Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 180 Bei Luo: Call Your Mother (Please Subscribe! Please Customize!)

Without any resistance, Wollaston was suppressed to the ground again by Longwei from Bei Luo.

"Your Longwei..."

Wollaston's self-esteem was completely shattered at this moment.

It could be regarded as a sneak attack by Bei Luo before, which led to his being suppressed.

But even without doing anything now, he was overwhelmed by the Longwei on Bei Luo.

You know this is Longwei.

Longwei only has such a powerful effect on low-level monsters. For giant dragons of the same level, at most it can only put pressure on the opponent.

"Go and call your mother."

Bei Luo didn't have much interest in Wollaston, the opponent was too weak.

So weak that he has no interest in doing it at all.

It was Wollaston's mother who interested him more.

"Don't be too arrogant, Red Dragon!"

Wollaston didn't understand now.

The red "920" dragon in front of him didn't know his mother at all.

Since the other party wanted to see his mother, he asked his mother to eradicate the dragon.

Wollaston admits that Bei Luo is very strong, but it is absolutely impossible to be his mother's opponent.

The mother is a real adult golden dragon, and the gap between the adult dragon and the young dragon is extremely large, like a gap.

Not to mention the young red dragon Bei Luo.

Thinking of this, Wollaston slowly uttered the obscure dragon language under Bei Luo's gaze.

Soon, a dragon magic that transmits a signal appeared on Wollaston's body, and the golden light flashed slightly.

Wollaston lowered his proud dragon head.

This was completely planted, planted on the body of a red dragon.

Still a young dragon just like himself.

I used to be so high-spirited, I just finished cleaning up a young red dragon not long ago.

Unexpectedly, less than half a month later, he was defeated by a young red dragon.

Maybe this is the so-called feng shui turn.

"Are you going to kill me?"

Wollaston raised his head reluctantly and asked.

If a golden dragon fell into the hands of the red dragon, it would probably be doomed.

In the case of the same camp, even if there is hatred, they can kill each other, because the number of dragons is relatively small.

If there is another killing of the same kind, the number of dragons will only become more worrying.

But the camps of Red Dragon and Golden Dragon are different, not only that, the relationship between the two is not very good.

Even if there is an act of killing the other party, at most it can only be condemned.

Then it's about letting the dead dragon faction on the other side avenge you.

So it's no wonder Wollaston had the idea.

There are very few golden dragons that can survive in the hands of the red dragon.

"No, I won't kill you."

Bei Luo raised his head and looked down at Wollaston.

How could he have killed Wollaston.

Wollaston is a key point to threaten the mother of the golden dragon in the future. Without Wollaston, at most he would kill the mother of the golden dragon, but he would not be able to threaten her.

But it was different with Wollaston.

"Don't kill me?"

This time it was Wollastonkin's turn to be shocked.

Could it be that all the variant dragons are so strange, and they still look aggressive in front of them.

He changed his temper so suddenly, and even said that he would not kill him.

"I tell you Red Dragon, I admit that I am not your opponent, your strength is terrifying, but I will never submit to you!"

cried Wollaston.

Since the other party does not kill him, it means that the other party wants him to do things for him.

The golden dragon, who can be the big brother of the metal dragon, cannot surrender to the red dragon of the five-color dragon anyway.

Even if he were to die, he would not be able to surrender.

"Surrender? Sorry, I don't need a weak subordinate like you.

Bei Luo sneered.

Wollaston was simply overthinking.

Even if you want him to surrender, it is absolutely impossible to make him surrender verbally.

Wollaston had already been bewitched by using bewitching magic, so how could he have so much to say.


Wollaston was stunned by Bei Luo's words.

Then a burst of anger was ignited from the heart.

Although his strength is indeed weak compared to Bei Luo, he is definitely not the kind of weak creature that can be slaughtered casually.

"Go to sleep, you, sleeping technique."


Bei Luo resolutely gave Wollaston a heavy palm, and gave Wollaston a heavy blow to the head.

Used a physical version of Sleep.

Saw Wollaston faint.

"You guys are doing a great job."

Bei Luo turned around and said.

"Your Majesty the Red Dragon, this is our responsibility."

The giant eagles had already got up from the ground and gathered in front of Bei Luo.

Fortunately, the control wind-like magic used by Wollaston did not cause much damage to them..

As long as Wollaston's storm is replaced by wind blade, this group of giant eagles will have no chance to see Bei Luo again.

"This is a reward for you, I hope you will not disappoint me in the future."

Bei Luo took out a lava dragon scale from the system space, and threw it to the ground casually.

In an instant.

It caused a burst of looting by the giant eagles.

Ignoring the group of giant eagles, Bei Luo held Wollaston's tail and flew back towards the stratum rock.




But after a while, Bei Luo returned to the rock and threw Wollaston down.

Anyway, Jinlong's physique is also very strong, and it will be fine if he falls from this height.

"Your Majesty the Red Dragon!"

The monsters were startled by the sudden falling golden dragon.

But when they noticed His Majesty in the sky, the monsters quickly knelt down on the ground.

"Is the giant dungeon you prepared earlier ready?"

Bei Luo asked.

When he simulated this golden dragon very early, he ordered the group of monsters to dig a huge dungeon for the golden dragon.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the giant dungeon you asked us to dig has already been prepared, please take a look."

A kobold immediately got up from the ground, bowed down and pointed in the direction of the front respectfully.


next moment.

The huge gate of the dungeon was pulled open by hundreds of monsters, revealing the dungeon hidden inside. 3.9 Who would have thought that there would be such a huge dungeon inside the layer rock, something specially prepared for the detention of giant dragons.


As soon as the dungeon was opened, Bei Luo flicked his tail mercilessly, sending Wollaston flying into the dungeon.

The huge Wollaston hit the stone wall, causing the entire stratum rock hill to shake.


Then the monsters let go, and the gate of the dungeon was closed again. ,

Looking at the thick wooden stakes in front of him, Bei Luo knew that they couldn't hold a golden dragon at all.

What's more, golden dragons can also breathe flames.

When Wollaston wakes up, he can use the flame breath to burn the stake.

So just in case, Beilu cast a forbidden magic at the entrance of the dungeon.

Completely seal Wollaston in the dungeon.

After doing all this, Bei Luo flapped his dragon wings and left with confidence. .

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