not require much energy at all.

The army led by purebred monsters is the cruelest of the three armies.

Both Philosia and Octavier will spare some people and let them continue to live.

The monsters didn't think so much, but killed them all, and swallowed them into their stomachs as food to replenish their energy.

"Leader Alistar? What's wrong with you, you don't seem to be in a good mood."

Seeing Alista's absent-minded expression, Krivo asked suspiciously.

Logically speaking, leader Alistar shouldn't be very happy.

The speed of capturing the human city-state this time is even faster than last time.

"Krivo, let me tell you a piece of information that came back from the layered rock, His Majesty the Red Dragon is asleep.

Alista came back to her senses and told Krivo about the matter.

As the leader of the Gnolls, Krivo should know these things.

"What?! Sleeping!"

Krivo opened his mouth wide, and the weapon in his hand fell to the ground.

This news was like a bolt from the blue for him.

It was so shocking.

Krivo himself also really wanted to get the reward for the evolution of His Majesty the Red Dragon's bloodline, so as to prolong his lifespan.

"You... Leader Alistar, what shall we do next? Return to the Layer Rock?"

Blinking, Crewer crouched down and picked up his axe.

Forget it, let His Majesty the Red Dragon fall into a deep sleep, and at worst, let the children who have inherited his bloodline go to get the reward from His Majesty the Red Dragon.

The Gnolls of his Krivo lineage can definitely get the reward of bloodline evolution.

Thereby changing the lowly blood of the wolf man.

"No, His Majesty the Red Dragon is asleep, what are we still in such a hurry to go back to? Why not continue to expand.

Alista shook his head, denying what Krivo said.

It doesn't make sense to go back to layer rock now.

"External expansion? What you said is also true. At present, for me, there is no other way except this way.

Clive nodded thoughtfully.

"Let's go, pass the news of His Majesty the Red Dragon's sleep to every monster leader, and let them prepare for the expansion war.

Alistar stood up, twisting his neck.

Picked up his black giant axe.

This ax was cast from the scales on An Ruisi's body.

He likes this weapon very much, it is very powerful.

Unlike other axes, it is easy to cause damage to the blade.

The territory of Kodoyas Kingdom will have new changes again!.

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