Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 267 Massacre! (Please Subscribe! Please Customize!)

"Yes! Lady Lia!"

Zod is a burly lich.

A lich is a monster belonging to the s class.

Before Daga's strength is abnormal, the main source of output is magic.

Unless it is magic like Priest Purification, the Lich cannot be killed.

The reason why such a powerful monster joined the Red Dragon Clan lies in Beilu.

He felt that following Bei Luo had a future, so he led his monster troops to join the Red Dragon Clan.

Facing the defection of the Lich, Bei Luo readily accepted.

This is a rare species.

Generally speaking, in terms of the arrogance of a lich, they are basically self-reliant kings, and it is impossible to defect to others.

Even if Bei Luo's strength is far greater than that of a lich, he must use magic such as purification to defeat him.

But Bei Luo doesn't know magic like purification.

However, Bei Luo was not at all worried that the Lich would cause trouble in his Red Dragon Clan.

Once the Lich dared to do this, Bei Luo would not hesitate to use the power of destruction to kill him.

The power of destruction is a kind of power of rules, and it is also a means to kill liches. It is more powerful than the so-called purification technique.

As soon as he joined the Kingdom of Cordoas, Billo handed over the Lich to Philosia to take care of him.

Becoming the subordinate of an elf, the Lich accepted Bei Luo's order without the slightest complaint.

Originally, Bei Luo thought that Lich Zod would more or less refuse.

Lich Zod got down and lifted King Gaston, who was fat like a meatball, with one hand.

Liches are magical creatures, a group of people who use magic.

But he is burly, and his physique is not weaker than the so-called monster king.

Objects weighing nearly a ton can be lifted casually with one hand.

Just because people are not good at melee combat, it doesn't mean that Lich can't melee.

After leaving with the noisy King Gaston, Liya's ears were finally cleared up a lot.

"Tell all the monsters, let the group of humans who are still hiding get out, come out and surrender now.

"All monsters can't hurt them, just catch them and lock them in cages!"

Liya stopped the raging monsters and changed her strategy.

Now the monsters have vented and vented, and they are full.

All that's left is to clean up the mess.

Liya knew that it was impossible for human beings to find them in such a short period of time. In order to let them come out, some guarantees had to be made.

Anyway, the remaining or remaining human beings are not in the same climate.

The most important thing is the order issued by their majesty the king, otherwise, how would they, a group of civilian soldiers, dare to touch the bad luck of the Kodoyas Kingdom.

Soon, following the promises of the monsters, some humans gradually came out trembling slightly.

When the eyes in the dark found that the monster did not attack the companion, it just grabbed the companion.

More and more humans emerged from the corners.

In order to speed up the escape of the group of hiding people, Li Ya spoke again.

Those who don't come out after half an hour will be searched and killed by the monsters in a blanket manner!

As soon as these words came out, many guys came out immediately.

Most of them dare not bet on whether the monsters will find themselves.

The best way is to show up and pray that the monsters will not break their promise.

After more than half an hour, there must be a group of people standing in the open space.

Due to the large number of people and not enough cages, Liya had to arrange the group of people to stand in the open space.

Stepping on the sticky blood, you can still encounter scattered pieces of meat from time to time.

Many of the people standing in the open space were so frightened that their legs limp on the ground, and what's more, they poured out feces and urine, emitting a stench.

The stench was mixed with the stench of blood, and many people vomited on the ground.

The scene was a mess.

Liya watched from a distance, and was disgusted and unwilling to approach.

She is not afraid of corpses and the like, but it is the things made by the group of humans that make her extremely disgusted.

Fortunately, she was sitting on the Xilin monitor lizard, and there was no special reason, so she just let it go.

"... Liya, the stipulated time is up, do you want those kobolds with better noses to search?"

Cellullu was wearing combat boots, stepped on the corpse, and came to Liya.

"Well, if it is found, let it go, and the Fa will be executed on the spot!"

Liya said.

She has already given a chance, if you don't cherish it, don't blame her for being cruel.

What she did on the battlefield was already considered a lot of kindness.


Celluloid immediately greeted a few kobolds and led them to search for humans in the ruins (Manohao).

The kobold's nose is very sensitive, even the smell in the air didn't affect his nose at all.

Within a few minutes, several guys were dragged out, and before they had time to beg for mercy, they were surrounded by kobolds and screamed.

The miserable cries spread all over the wilderness, terrifying the humans staying in the open space.

They all felt lucky in their hearts, fortunately they came out ahead of time, otherwise they would be the ones being bitten by the monster now.

The miserable sound lasted for more than a minute before gradually disappearing.

In order to punish this group of people, the kobold deliberately did not kill them, but tortured them slowly.

Let them bleed to death or die from pain. .

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